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Attached: dasher.png (1193x892, 2.05M)

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>when you wait over a year for shitty blue SA caps

Leopold makes the best shit.
980pd with mx clear

Attached: leopoold.jpg (2206x1267, 1.44M)

it's a shame both those switches are utter trash

They're my two favorite boards! However I have plenty more so no worries.

Attached: keyboard.jpg (706x1249, 646K)

man, the more I read about those dome with slider boards the more turned off I am
if I buy that (admittedly really cute) small board I have to deal with
>have to bottom out to register
>most likely only 2KRO
>2 adapters
>abs keycaps
>tiny backspace
having to bottom out 55g keys would really suck

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (1600x1200, 225K)

oh and the nav cluster is completely fucked, they shouldn't have even bothered

looks shit

anyone know how to make xmodmap persistent across restarts?
I run it from a text file and even though I added the command into the mate startup list I still have to run it manually

They're a cool novelty but I wouldn't use it as your only board. Get a plum in the layout you like the most and then when you have more money you can put either BKE redux or korean ebay domes in it and then lube it.
I would go with the korean ebay domes(55g) and then the 10g springs and carefully apply lube. Should be just as good of a typing experience as topre but at like $140 instead of $230.
I also thought the corsair k55 felt better than any of their boards with cherry switches, although this is not saying much as they only had red/brown/speed/blue.

$150 USD
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Linear, I've only used Cherry Reds but I'd like to try others
>Form factor
I don't need it, but I wouldn't avoid buying a keyboard only because it had it
>Previous/current keyboards
Steelseries 6Gv2

I've been looking at the Pok3r, the Poker II, the Leopold FC660M, and the DZ60. I'm leaning towards the Pok3r, but building a board sounds like a lot of fun.


Thanks friendo. I actually found a cheap 55g 103UB on eBay and sourced the domes and sliders from that.

Seriously, the HiPro sliders can make the bottoming out of a key press harsh, instead of the typical topre cushiony bottom out. It also does nothing for "wobbliness" due to it's necessary tapered shape, but wobbliness sans the sliders has not been an issue at all.

I was intending on selling the 103UB remaining parts but I'm lazy.

I also have an 87UB sitting around and can confirm that the HiPro caps work nicely on it. Good luck finding the caps for sale on their own though.

Try one of the newer acepad hall effect boards.

I'm undecided on what I want to do next but I'm thinking about getting a realforce of some kind. I may skip hi pro and just get a 87u 55g in white. fc660c and hhkb are so different in feel that they may as well be two totally different mechanisms so I want to try the third version(55g) as well.
When people hate on topre I wonder which version they tried. Very grateful to be able to have both 35g and 50g(i hear fc660c is between 45 and 55).

can i post now or am i still blocked

post what?

What's the heaviest Cherry MX-compatible switch available? I'm converting an AlphaSmart 3000 to mechanical, and I want the clear key to be hard to press.

MX super black. Has a ~150g spring in it iirc. Of course it'd be much easier to just buy super heavy springs rather than try and hunt down a board which has that switch.

my keyboard has been recently involved in a fatal accident involving beer and a guitar headstock and so I was looking to buy one

i very recently got fired (company going bankrupt actually) so max is £100 so that i can keep programming meanwhile I find another fucking job

i liked the V60, thoughs on that one? the keyboard I destroyed was a 70% kbt with blue mx's, and while I like(d) it i found that I tend to mistype a lot and I'm not 100% sure about the switches, would clicky matias switches be better? i like tactile ones

Jow Forums blocked my ip range for a few days and couldn't post, who knows maybe my neighbor is a pedophile

V60 with matias is a pretty decent choice. If you don't care about noise get clicky, otherwise the quiet click is fine too.

Uh, any MX-compatible ones that are still readily available?

No. Just buy some 150g springs nigga.

