Guys, I messed up

Guys, I messed up
I set my resolution to 400×300 just to see what happens and now I cannot reach the button to change the settings to normal. I came set the resolution back to a higher one, but the ‘apply’ and ‘save’ buttons are below the edge of the screen. What do I do?

Attached: IMG_20180414_151927066_HDR.jpg (4160x3120, 3.55M)

>Guys, I messed up
>I set my resolution to 400×300 just to see what happens and now I cannot reach the button to change the settings to normal. I came set the resolution back to a higher one, but the ‘apply’ and ‘save’ buttons are below the edge of the screen. What do I do?
try hitting tab to select those buttons and enter key to press them.

install gentoo

Try to use tab to get to them

>I set my resolution to 400×300 just to see what happens
the state of Jow Forums

There's literally nothing you can do. Linux is literally dogshit and there's a huge reason why 0.00001% of users actually have it (ie computer scientists).

This reminds me of the glory days. Have you tried RM -rf *?

kill x or use xrandr

Serious question: what did you think was gonna happen?

You can hold alt and drag the window on most WMs.