Should I learn C# before learning C++?

Should I learn C# before learning C++?

Ultimately I want to create my own project using Unreal Engine 4 (which uses C++) but the only training I can afford is all about C# for some reason (high demand).

Is it easy to go from C Pound to C Plus Plus?

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Do you have coding experience? Do you need C# for work? If you wanna learn X to do Y, learn X already.

I started with C#, C++ isn't difficult but it did help me progress quicker through it. I recommend it if you have the time.

C++ and C# are very different experiences.

Might as well start C++.

I'm an CG artist by trade, but I have experience with UE4 blueprinting (visual scripting) and Html/CSS, no real programming experience.

yeah I'm considering a traineeship program where I get paid a tiny bit to learn C# and eventually end up at some company doing C# work. it costs a total of 2 years. I know Unity uses C# but I fucking hate working with Unity as an artist, the render quality is just not there, so I really wanna end up learning C++ for UE4.

>do you have any in-depth experience with computers already?
>do you actually need to learn this?
>can you stay consistent to your wording with the same term?
if your answer to any of the above is "no", then i would recommend staying out of an already over-saturated field.
although, i do recommend everyone learn at least one programming language, but i can tell you for a fact that C++ is absolute hell.
coding != programming

>>do you have any in-depth experience with computers already?
>>do you actually need to learn this?
I want to be able to create my own small projects (interactive media, games etc). Unity used C# but I rather not work with Unity. UE4 is great to work with as an artist, but it used C++.
>C++ is absolute hell

>coding != programming

Attached: confused_dog.jpg (457x432, 20K)

Make games in unity using C octothorpe instead, the difference between unreal and unity is vanishingly small these days

>difference between unreal and unity is vanishingly small
It literally isn't if you'd have worked with both for actual projects anytime in the last year. The differences are huge, and Unity is a mess of scattered deprecated shite on github.

>Should I learn C# before learning C++?
Not if your desire is to learn C++ as fast as possible.
But if you know C# it will be a lot easier to learn C++ afterwards, as many core concepts of programming will be familiar to you.

If you have very little knowledge of Programming learning *any* language will make learning a different one much easier, but if you are already familiar with other languages you might gain very little towards a deep understanding of C++ while learning C#.

>>C++ is absolute hell
It is an enormous language, which has almost every feature you could possibly think of.
Learning C++ in its entirety is nothing you really want to do, while some languages, like Java, pretty much give you a very narrow path on what you can do, C++ is wide open.

(((((((((((learn lisp)))))))))))

what? why?

Because you should always fall for memes...

Learn C before C++.

Why not just C#?

it'll teach you to learn about why you should hate what you do for no reason whatsoever

I'm confused user, you're confusing me

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I learned C++ through UE4 and I fell in love with C++. Just try to write gameplay code first and learn C++ by extension

>Just try to write gameplay code first and learn C++ by extension
What do you mean exactly? can you elaborate on how you did it? by gameplay code you mean start by writing simple shit in C++ and then expanding into more complicated C++? How do you start then if you don't know the language?

care explain coding =\= brogrammi g part?

>OP won't suck so much dick that he will notice the difference
Not every unity game is yandere sim

> fell in love with C++.
Wow, what a shit taste.

OP here, Unity is going into the right direction, but extremely slowly and only now are they actually trying.
>you want post processing? idk mate go find it on github
>oops this post processing shit on github is deprecated, go find the new one somewhere
>meanwhile UE4 has a way better one built in
lighting still sucks ass in Unity as well, and literally JUST NOW are they adding node based shader creator, something that UE has had for ages.

>C Pound

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Are you triggered by proper English?

Im a c# dev to day to day basis. Switching to UE4 c++ is a pain in the ass. Just learn c++ first.

if it's such a pain, is it even worth it to learn C++ just for UE4?

he's probably one of those autists who still thinks a coder is the person who punches in the cards to make your program work

># means pound
>Pound me too

If your end goal is UE4 dev, absolutely. Blueprints are a meme for anything remotely complicated.

Its pain in the ass for me mostly due to limited time and ue specific macros out of the ass, so i focus on improving my c# and unity knowledge over jumping to ue.

You code HTML. Is HTML a programming language? No.
Coding includes not just programming languages, but also markup languages and other computer languages. That way, "programming" is a proper subset of what falls under the term "coding", which means the words can and should not be used interchangeably.
Therefore, since you're talking about programming here, "coding" would be inaccurate to use.

Why does nearly everyone say look at my code? If they're writing code then they're coding but that doesn't meant they also aren't programming

Unreal Engine C++ is almost cheating dude. You don't have to manually allocate memory in 99% of cases, their GC is based on reflection so when your pointer isn't being referenced anywhere it gets garbage collected. What this means is that a lot of the work in C++ is already done for you.
Unreal Engine's C++ is 90% learning the API and 10% actually programming in C++

I can’t believe the number of uneducated opinions just one post can have. Seriously nigger kys

> they're writing code then they're coding but that doesn't meant they also aren't programming
> "programming" is a proper subset of what falls under the term "coding"
you reiterated what he said
if programming then coding, not iff.

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Shut the fuck up you pendantic sack of shit. Next you'll be saying you cannot write a program because writing is only for prose and poetry.

You should go into C++ and do stuff with it for a while, then move on to C# and other languages. Then after a while, move back to C++ and study the fuck out of it.

C# was conceived as a Java substitute after MS lost in court and had to discontinue Visual J++.

Since then they stole quite a lot from Haskell and Scala, so the language doesn't look like Java much anymore, yet there are even less similarities between C# and C++.

>Unreal Engine's C++ is 90% learning the API and 10% actually programming in C++
that sounds great. but how do you learn the API? where do you start? what resources do you use?

Trial and error
The documentation, which ranges from deceptively wrong to existent to fantastic depending on what you're reading.
The forums
Some tutorials, but there are no intermediate or advanced tutorials, they are all for beginners which in your case is probably a good thing
And you can just ask

As you can see you don't directly work with C++ standard types or even the stl. It's all done through a middle layer which greatly simplifies your code. It's more like scripting than real C++ coding. Of course you can use the stl or whatever library you want, but it's not recommended and it won't work with the UHT and the garbage collection

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Just learn C++

Thanks doc

>learn cp

If your goal is to learn C++, start learning C++
I think learning intermediate languages when you have a goal is a bad idea.