There's an apartment not far away from where I live whose lights are turning on and off regularly, about once per second. What could be the reason for this?
(pic not related)
Mysterious blinking light
shitty lights?
So far I've only passed it at night, it's in a backyard and not visible from the street.
It has been happening for weeks and seems to do so well into the night.
Sounds like a failed chink LED driver in someone's backyard light. Regular blinking is a common failure mode.
It's coming from an apartment. If I remember correctly there were two white lights, with two slightly different frequencies. Why would anyone leave their lights on in that state? Let's me think there are no people there. It's definitely not some kind of event location.
Someone calling SOS?
Okay, it's a hotel. Don't want to go full /x/ here, that's why I'm here.
Sounds like two bad lights on a timer.
maybe some kind of code, morse, binary?
can you get video of it
seemed too regular for that
i will pass it in a few hours, will repost here
This thread has potential
Jimmy, if we've gotta stop every time you see a blinkin' light ...
you said two different lights at slightly different frequencies, one could be 0 and the other 1 or maybe since there different frequencies as they blink one longer representing a dash and other is shorter representing a dot.
Michael J. Fox on the light switch
Bitcoin mining sweat shop that runs on treadmills?
That's called a shed, my dude. Also call the police, someone's sending signals.
>see something say something
>calling the police ever
Ok, bootlicker.
Mind your own damn business OP. Or try to figure it out yourself, but under no circumstances is it a good idea to invite the police into your life in any capacity.
Maybe it's haunted.
The image does look kinda eerie and ominous.
Hi Jamal.
Where are you from? Nice state you have there
Is sending signals illegal?
Inter dimensional aliens got inside and are using it as a temporary area for experiments.
>What could be the reason for this?
Obviously aliens, user
spooky. you should consult a cryptozoologist
No, but it could be some human trafficking or kidnapping shit.
don't be a nosy retard. that's how every horror movie starts.
I deciphered blinking signal and triangulated it to S.O.S. signal, someone's in trouble.
Call 911
>The absolute state of neo/g/
electric aids
Maybe the guy is sending illegal imagery in binary, you'd get arrested for seeing the blinking.
Check for cameras, then investigate.
Maybe it's an empty apartment and the owners didn't want people to know, so they set up light timers but fucked it up.
You send help signals to help from the police.
I'm back. Will post videos shortly.
here we go
its a reflection in your window, thats your light
this is filmed from the outside
Cursed post
Ayy lmaos
Like said
Posting in spooky thread.
Knock on the apartment door, user. Pretend to be a Jeehova's Witness. See what's inside.
How long has it been doing that? Certainly someone has already investigated if its been more than a night or two.
at least a month
What the fuck
Does it happen 24/7? Or is it too hard to spot in daylight?
i just need to understand why. it simply doesn't fit into my world model.
looks like a light hooked to a daylight sensor, causing it to infinitely loop
maybe someone installed it because they won't be home for a long time
Nuke it with a microwave gun and see what happens.
I have only passed it in the evening/at night so far, can't say anything about daytime.
this is actually the most plausible answer I've seen so far, nice!
Looks like some sort of warning light, no idea what purpose that'd serve in an apartment tho. If I were you I'd just go over there next day and ring. If no one opens try to find the owners
top fif
I just read a few of the hotel reviews, some are complaining about shitty wiring, uninstalled light bulbs or tvs. Yep, I think this might be the answer.
That seems less mysterious and more annoying as fuck. Call the cops or something. Either people aren't home or something went wrong and the people living there are blissfully unaware of it.
this is some /x/ tier shit
someone check with them just in case
Why does the bottom part illuminate slower than the top part? including the right edge of the video?
Its morse code and you're going to get got for blowing their cover
What kind of neighborhood allow such annoying sight to go unchecked?
see now I was expecting some illegal morse code shenanigans but this is just annoying, someone fucked up wiring somewhere
fuck off antifa
Some fucker in my neighborhood has a device that makes a high pitch squeal to deter moles.
It runs all fucking night long and drives me crazy.
Dead body inside.
I would've gone literally insane by week two. That's borderline psychological warfare.