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Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists... >b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage. >b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech? Try disroot, autistici or aktivix
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
What does that exactly do? Would I have to use it after I connected my PC to my TV? What about my speakers?
Sorry for asking so many questions.
Luis Rogers
if it works (has no output?) then you should have the right kernel modules for the sound driver. just checking on that
Owen Diaz
Load the driver module. -r option unload it.
Landon Russell
who is that semen demon? The paramedic is also cute
Lucas Sullivan
What is an easy way to reset a password? What happens if I delete the user line in etc/shadow
Tyler Nguyen
>What is an easy way to reset a password? passwd >What happens if I delete the user line in etc/shadow You're doomed. But why did you edit by hand that file?
Aiden Bennett
passwd don't mess with shadow, let the tools do it
Jeremiah Scott
debian a best
Nicholas Morris
recompiled everything with new gcc version >297 of 324 wish me luck, this is the one I failed on last time.
What's the deal with installing Ganoo+Loonichs on a modern UFEI system? I want to install Fedora 28 on a convertible tablet but I'm scared of wiping out the internal storage (not sure exactly what it is, but it's counted as a mmcblk in /dev so it's not a normal drive) which includes the EFI partition. I've found guides which talk about mounting the EFI partition and copying files into it, but they didn't seem very clear.
Pic unrelated. Or maybe it's me shouting at these shitty closed BIOS replacements.
just deleted the thing from a liveusb, booted back in, it let me login without a password and I could set the password from there.
Grayson Green
>mmcblk in /dev so it's not a normal drive It's a normal drive if you have normal drivers efi partition is a partition in the GUID partition format with type ef00 and type fat 16 or 32 you can mount it at /boot for simplicity
Blake Wright
I have a headless computer on the network. I can see it does things I expect it to do, so it is running. It has a static IP, but I can't ping it even though I have connected to it directly and set my IP in the same range. What can I do to test what is wrong? I don't want to call a guy for this.
Is anyone else having problems booting VMs using OVMF firmware lately? I did a dist-upgrade on debian testing and now I can no longer boot from disks (either images, or raw devices), though I can still boot from CD for some reason.
Samuel Jones
>-manually using the fstrim command (you can also schedule this using cron) sudo fstrim -v / /: 7,1 GiB (7633551360 bytes) trimmed
Did I do it right?
David Green
Carter Price
Can I just wipe out the whole storage device and have Fedora (dib:DD) sort EFI booting out or will deleting the stock EFI partition do bad things?
Luke Thomas
I tried tried passing through my Windows drive using OVMF on Arch and it worked fine, don't have any images set up unfortunately. What's your issue? I know the name of the OVMF firmware image changed recently, you might have to change your OVMF config file if you haven't done so already.
Jonathan Cox
>will deleting the stock EFI partition do bad things? idk probably fine to delete. mount it and see what's in there if you're worried. Make a back up of it with dd if you're super worried.
Lincoln Evans
So I want to calculate hashes of all existing files in two folders and save them to a file, when I add new files I want the list updated, but when I remove the file I want to keep the hashes of the removed files, so I came up with the following script that does the job: find folder_one -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{ print $1 }' >> hashes.txt find folder_two -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{ print $1 }' >> hashes.txt sort -u hashes.txt > hashes.tmp.txt mv hashes.tmp.txt hashes.txt
Though I cannot help but wonder, is there any way to do it without the temporary file? If i pipe the output of sort directly back to hashes.txt it just comes up empty.
Nolan Flores
It boots straight into the "UEFI Interactive Shell", which as I understand it is part of the OVMF firmware.
Mason Wood
You overwrite the file you read, that won't work. You could however get rid of the mv by writing to the temp-file first.
Matthew Edwards
REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable Does this mean I reject all icmp messages?
Ian Richardson
Yeah but then by writing to tmp first and then sorting to the proper file I'd still need to rm the file instead of mv, I was just kinda curious if I can do it with a single command.
Caleb Rivera
The last time OVMF updated for me I had to change my domain's location of the nvram for the firmware. /usr/share/ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd
Eli Campbell
No, that rejects everything.
Joseph Martin
That just means you don't have any bootable drives or images. If you're sure the drives are bootable check your boot order, might be trying to load something else.
Aaron Clark
>Decide to install Gentoo >Input "The command" >That was 4 hours ago How long is this going to take?
Landon Morales
what command? you're not supposed to genkernel all
Parker Powell
I've gone into the boot manager and tried manually selecting every drive. Only thing that works is booting from an install CD. I can boot from these drives just fine natively or by creating a VM with standard BIOS firmware.
The location doesn't seem to have changed on debian.
Cooper Thompson
genkernel all doesn't take as long as emerging a base system depends on your specs and environment variables MAKEOPTS="-j($nproc)" or mounting /var/tmp/portage in a tmpfs
Juan King
emerge --ask --update --deep --newuse @world
It never ends!
Samuel Richardson
>ISIS finger salute >Stallman is an ISIS terrorist
Michael Ross
Once you're in the interactive shell type 'exit'. This will bring you to the UEFI menu. It should look like this. Go to Boot Manager and see if there are any UEFI drivers there, and try to boot from one.
you can ctrl+c and it will stop. you can change your environment and try again. it only stops the currently being compiled software, but anything that has compiled already is still good.
