Girl comes over

>Girl comes over
>At some point she asks if she can use my computer
>"...y..yeah sure!..."
>*sweats internally*

Attached: 1301941145303.jpg (750x750, 196K)

fake and gay

just have her use an guest account

Attached: e9f50dbdd5856685ddae7a01ffe837dd21930ab1067ace0dd863efd35fce81fd.jpg (638x558, 63K)

was i suppose to laugh at this greentext story

>Girl comes over
>At some point she asks if she can use my computer
>"no, use a campus computer and stay away from my shit, or just tell me what you want looked up"

problem solved

>"yeah sure, you can use my computer. Just let me log out real quick and log you into a guest account."
>" ok?"

>somebody asks to use my pc
>log into unprivileged user
>start w3m
Make yourself at home.

lol good one, op


>not having a root folder

Attached: 1523246377170.jpg (419x419, 152K)

install gentoo

>Girl comes over



>women asking to use a computer

they don't even know what a computer is


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Attached: 食べる.gif (400x225, 2.07M)

What the fuck is with all this Mongolian shit?



Fucking weaboos and japs are even worse, than slavs. Slavic runes are at least readable.

>he doesn't have a separate 60gb SSD that defaults to a macOS installation whenever its restarted
I just quickly restart my desktop whenver someone wants to use it. Its normie proof.


theres other boards for that shit, gook. go there.


ive literally never seen slavic runes on this site


Fuck off weeb



Attached: shot0033.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

Yeah sounding like a manchild will solve it


The google translation of the second sentence is opposite by the way

gook user how do i into japanese i wish to learn to piss off the Jow Forumslocks on this site

That's what I've been talking about, personally I studied kanji and vocabulary on Wikipedia autistically for hours

oh ok thanks user

learn to read kana then google translate niconicodouga comments

They are quite common.
Anime no chinks cartoons for children desu.

Google translate is mostly complete garbage, the only way to properly learn Japanese is to learn the grammar and vocabulary yourself with the help of resources like,, and rikaichan (now rikaikun)



No, it is virgin way. You need japs to talk engrish.

Getting reading practice is also really important because the way you understand to use language is in English but the Japanese way is completely different, being that the two languages historically had little to no contact.

>made a script to ramdom changes wallpaper every hour.
>"can i use your notebook user"
>short time after...

Attached: 1516711807127s.jpg (241x209, 8K)

Do those web resources require nonfree javascript?

Probably not

Just keep a laptop around for guests to use

>linux user
>somebody asks to use his PC
At least try to make it believable next time.

>Girl comes over

Stopped reading right there. Hypothetical scenarios don't interest me one bit.


Attached: 1398284771145.png (395x565, 419K)

Good, keep the botnet out of the linguistic center of my brain.




Attached: trashdetected.gif (580x433, 1.57M)

Nani is this

Attached: 斜面.png (657x223, 11K)

Tabun "bump"

what a weeb


the lowest subhumans


tits or gtfo

>not using private browsing mode every time you fap
>not keeping an encrypted folder for all your porn

Granted, I just cleaned up my own laptop recently. I can let my mom use my laptop now without even worrying.

Dubs have spoken.

Attached: 48155540_p0_master1200.jpg (777x1088, 564K)

wow i'm proud of these sequential numbers

Everyone ITT just shut the fuck up and look at those integers.

Attached: 1519107292770.gif (215x235, 985K)

here's your problem

>girl comes over
>at some point she asks if she can use my computer
>yeah, sure
>peace internally, slowly reaching zen
>uh, user?
>how do i use this?
>it's i3, pretty good interface that's meant to be operated primarily with keyboard. let me teach you
>oh. is it linux?
>gnu plus linux. i'd just like interject for a moment here
>screw it user, i'll just use chad's computer

Attached: 1516245039738.png (350x407, 167K)

I don't think post numbers can be negative, pal.

Just make your PC repulsive on the first sight, nobody will ask to use it.

>At some point she asks if she can use my computer



chad detected

Let me add a correction for OP.

>At some point she asks if she can use my computer in exchange for sex

Why are you dating a prostitute.

>Girl comes over
How did you let it come to this?

Attached: b-gone.png (500x488, 322K)

>Girl comes over
>Wake up

Attached: 2.jpg (1600x900, 53K)

>Girl comes over
stopped reading there

Иoш yoи ьo.

My Bogdanoff collection is a sight to behold.

Attached: Bogs.jpg (600x338, 62K)

If she criticizes the content you have on your computer, she's not worth it.

>you woke me up, bitch

Attached: 1516447100401.png (395x504, 168K)


Здecь мнoгo pyccких cкpывaющихcя в тeни. Двa.ч yжe зaeбaл.

Everyone's Japanese in this thread is horrendous.
If you want to actually learn something, go to a site with Japanese people. Don't fucking try your shit in surroundings where you can't get meaningful feedback. It'll just promote and enforce bad habits.

Пpивeт бpaтишкa, пoкyшaть пpинec?


>, go to a site with Japanese people.
What is difference? 5ch is hiramoot, Jow Forums is hiramoot. Same shit.

Хлeб и чeкyшкy вoдки.


I want to (practice|be a cute anime girl)
Is に not the right particle for there?

2ch blocks posts from outside of Japan


欲しい is the wrong verb/adverb/whatever the fuck it is (it's weird)
>練習したい (this one is fucking weird, I'm sure there is something more natural)

boot VM

I guess pure Anki does have its limitations, though when I have more time to dedicate towards this I'll certainly make the switch to something more accurate~

>all the weird porn is in an encrypted container
>history disables completely
>autofill disabled completely
Go ahead. If they try to get into sadpanda they'll see I'm already logged in so they have that, but if they know what that is we're probably showing each other our favorite shit so I'd be pulling out the impregnation porn.


If someone at my house wants to use my computer I just lend them a spare laptop. I keep one around with an ubuntu install specifically for this purpose.

>I guess pure Anki does have its limitations
You could say I'm doing pure Anki too (except I do listen to tons of shit: drama cds, raw anime, podcasts [])... but I do sentences instead of single words. No translations on the card, because, fuck that shit.


By, the way, I'm sure I fucked up here >ガムを使ってください
in the same way that you did: trying to take English and translate it to Japanese. For example, the Japanese probably have a different verb for using/wearing condoms. Massive exposure to the language is all that will help us. がんばれ:3
