How do we get rid of the Debian niggers from this board? They think they know more about computers than Ubuntufags which is laughable. They think their OS is stable which is even more so. They shit on anyone who uses an OS with an even slightly more complicated installation (i.e. Arch, Gentoo, etc.)
Also all Debian based distros are compromised. Eat shit faggots.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Also all Debian based distros are compromised. Eat shit faggots.
[citation needed]
you;re shit
>Linux soycucks on suicide watch.
Dragonfly is the patrician choice.
This anons post
>How do we get rid of the Debian niggers from this board? They think they know more about computers than Ubuntufags which is laughable. They think their OS is stable which is even more so. They shit on anyone who uses an OS with an even slightly more complicated installation (i.e. Arch, Gentoo, etc.)
Debian is a good first distro that's all, once they know better they will jump to something more customizable.
>Also all Debian based distros are compromised.
Source? Or are you talking of systemD? Probably systemD.
I agree.
>t. arch user who thinks hes hot shit because he can copy lines verbatim from a wiki
t. Debian faggot who thinks he's hot shit even though he can't
>Source? Or are you talking of systemD? Probably systemD.
well there was that debian RNG snafu, and they (alongside RHEL shit) are the two root distros for 90% of the linux market, so that doesn't exactly instill confidence
Literal joke, packages are enormous blobs but no no, only pay attention to package count and ignore it was one of the first to move to poettershit. Literally not minimalist.
Great if you have the spare time to figure out the best flags for your system, literally nothing wrong with it
Take debian and throw all the stability out the window
Honestly considering just moving to it, though it's package maintenance isn't so hot
Net install and be judicious about using Sid repos. Unwavering stability and super simple system configuration with dpkg.
Thanks for nothing.
I am forced to use arch daily and i dream of Debian at night. I've used both of them in a professional environment for years and there is simply no debate.
>t. a guy forced to use arch because of company policy
>company policy
what? I have so many questions:
1. what does your company do?
2. Is your boss autistic?
3. how often are meetings canceled because xorg broke?
4. is it mandated you use an anime background?
5. what DE do you use at work?
This is lies. There are zero companies on earth that use Arch. Nice try Debian niggers.
based user
Stop posting this bullshit you stupid tard
How do we get of the idiots who do nothing but shitpost about what distro to use?
Leave the technolgy board if your technical knowledge stops at chosing a distro that makes you feel superior.
IT here. Not company policy, but there's at least one person using Arch at work. (me)
Other than that, I'm aware of a couple fedoras, a debian and an ubuntu being used by others. There's more Linux around, but I haven't dug into everybody.
I'm the only person using i3 as wm... rest seem to use GNOME (madness).
Gnome is pretty good workflow wise
based gentoo memelord
I use debian+xfeces. stay upset
Reported for racism.
I use Debian because I hate change. Debian 8 could be left alone with auto security updates until the 2020 end of life.
hope you drown in a pool of cum
People literally only hate fedora because of the fedora mlady meme
dwm here, we usually steal the i3 niggers' lunch money
>complicated installation
What is debootstrap
i3 uses less resources. Enjoy having to buy more memory faggot.
Yes I will, because I'm not poor.
I've used it before. I do like it. I do prefer i3 these days; the main reason is that dwm needs third party patches for unicode support, as I do like to use kanji numerals.
Is this board only populated by poorfags who can't afford ram? Jesus Christ.
and the Facebook-like logo
But the i5 is faster.
but I use debian and do none of those things, you faggot
What's up motherfucker how ya doing
i want to use debian testing since it is more stable than unstable and it contains newer packages,but the features freeze makes it annoying to use
any suggestions?
>since it is more stable than unstable
That's not true, what makes you think that?
>They think they know more about computers than Ubuntufags which is laughable
I believe they know more or equal to, but i agree that they are pretentious af compared to ubuntufags.
>what makes you think that?
posts in debian forums,reddit and related online communities(including Jow Forums)
and the fact that it ensures dependencies can be resolved
for fucks sake can you idiots stop making shitty threads
>Literal joke, packages are enormous blobs but no no, only pay attention to package count and ignore it was one of the first to move to poettershit. Literally not minimalist.
i like how configurable it is, okay? and it's the only distro to ever just werk for me. so. stop being so mean pls ;(
Sid gets frozen too.
It's only for a few months before every release so it doesn't bother me, but if it annoys you just use sid which should have the suitable libs for compiling what you want.
I used arch for like 3 years before realizing that the only software I NEEDED to be 100% up to date is retroarch and mpv, so I just compile them from source now.
Not a big deal for me since it's just 2 programs but if the number is bigger for you than debian just isn't the one.
>it ensures dependencies can be resolved
No it doesn't.
It's true that unstable is more often in a state where one or more packages are deemed broken, but these last at most few days.
On the other hand testing has numerous methods of failing, a package may be pulled because it fails tests or is otherwise deemed unfit, that may have dependency ramifications.
A broken package may enter testing, uploads are automatic and don't catch all cases.
A big transition is underway, see glibc for example.
Testing has more profound breakages, they last longer and might be intentional by the developers.
I'd never use testing over unstable, testing is purely used and aimed by developers.
Where as unstable has an unofficial status of being usable on the desktop.
Go ask #debian or better yet #debian-devel if you don't believe me.
while you're right, if something does catastrophically breaks like that you can just log into a tty, change your sources to sid or downgrade the broken package and be on your merry way.
unless you're fucking around with PPAs on stable it's REALLY hard to completely break a debian install.
I don't think most people realize how good Debian's (and Ubuntu's) source repos are. This is one of the main reasons I have trouble going elsewhere. I've grown attached to CentOS lately, but its software is old. This wouldn't be an issue, but try doing yum-builddep for anything multimedia. It just isn't there.
Use Sid desu.
I just installed Debian on a new machine, it's my first time using it.
The installer was shit, and it couldn't even mount my home directory to a logical volume, I had to force it after the install. Also it wouldn't let me set up luks on lvm, which is nigger-tier.
I think CLI installers are easier, because the machine just does what you tell it to.
I'm having other issues but I think it's because I'm using KDE (I'm surprised this is still a buggy piece of shit), I would just use DWM but this machine is for gaming/botnet tasks.
The one good thing I have to say is installing GPU drivers was easy, but that's just as easy to do in any other distro.
It wouldn't let me use 3 hard drives as a logical volume and encrypt it.
But I must ask, how the fuck did you do this? Did you use the ncurses installer?
just the regular installer, and KDE has been super stable, it doesn't even have the mpv fullscreen bug that I was getting on arch and fedora.
You can always just switch to a tty, use fdisk and cryptsetup to manually configure your layout and the installer will have no problem working with it.
You would have to do the same on arch. To be fair though Fedora's installer has very robust volume handling.
Huh, interesting.
Like I said this is my first time using Debian, and I was a bit weirded out by not being greeted with a command prompt. I'd try installing again, but this machine doesn't have any important data on it.
Do you know why a fresh install would have nearly 3000 packages, that's just KDE bloat right?
I have the full KDE suite installed along with LO, wine, and a shit ton of libraries and I'm at ~3700 packages.
1. package count doesn't fucking matter
2. arch "blobs" a lot packages together meaning the suckless faggots that jerk it over their package counts are morons
>3000 packages
here's a fresh install with KDE, I only installed a few things after it
>arch "blobs" a lot packages together meaning the suckless faggots that jerk it over their package counts are morons
I wasn't debating this, it's just I've never had a package count this high and thought it was weird considering I literally installed this today.
To be fair, I only looked at my package count after installing steam and wine.
Over 2000 packages still seems like a lot though.