/FFAOG/ FireFox Add-On General

/FFAOG/ FireFox Add-On General

What are the best add-ons firefox user should install? Discussion about whether add-ons are botnets or if they're legit.

I'll start--is Ghostery legit or useful in any way?

Attached: ghostery-100536936-primary.idge.jpg (620x413, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>is Ghostery legit or useful in any way?
Also no. It's owned by an advertising company.

Awesome, thanks.

What's the best adblocker? I've heard great things about uBlock origin, but I've been an ABP user for years.

Attached: 2018-04-14-204200_1680x1050_scrot-or8.png (396x473, 19K)

seems like it wants a lot of info for something that's supposed to protect my privacy. It also apears to want to store whatever it wants on my computer. Is this any good?

Attached: Untitled1.png (405x222, 17K)

I can't live without Imagus, is it botnet?

>ublock origin
>privacy badger
>https everywhere
It's all you need privacy wise.

Remember to
>check if it's free
>check the business model
>check if the owners have a past of selling data
>check if the product is linked with advertisers

could have said /fag/

ADB became shit since they use white lists... I stay with ublock. It's quiet good these days. Maybe there is a better alternative?

Attached: shrek meme.png (353x334, 131K)

>Privacy is a universal right.
>Decentraleyes does not collect any data of any kind.
If you don't thrust them check their source code: github.com/Synzvato/decentraleyes.

Attached: pp_decentraleyes.png (1326x644, 68K)

Installed noscript and it basically broke the internet for me. It's very frustrating how many sites require javascript.

I use: Decentraleyes, Vimium-FF, Cookie AutoDelete, UserAgent Switcher, HTTPS Everywhere, uBlock Origin
Also, if u want something like Ghostery but less kikeish, consider privacy badger. It's got a learning algorithm that figures out shit as you browse with it.

Attached: kittenboy.jpg (500x522, 34K)

The trick is to enable just enough stuff for the site to function and nothing more.

I just started using container tabs. Pretty neat you can have certain sites automatically open in certain containers.

Attached: ff.png (1206x751, 98K)

Looking for a video downloader for firefox 59.0.2

that acronym would have been unfortunate


tried opening the windows installer and nothing

Attached: 3.png (2278x833, 90K)

You're probably playing dumb but something tells me you actually do need the gui version


holy shit how many fucking Greasemonkey forks there are?

i wish i was playing dumb. Ive got python 3.6 installed, and now feel retarded that i have no idea how to get this to work

Like five, but only three are widely used. Violentmonkey if you're an edgelord, Tampermonkey if you're an engineering student or a redneck, and Greasemonkey if you're a neckbeard.

Ghostery is snake oil

Attached: 1492208378964.png (1701x8000, 2.69M)

The people on this board are retarded. disconnect and privacy badger do nothing that ublock orgin cant do with the correct lists.

>he can't afford the extra ram usage for the extra layer of assurance

It stores the requests that websites make to CDNs so you don't get them from Google et al. servers

wrong picture dumbass

No, it's also related.


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 5.34.23 PM.png (731x494, 97K)

>Clicking Ads So You Don't Have To
Holy shit are you trying to encourage them?

Decentraleyes, Facebook Container, HTTPS everywhere, No Coin, Privacy Badger, Start Page, and Ublock Origin Here. Feel pretty good.

Ghostery is botnet.

This desu. I thought people figured that out years ago.

muh economic terrorism

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 5.46.30 PM.png (186x31, 10K)

>having an account on facebook in the first place

No Coin is bloat since ublock origin uses the same filters and more.

It works well together, and I don't really have to worry about insufficient protection.

Attached: rfsOVJT.png (1494x763, 122K)

Literally none of the information on that image would require that DDG retain any info on users.

You click an amazon.com link from DDG>Amazon sees that the referer was DDG>you buy shit>Amazon gives DDG a cut

Additionally, your user agent is in your packets that you're sending DDG, and the location they give you is probably based off of your IP address, which is almost always wrong by at least several miles. Just because they can provide you your user agent info, your IP address, and your approximate location when you request it does not mean that they retain that information.

I'm not saying DDG doesn't keep user information because it's really impossible to know, but nothing about that image indicates that they do.

sitting on 56

Attached: 1519073879543.png (965x455, 31K)