Sorry, didn't understand that at first. Sounds like a sensible idea since I won't have to buy a couple of switches specifically for one key. Also, I can just add weight to more keys without having to resolder. Thanks.

you got banned, Jow Forums doesn't block ip ranges

Guys I think I like clicky switches.

that's really good to hear because I bought it yesterday, it will arrive monday I guess

the reason I have to get rid of the kbt race2 is not the beer itself, the keyboard survived that just fine after cleaning it with IPA and all that stuff, the problem is that a few of the switches got absolutely fucked while I was removing the keys to clean it, the blue part of the switch was kind of seized to the cap, any idea why this might happen?

i am aware the kbt race2 is not a great keyboard but self-seizing keycaps really annoyed me

it was 4 or 5 years old though so maybe that's why

Here user :^)


must've been tripping on lsd when i saw this then

Attached: e59aikue83oz.png (939x165, 15K)

Just to be sure, Gateron for example are compatible with springs made for Cherry MX? I would assume they are, but just making sure.

Yes. Alps/matias & kailh box use different springs, though.

Well, the PCB I'm going to use is only compatible with Cherry MX, and the Kailh Box switches aren't available for PCB mount, though they are MX compatible.

They do tho

Hey if you ditch MX and get an Alps clone you can get 280g switches from aliexpress

red dragon vara/kumara

help pls keyboard gurus

Can someone please explain to me why there are subhuman mongoloids that hit the spacebar with their fucking index fingers??

Attached: 1515153638045.png (512x512, 69K)

sure, there's 3 possible reasons that i could imagine a situation where people wont hit the space bar with their thumbs but with their index fingers.

possibility number one, they have only 3 rows an their thumbs are outside the keyboard making it easyer to click the space bar with the index fingers.

possibility number two, they have a programmable keyboard and their space bar is set up on the keys F and J (you must be a total retard if you actually do this)

possibility number three, user types standing and with his hands totally extended typing only with the tips making it impossible to reach the keyboard with their thumbs.

i hope its helpful for you

that deep voiced nigger that reviews the vintage boards types like that and it's infuriating

o yeas that's another reason one could "type" spaces using his index finger, he must be doing a keyboard review and just presses it for display

top 1 has BKE original domes, BKE keycaps, and is silenced
bottom 1 is a HHKB with HiPro keycaps taken from a realforce hipro and 55g domes taken from a 55g realforce.
My 2 endgames

Attached: 20180413_213520.jpg (4032x3024, 3.82M)

i type like that, that's how i learned, there is literally no difference whatsoever between the two ways, prove me wrong you autistic manchild

fun fact: all spaces in this post were added with my right index finger

>moving your entire fucking hand to hit the space EVEN THOUGH YOUR THUMB IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE YOU STUPID MOTHERUCKER

i dont move my entire fucking hand to hit space, what the fuck man

So that bottom one is effectively like a $700 hhkb huh?
It better feel like absolute heaven to type on.
I prefer fc660c keyfeel to hhkb, stock vs stock.

Yup it was an expensive fucker, luckily I made some money back on the 55g realforce by putting in BKE redux domes in place of the 55g domes that I stole.
I'm also working on swapping the hipro housings in the old hipro realforce with standard topre ones and installing MX sliders to put some DSA, SA, or DEV TTY caps on there and sell that off too

That's not a bad idea. I'll think about doing something similar. I like the hhkb stock but I imagine hi pro+55g is worlds better.
Sick board man.

>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Blue or Green
>Form factor
TKL or smaller
Don't care
>Previous/current keyboards
Cooler Master QFR with frosty flake

I'm looking for a new keyboard to use at work. I would prefer one that could be reprogrammed. I would buy another qfr with a frosty flake if I could but they aren't available anymore afaik. I'm comfortable with soldering but I don't want to wait 3 months for some dumbass group buy that might never show up. I mostly want the repogrammability for ctrl on caps and hjkl arrow keys.

Is there a wrist rest that fits a Model M perfectly? Where can I get it
Only have one that fits a TKL keyboard

It's something only Canadians really do

Attached: 104 key salute.jpg (1500x1000, 581K)

>wrist rest
you know those are bad for you. the model m was designed to be used by hovering your hand over the keyboard

how are the Tai Haos holding up?
It's been a few years since that buy.

