Arch Linux?

Win 8 user here
wanting to switch to Arch Linux
(no prior knowledge)

how long realistically would it take me?
just need to get the basics working
>simple GUI
>internet browsing
>privacy / security

Attached: arch.png (390x129, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

less than 1 hour if you follow the wiki



>less than 1 hour
damn really?
from the way everyone on here talks,
you'd have to be an elite tier user to use Arch

Holy kek. Copying shit from the wiki takes like 5 minutes max.

ok, well thanks
idk why anyone else recommends "more user friendly" distros then

Don't listen to the faggot that wants to see you suffer

Go for Mint (Most easy experience),
Ubuntu (Maintained by a company)
or Debian (actually best)

>tfw had easier time installing arch than mint

Attached: 1467381766938.png (800x733, 391K)

I really wouldnt begin with arch

Just install the arch install scripts from LARBS my dude. It just wipes you whole HDD, so be sure to backup