Is there something more efficient than this?

Is there something more efficient than this?
float Game::Delta2Angle(int x, int z){
if ( x > 0 && z == 0 )
return 0;
if ( x > 0 && z > 0 )
return 45;
if ( x == 0 && z > 0 )
return 90;
if ( x < 0 && z > 0 )
return 135;
if ( x < 0 && z ==0 )
return 180;
if ( x < 0 && z < 0 )
return 225;
if ( x == 0 && z < 0 )
return 270;
if ( x > 0 && z < 0 )
return 315;

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

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What the fuck is that even supposed to do? Anyway anything related to angles between vectors is done taking the dot product

It's ugly but it should be fast as fuck
this belongs in /dpt/

condense the identical conditions and use some elses

good point ,but , can you see a relation in order to write a polynomial function ? is just for curiosity

this is a trivial discrete case that would requiere float point aritmetic.

check what operator(,==) is faster (may be diferent for different values), always use it as the first one in if statements
also, look at binary representation of the values, you could probably organize those if statements in an order from the fastest go execute to the slowest
or, actually, do some statistics on which values are being return the most often and arrange the order according to the results

there is no point though, as it'll be such a insignifican't difference you won't be able to see it (or maybe even measure it)

define a const array with those values and then just pass in the appropriate values for each case, then you don't have to do potentially 8 comparisons. :shrug:

This combined with a range check for rounding, but it would be slower.

But I mean, in the continous case this could be resumed to arctan( z/x ) ... is there a discrete equivalente and avoid arctan? because arctan internallly uses an iterative algorithm or lookup tables doesn't it?

yes I know thats what I want to avoid.

this shouldn't even compile since it can't return anything if both values are 0

It compiles and works on C++11/14 compilers because the input is never 0 0

Not returning a value from a value-returning function leads to undefined behavior.

you shouldn't use c++ if your programming skill is that low

either way if the values are always in a certain range (-1,0,1) you could just calculate an index from them and get the result from a switch statement

ayylmao I am fluent in C++ programming, you just don't get the question here.

so you are wondering if it can be calculated without if statements?
probably, but i don't wanna think about it

yes just as discrete math curiosity

and write a polynomial form.

* on second though it can be calculated directly if you treat your input as a direction vector
but i'm not sure it will be more efficient to do so

lets find a function with the form
(z > 0 )*a + (z == 0) *b + (z < 0 )*c + (x == 0)*d + (x < 0)*e + (x > 0)*f = Expected Angle.

In C# I would just build a Vector2, use some Math function and multiply the result by a constant value to turn it back into degrees :^)

do you want me to kill you IRL?

if (x > 0) {
if (z ==0) {
else if (z > 0) {

return 45 * ((x && y) + 2 * (y > 0 && x 0) + 4 * (y < 0 || y == 0 && x < 0));

>doing more calculations is faster than a couple simple boolean checks that are optimized by both the compiler and the hardware of the cpu itself

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Attached: 3193273_1364719751759.03res_500_281.jpg (500x281, 89K)

sugoi, but I think one of the cases is not working correctly.

nvm it werks.

you can't even realize the implications of this solution

are you envious?

The final (correct) solution ends up being an implementation of atan2, which is shit.


Sometimes programs are ugly. What does it do anyway? I get that it has to do with angles but that's it.

int newx = -(x < 0) + (x > 0);
int newz = -(z < 0) + (z > 0);

return (!newx && !(newz-1)) ? 90 : (225 + 45*(newx+1) + 45*newx*(newz+1)) % 360;

it is the discretion version of arctan

ayylmao thats messy but still interesting.