Post all your OS
1996 - 1999 AmigaOS
1999 - 2003 WinME
2003 - 2004 OpenSuse
2003 - 2007 WinXP
2007 - 2010 Ubuntu
2010 - 2015 Debian
2015 - today Arch
Post all your OS
1996 - 1999 AmigaOS
1999 - 2003 WinME
2003 - 2004 OpenSuse
2003 - 2007 WinXP
2007 - 2010 Ubuntu
2010 - 2015 Debian
2015 - today Arch
2004 - 2009 winxp
2009 - 2013 win7
2013 - 2017 win8
2017 - today win8 on desktop, Gentoo on laptop
Wtf, I don't know what year I switched to 95, 98, XP, Vista, or 7. Why do you?
Ubuntu (for a week)
Manjaro (for a month)
>Win98 (1998 - 2000)
>Win2000 (2000 - 2004)
>WinME (2005 - 2006)
>WinXP (2006 - 2011)
>Win7 (2011 - 2016)
>Win8.1 (2016-2017)
>Win10 (2016 - Present Day)
Note that I've had Win2k and ME in two different computers, and Win8.1 was in a laptop I used too little and gave to my father a couple months later. Been interested in moving to Linux, but I don't have a single fuck of an idea.
WTF are you me ?
Because we're autistic and those are important dates of our lives.
I dont know the specific years but I have used, and some of these where used concurrently on multiple machines
DOS 6.22
Win 3.1
Win 95
Win 95 Plus!
Win 98
Win 98 SE
Win XP
Red Hat 7.3
Red Hat 9
Fedora Core 1-6
FreeBSD 7-8
OpenBSD 4.4-4.6
Ubuntu LTS
CentOS 6
Ubuntu (Dapper Drake)
Ubuntu (Hardy Heron)
Linux Mint (Maya)
Arch Linux
Ah. Carry on then, gentlemen.
1995-1997 Win 3.1
1998-2001? MacOS 8.1
2002-2006 Win XP
2007-2016 Win 7
2017-2018 Debian 9.4 / Win 10
Arch is for people who don’t know how to use Debian
Oops, meant 2009-2016 for Win 7 and 8.1. I probably used Vista before.
pleb checking in
2003-2011 win xp
2011- win7
2000-2008 windows xp
2008-2010 windows vista
2010-today windows 7
stay mad linuxfags
sry 2003-2008 for xp, wanted to look like an oldfag kek
- 2007 Win XP
2007 - 2011 Win Vista (pc1)
2011 - 2015 Win 7 (lt)
2015 - 2017 Win 8.1 (pc2)
2017 - 2018 KDE neon (lt & pc1)
2018 - now Debian [BunsenLabs] (lt & pc1)
I bought a new PC with w8.1 (2015), which I still use for games but only occasionally. also, My main PC from 2007 still works perfectly fine somehow.
1998-2000 Windows 95
2000-2003 Windows 98
2003-2007 Windows XP
2007-2011 Windows Vista
2011-2015 Windows 7
2015-today Windows 10
Good run t b h.
2007 - 2008 WinXP
2009 - 2010 no computer
2010 - 2012 Ubuntu and Mint
2012 - 2014 Arch
2014 - 2016 Ubuntu
2016 - 2017 Arch
2017 - today Void
2010-2018 vista
I can't afford to lose all of my pirated/non transferable programs. Using it until the wheels fall off.
Spectrum BASIC
Amiga Workbench
Win 3
Win 95
Win 98
Win 2000
Win XP
Windows Machines:
1998-2000 Windows 98
2000 Windows ME
2001 - 2007 Windows XP
2007 - 2009 Windows Vista
2009 - 2012 Windows 7
2012 - ? Windows 8.1
2009 - 2012 Linux Mint
2012 - ? Arch
I have had a few instances where I used Gentoo and KDE neon.
>2008 vista
>2009-16 7
>2017-now macOS
1989-2018 Mac OS/Mac OS X/OS X/macOS.
What kind of software do you have that you can't reinstall?
WXP+OSX 10.2
WXP+OSX 10.3
2003 - 2009 Windows XP
2009 - 2012 Windows 7
2012 - 2015 Hackintosh (don't recall the versions, I used Snow Leopard, Lion and Yosemite) + Windows 8
2015 - 2016 Hackintosh + Windows 10
2016 - today Artix + W10 for games
>all these faggots who used MS-DOS instead of AmigaOS
Main system:
Windows 95+
Windows 98 SE
Windows 2000 (up to SP4)
Windows XP
Ubuntu 8.04-14.04 LTS
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
I switched to Linux since it made CS studies easier and I wanted to leave my gamer life behind. WoW was really cutting into my life.
