Does there exist a font better than Consolas?

Does there exist a font better than Consolas?

Attached: consolas-ss-590x422.png (590x422, 220K)

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I've been using Hack for a while

Attached: hack-ss-590x361.png (590x361, 187K)

Inconsolata, Fira Code...

DejaVu Sans Mono is the only valid answer.


Attached: inconsolata.png (609x320, 37K)

vim in conemu using fixedsys

Attached: fixedsys.jpg (427x238, 38K)

unifont, but unironically

>not DejaVu Sans Mono Slashed

Source Code Pro


Inconsolata-g is my favorite.
Fork of Inconsolata.

Attached: 73_ZmZ2_8Qn8xnAY3iS4JCFshUSi9eOsUPAGXMGyCjeMWSV7YUPoPutVQ4tLTjIK-UV05WOy7ev5w9ktBGZlO1zIrjCbyzsyOQfi (760x324, 36K)

fira mono
dejavu sans mono
probably monaco too
Dejavu sans mono looks amazing without any aliasing too

Pragmata pro is patrician

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I need some new fonts. I have terminus, scientifica and tewi and I also kinda like misc fixed. I also have a fixed sys clone font just because f my nostalgia for win 3.1.

holy shit, came here to say this. I really love consolas, but being forced to used terminus to install arch converted me.

Times new roman

Attached: font_test_timesnewroman_10.png (548x212, 22K)

Dayum son
I am gonna go and change my font to ptagmata pro
How dows one even read fonts like tewi, kakwafont and terminus on 1920x1080 resolution

Attached: IMG_20170424_184612.jpg (938x486, 109K)

I'm using IBM Plex Mono. Used to use Consolas and DejaVu Sans Mono.

I just want a tablet/e-ink you can write on pdfs AND epubs and that has pressure sensitivity.
Pic related suggestions?

Attached: Sony-DPT-RP1-vs-reMarkable-560x353.jpg (560x353, 33K)

IBM Plex is my font of choice now.

Have been using Fora and Iosevka before.

>anything but Brogrammer


Nova Mono.


Brogrammer sucks with SASS and html(with php), but very good with Javascript

Fixedsys forever (or courier) :^)


Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-15 mononoki.png (1663x1846, 196K)


Spent an an hour trying to figure out how to import this font to qt... but to no avail

Attached: 56A3E95B-AFFD-44B4-B870-CA73C4FEDD49.jpg (993x738, 303K)

Not very dyslexia-friendly.

200$ for a fucking font. No, thanks.

Isn't there an Inconsolata-g with not-faggy g's? I really need to look into all the Inconsolata offshoots again. Anyway, Overpass is pretty clean and good for coding and GUI's.

P.S. Does anyone know what font Salix uses for the tty console? It's the only one I've really liked for that use case.

>not torrenting your fonts
If you can afford it then do it, I've tried many fonts for coding and this font has topped them all. "font name" in (((Google))) also works well.


Attached: font_ibm_vga8.png (512x402, 12K)

Only good for dorfs.

Fixed Semicondensed, squashed vertically and with 1 px extra letter space.

Attached: 2018-04-15_121457_649006448.png (487x299, 5K)

>forced to use a specific font to install arch
what the fuck are you even doing?

IBM Plex Mono is the future

this and only this

I like the overpass font family


menlo desu

Attached: menlo-ss-590x362.png (590x362, 191K)

Been trying forever, how do I get the tty fonts, and this font to work in urxvt or xterm?

That's actually not bad besides the periods, (semi)colons, and exclamation marks, which look like ass.

Why is this even a question?

Attached: 1493093647057.png (939x580, 105K)

Those all look fine to me, the bit that irks me about this is actually the the parentheses, and bar characters.

>using proprietary font

>That kerning on the i and l

Attached: triggered.png (500x529, 328K)

Apercu Mono is the best looking one that I have ever seen

source code pro. something about it keeps making me switch back to it.

That does look nice. 47 quid though :/
Do they have a reduced charset trial version, like ASCII only or similar?

Attached: 2018-04-15_153630_245535322.png (949x898, 118K)

looks ni-
>these parentheses

Attached: dsfsfsf.png (52x18, 752)

The only thing I don't get it how the fuck OTF version of IBM Plex Mono is inferior to the TTF variant?

Attached: Screenshot_20180415-164842.png (1080x1920, 246K)

Pick one

>Uneven paranthesis
What the fuck

I hacked up my own variant of ProFont to get the exact combo of spacing and glyphs I wanted.

Attached: camacho_6x9_sample.png (479x752, 23K)

if :=+-~ is not vertically symmetric your font is shit

if ()[]{} are not the same height your font is shit


It looks too much like Comic Sans


Attached: proggy.png (439x301, 7K)

I prefer slashed zero to dotted zero.

Nothing can beat Consolas

Font Awesome

used to use operator
now just use ibm plex desu

was plex the one with the literal worst website of all time?

By having 800x600
No seriously they have multiple sizes that should be acceptable on 1920x1080.

I dunno. It's pretty new.


looks pretty gay ngl

my eyes have become too shit for this 8(

i mean they had stiff competition with dropbox in the running
but yeah it was a weird announcement site


This, absolutely based.

Where do I get this?


size 10 un-anti-alias'd courier new at smallest zoom before becoming ugly.

MS Gothic, my vt420's default font.

o shit fuck courier new this ones better

I dual boot Windows and Arch linux, and honestly prefer Consolas to Terminus. Terminus doesn't look so great when bigger than like 11pt

That's just my slightly modified version of Fixed Semicondensed, I haven't published it anywhere. But you can get Fixed Semicondensed (aka 6x13) here:

On Linux it's already preinstalled, you just need to enable bitmap fonts and use this as the font name:


Then set your terminal emulator to add one pixel between each character. In URXVT that's

URxvt.letterSpace: 1
URxvt.lineSpace: 0

If you want less spacing between lines, set linespace to a negative number. There should be similar settings in other terminal emulators.

I honestly find comic sans nicest to read and work with

I hate the "r" on the mono version, but it's pretty good otherwise.

proprietary but nice

Attached: sfmono.png (1696x1032, 132K)

Input is pretty nice

I do my coding in comic sans. It makes me happy for some reason.

Just use profont you did damn children.

Try this

Topic was to point out fonts better than Consolas, not to find fonts suitable for subhumans.

Roboto is best fonto.

Times New Roman 12pt

PT Mono for me.

Noto Mono.

>programming fonts

Attached: 1522275843434.jpg (600x750, 80K)

I use comic sans with a red and yellow theme at work because it pisses everyone that walks by off

It's pretty good.

I wish I could use something like "tewi", but my 210 PPI display is too small for that.

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f6c7563792e6769746875622e696f2f746577692d666f6e742f746577692d322e706e67.png (606x366, 4K)

Vertically centered asterisks and tildes are pretty cancerous.

Attached: chiyo-3.png (560x580, 443K)

>having this opinion

Attached: a09.png (772x804, 414K)

What is this color scheme called?

Hermit is a really nice font, imo.