Jayden Cruz
Oh yea I got that, it's just that I wanted some estimate on the time it would take. Get an idea of if I should go to sleep now or if I should stay awake and do the genkernel thing since that apparently(?) takes a good amount of time too.
Jayden Miller
be sure to use tmux so you can do something else while you wait and it will show you how far along your emerge is in the bottom
>sudo fstrim -v / is it worth it? how much time would it take for a 240GB SSD that's almost full?
Brandon Myers
Please head to wikipedia and read about what trimming is and what it does.
Henry Martinez
Just trying to change DNS in xubuntu holy hell where do I do it? Have options under ipv4 in network manager, also dnsmasq config files. Wtf is dnsmasq for anyway? Keeps using local resolver
Alexander Lee
Normally you'd do it in your DHCP Server
Joseph Foster
you are probably using networkmanager so look for DNS settings in your current connection dnsmasq is a small dhcp and dns server -- things that run on a router. you can set your router to use an upstream DNS server for all hosts that use it for DNS
Luke Hall
Modify resolv.conf and chattr +i it ;)
Luke Jones
How to install new fonts in void linux?
Dominic Sanders
What does /fglt/ think of systemd and pulseaudio?
Brandon Wilson
Both are bloat and systemd is botnet.
Isaac Gomez
same way you install them on any other distro.
Andrew Allen
I've decided to give installing Arch on an old tower a try. It only has a usb wireless network device. What level of challenge am I looking at before I'm using a functional desktop?
Anthony Perry
I love 'em. go to if you're going to bash it (or if they can even keep minimalist general off page 11)
Michael Myers
How do you create a bookmark in a pdf with libreoffice writer? I'm editing an existing pdf.
Jeremiah Kelly
Don't really like the projects but ended up using both of them.
Brody Torres
Is Wayland in an usable state over X now?
Joshua Butler
Google the name of the driver and see what module it uses.Check aur for driver, if its there then copy the package to the usb and install it during chroot
>libreoffice writer Mistake, I meant libreoffice draw, not writer. Any ideas?
Colton Moore
Almost there. The combination of atomic modesetting and wlroots will make Sway >= 1.0 a serious contender for older systems or RPis.
Cooper King
Not for me any time soon probably
Landon Garcia
How do you create bookmarks like these in a pdf document with libreoffice draw? I'm editing an existing pdf that has no bookmarks.
I've been searching for the past hour or so and even on the libreoffice ask website there is no answer to this, why is a feature like bookmarks so obscure in libreoffice draw? don't people normally use bookmarks in pdf files, especially the large ones? I just want to mark a page with a bookmark so one can go to it directly from the bookmark menu, but no matter where I look, there is no edition option resembling this feature in libreoffice draw.
Do you know if wlroots will fix the display hotplugging issues? I really want to use sway but I need to be able to turn my TV on and off.
Caleb Thomas
idk how libreoffice draw works but can you highlight the text that you want at the start a bookmark and change it's "heading" style?
Juan Hughes
Both are just fine.
Julian Davis
I think so. There's a separate wlroots repo now, so check there.
Andrew Robinson
Shit and shit
Julian Powell
As far as I know not all pdf-creating programs support that. I'd use Latex for that.
Brody Wood
Sadly it doesn't have that, text lines are treated as objects too so it makes no difference whether I try that on text, icons or background. There should be a separate feature dedicated to bookmarks.
Latex can edit existing pdf files? if it's about writing to pdf, I can do that with LO writer, it probably has a bookmarks feature too, it's just it doesn't read saved pdf files.
Maybe I should just download acrobat pro and try with tha- >1GB bloat
Fuck my life.
Jack Lopez
No, you'd have to make the whole document as tex instead.
And I don't know what LO can do with pdfs, but its quite possible it can't do what you need. Maybe search the net for this, it's quite likely someone else aleady had the same problem.
No answer though. There're no blogs nor youtube guides that explain how to do this in LO either.
Carter Bennett
screw LO just search about how to edit bookmarks in pdf files.
Luke Garcia
Well, I found jpdfbookmarks-2.5.2 and it did the trick, pretty easily too. I'll petition LO to add a similar feature later, maybe. It sucks suck a great kit of software lacks some very basic features like these, I've only used LO for the past couple years for everything.
Henry Sanchez
RtL8821au requires a DKMS installation, according to the wiki, will I be able to do that before I have internet access?
Carson Fisher
as long as you bring those packages with you to the install environment, so linux-headers, dkms, your driver
David Brown
Ayden Peterson
How do I boot into my newly installed linux distro after installing it?
I'm trying to run it alongside Windows 10 on the same drive, which I think may be the root of the problem. The Windows bootloader doesn't give me any options for anything else to boot into. If I disable that in my bios settings, I can't boot into anything at all (all I get is something like "No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key." If I use the live disk I used to install it, it can detect the partition and let me boot into it, so it seems as though it was properly installed. I'm honestly at a loss for what to do here, so any advice is appreciated
This might be bitching out, but I think I'll use a 100 foot cable for network connection and then I can just follow the driver page instructions to DKMS. Thanks for the help.
Parker Gomez
What email provuder does /fglt/ use and recommend? Searchind for the least botnet possible without running my own server.
Noah Rodriguez
use the non-meme domains for "serious" stuff.
Ryan Johnson
>That post gave me freedom
Jason Green
Anyone tried pure os? Care ti share experiences?
Adam Wilson
How the hell do I download the WiFi drivers for my thinkpad running Debian 9?