I liked it better with the other keycaps. those look gaudy

wtf is this color combination omg, kick delete before you can't

really? why are they
I've been using one for years with no wrist issues

Pretty sure I killed my cheap chink mechanical keyboard(it's drying now) but an upgrade has been long time coming anyway.

I won't ask for keyboard recommendations but if someone can suggest which stores ship internationally reasonably fast and don't charge an arm and leg for it, I'd be grateful. I'm in eastern Europe and only keyboards I can buy locally is mainstream gaming stuff.

you're not supposed to put any pressure on your wrists as it can cause RSI

not many places like that exist. amazon is all I could think off.

great keyboards, wish they were usb-c though

Do people really do this?

what about the stores mentioned under
in the buying guide?


Attached: who does this.png (1285x711, 1.43M)

anybody who says they do this is baiting

That's unbelievably retarded.

you said
>fast and don't charge an arm and leg for it
those stores do ship internationally, but they take weeks and aren't cheap

Who /Ducky One2/ here?

well to be fair he did invent linux

Attached: imageproxy.php.jpg (791x584, 85K)

So that's Linus' hand in the picture. I'd expect nothing less from a glorified box-reading shill

Have you considered switching out the switches in your QFR for BOX Navys?

not me :/

Attached: 1521204821479.jpg (2560x1440, 986K)

How the fuck did you manage that and why don't you just fix it back into place?

Considering buying this:
Convince me why I shouldn't.


Attached: dsag.png (457x380, 262K)

>TKL RGB trash
If you're going to get a Ducky, get a nice looking one

but it's not TKL
I want a backlight and my autism prevents me from just getting like a white or blue backlight despite 99% chance I'd be perfectly satisfied with it on the off chance that one day I might want to switch it.

>generic black keyboard with rgb
looks like shit, as always

>generic black keyboard
that's literally why I love it though, the simple no frills look is great.

I will use the backlight in single color I just want a choice of colors.

Get a Ducky One2 with white backlighting and white frame, put up with your autism because it looks 10x better than the trash you posted

backlights are for 12 year old autists, or geriatrics who grew up without computers

>white frame
but that's kitschy as fuck why would I do that
I'm a 29 year old autist so it's fine

its not no frills its covered in rgb trash

Because it looks 10x better than the trash you posted.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Why? I will use it with single color anyway unless you somehow can't.

which looks like retarded gamer trash

You've clearly got your mind set on the keyboard regardless of what we tell you, so why don't you just buy it? You're an adult, you don't need our approval.

I was actually expecting people to comment on something other than looks(as looks are clearly subjective)

You should've specified that in your post then. As far as build quality goes, Ducky is very good. I've never used those particular switched though so I can't comment on them.

Aesthetic is subjective, if everything else is how you want it and you like the RGB aesthetic, grab it. Ignore the /mkg/ meckuckinal elitists.

okay, RGB LEDs are trash since they fail in some of the worst ways possible. Ducky has issues with RED LEDs dying first before green and blue, but fixing them yourself is is easy. The other thing is that the keycaps still have warping issues where parts of the infill is blocked off resulting in some pretty terrible shine through

Just ordered some Ducky One Skyline with silver switches

What am I in for?

Shitty OEM profile keycaps and an ugly two tone case.
Should've gotten a Leopold instead

Hey, I need to order a keyboard.
I have a Ducky Shine 2 with browns. I love browns. What should I get next? I want if for games, I hate Red.

buypig, just use the one you have

An Ergodox gamepad with browns

anything cyberpunk esque?

It's old and starting to die. LED's are going out. I wanted something with low bezel design.

I also can't handle ABS caps. I'm seriously leaning towards the clear MK Fission.

>I'll spend extra on this since I want something really good that will last a very long time
>2 years later
>time to buy more stuff
buypigs, always the same

When the fuck did Jow Forums get infected with poor niggers?