I did use other Linux distributions for my server and laptop but they never got real use as my main system. I did run dual boot for some time in case I needed Windows and currently I have a W10 image in case I need to run something with that.
Soon I'm in for a LTS upgrade.
Win 95
Win 2000
Win XP
Win 7
Win 10
Win 7
Win 7
Win 7
fuck, never quite made the leap. something was always missing. currently xubuntu on laptop, win 7 on desktop
2001 - Win 98
2004 - Win XP
2008 - Win Vista
2010 - Win 7
2013 - Win 8.1, Android 2.3 Gingerbread, Ubuntu 12.04
2015 - Win 10, Android 4.4 Kitkat, Ubuntu 14.04
2017 - Android 7 Nougat, Ubuntu 16.04
Its name was 'Workbench', son.
as far as desktops go:
1998 - 2004 Commodore BASIC
2004 - 2009 Windows XP
2009 - 2013 Debian
2013 - Present Gentoo
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows vista
Windows 7
Windows 10
Ubuntu and derivates for some months
Windows 7
2001 - 2002 win 98
2002 - 2009 win xp
2009 - 2011 win 7
2011 - 2011 ubuntu
2011 - 2014 distro hopper finding which more comfortable all top 10 on distrowatch
2014 - 2018 arch
current dual boot with win ltsb cause i want to play some games
Kickstart + Workbench = AmigaOS
I didn't list it as I only used the Amiga for playing games and loading those with Kickstart was comparable to using a NES.
2003-2006 win2k
2006-2013 winxp
2013-2015 win7
2015-2017 win7+ubuntoo dualboot
2017 mint
2017-2018 arch
present gentoo
C64, but too young to really remember.
Amiga, but didn't have an OS.
It was only insert Disk, until you insert a game or something.
Dos, learned how to start Doom 2, lol
Win 3.11 / Win 95 / Win 98
Maybe only win 95 and win 98, I don't remember
Windows XP
Ubuntu with the old Gnome interface
Windows 7 (but late because I hadn't have a computer for a longer time)
Linux Mint (unity is crap)
Windows 8.1 on my notebook (don't have it anymore)
No Windows 10. I stick to Windows 7, and sometimes Linux Mint.
For a second I forgot I was actually on
>It was only insert Disk, until you insert a game or something.
That is still an operating system.
Ok, I don't know, I thought of that desktop thing, one sometimes sees when running a cracked game.
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
OS X/macOS
1984 Atari Basic
1989 Atari TOS
1995 Windows NT + 95
1998 Windows 95 SE
2001 Windows 2000
2005 Windows XP
2011 Windows 7
2012 Android
2016 Windows 10
2001-2005 Mac OS X
2005-2008 Debian
2008-present Gentoo
DOS 6.22
Win 3.1
Win 95
all kinds of different Windows versions, I don't remember the details (ME? 2000?)
XP 64bit
Win 7
Win 7 (desktop); Debian (NAS)
Win 7 (desktop); Arch (laptop)
Win 7 (desktop); Debian (new laptop)
Arch (desktop); Win7 (VM); Arch (laptop)
Win XP > Win 7 > Ubuntu > ZorinOS
Don't know the timeline
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Atari 520
Atari 1040
Win 95
Win 98
Win XP
Win Vista
Win 7
It's mainly all of my old legit Adobe software that I'm worried about. I own the disks but I'm not allowed to reinstall it anywhere because of licensing restrictions. I'll be damned if I'm buying the new creative suite or paying a monthly fee when this works fine.
Windows from 98 to 7 Ubuntu 7, 14-18
Now Gentoo and a server with FreeBSD
7 and Debian
8.1 and Ubuntu
Current: Win10, Ubuntu, MacOS
Windows 95, 98, XP(since fuck knows-2010)
Ubuntu (2010-2017)
Mac OS (2017-present)
>2000 win95
>2004 winxp
>2010 win7
>2015 - now fedora
and my dad had an IBM PS/2 which he ended up giving to me at age 15
Mac os 9
Mac os x puma
Mac os x tiger
Mac os x leapoard
Mac os x lion
Mac os x mavericks
Mac os x yosemite
Mac os x sierra
Mac os x high sierra
>been a macfag my whole life
1990-2018 Amiga
Win 31
1996 win3.1 - 5 years old
2000 win 98
2002 win me
2004 win xp
2009 win 7
2015 win 8.1
2018 win 10
I throw in a gnu/linux distro here and there for fun and acclimitization.
