How do we get rid of the Debian niggers from this board? They think they know more about computers than Ubuntufags which is laughable. They think their OS is stable which is even more so. They shit on anyone who uses an OS with an even slightly more complicated installation (i.e. Arch, Gentoo, etc.)
Also all Debian based distros are compromised. Eat shit faggots.
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>Also all Debian based distros are compromised. Eat shit faggots.
[citation needed]
you;re shit
>Linux soycucks on suicide watch.
Dragonfly is the patrician choice.
This anons post
>How do we get rid of the Debian niggers from this board? They think they know more about computers than Ubuntufags which is laughable. They think their OS is stable which is even more so. They shit on anyone who uses an OS with an even slightly more complicated installation (i.e. Arch, Gentoo, etc.)
Debian is a good first distro that's all, once they know better they will jump to something more customizable.
>Also all Debian based distros are compromised.
Source? Or are you talking of systemD? Probably systemD.
I agree.
>t. arch user who thinks hes hot shit because he can copy lines verbatim from a wiki
t. Debian faggot who thinks he's hot shit even though he can't
>Source? Or are you talking of systemD? Probably systemD.
well there was that debian RNG snafu, and they (alongside RHEL shit) are the two root distros for 90% of the linux market, so that doesn't exactly instill confidence