Unknown Linux
Win XP
Win Vista
Win 7
Win 8
Win 8.1
Win 10
2004 - 2005 Win 98
2005 - 2008 WinXP
2008 - 2015 Win7
2015 - 2016 Win10
2016 - Current Arch
2005 - 2007 Win98
2007 - 2008 WinXP
2008 - 2009 Ubuntu
2009 - today Arch
2005: Windows 98 (Parents gifted me their old PC, I was 6)
2006-2007: Windows 2000, Windows XP
2007-2009: Windows XP
2009-2010: Windows Vista, Windows XP.
2010-2011: Windows Vista, Ubuntu 10.10, Windows XP
2011-2012: Windows 7, Ubuntu, Mac OS X, Windows XP, Debian
2012-2014: Windows 7, Mac OS X
2014-2015: Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS X
2015-2018: Windows 10, OpenSUSE. (OpenSUSE most of the time.)
DOS 1998-2001
WinME 2001-2003
WinXP 2003-2005
SUSE 2006-2009
Ubongtoo 2009-2014
Windows 7 2015-2017
Debian 2017
Void Linux 2018
Windows 98 (1998-2001)
Windows XP (2001-????)
Windows Vista (2007-2009)
Windows 7 (2009-2016)
macOS (2009-Current)
Windows 8.1 (2016-2017)
Windows 10 (2017-Current)
It just werks. Never used a distro as a main operating system but do have Mint setup on an old machine with dual-booting.
how in the fuck is this tech related
kys and stop spamming this faggotry all goddamn day already
In my main system:
w7 ultimate
Windows XP
OSX 10.3
OSX 10.5
Windows 7
Windows 10
MacOS 10.13
2013-2017 Windows
2018 Gentoo
2000-2009 windows xp
2009-2015 Windows 7
2015-2015 Linux Mint
2016-2017 Ubuntu Mate
2016-2017 Manjaro XFCE with i3wm
2001 - 2008 windows XP
2008-2012 windows vista
2012- 2017 windows 7
2017-present debian GNU/linux
>Mac OS X Cheetah
>Mac OS X Puma
>Mac OS X Jaguar
>Mac OS X Panther
>Mac OS X Tiger
>Mac OS X Leopard
>Mac OS X Snow Leopard
>Mac OS X Lion
>Mac OS X Mountain Lion
>Mac OS X Mavericks
>Mac OS X Yosemite
>Mac OS X El Capitan
>Mac OS X Sierra
>Mac OS X High Sierra
Underage b&
Windows xp Early 2000s - 2008
Windows 7 2009 - 2014
Windows 8 2014-2015
Windows 10 2015-2017
Windows 8.1 Late 2017 -Early 2018
Windows 10 Feburary 2018- Present
slavposter here
2004-2009 Windows XP sans SP
2009-2013 Windows XP SP3
2013-2017 Windows 7 (from 2016 on dual boot with Lubuntu)
2017-? Windows 10
2000 - winME
2005 - winXP
xxxx - win7
2012 - arch
2014 - openbsd
2017 - nixos
2018 - guixsd
Windows ME 2001 - 2007
Windows Vista 2007 - 2011
Windows 7 2011 - 2014
Linux Mint 16 2014 - 2015
Windows 10 2015 - 2017
Linux Mint 18 2018 -
I'm shit, I know.
I don't remember years, but:
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows XP
Ubuntu + Windows 7
Arch + Windows 7
Gentoo + Windows 7
Funtoo + Windows 10
Void Linux
1999 - Windows 95
2000 - Windows 98
2001 - Windows ME
2003 - Windows XP
2007 - Windows Vista (celeron laptop)
2010 - 2016 - Windows 7
2017 - Present - Windows 10/ thinking of upgrading back to windows 7.
I see no RISC OS!!! Surely some other fellow Britons must have experience.
1999 win95
2003 winxp
2010 win7
2012 ubuntu
2014 arch
2015 fedora
1997-2000 win98
2000-2001 winME
2001-2006 winXP
2006-2007 vista
2007-2009 Ubuntu
2009-now Debian
Vista claims another victim
Ok I guess first line should start in '98 or '99. Too long ago to remember exactly when.
1994-1995 OS/2 Warp
1995-1999 Win 95
1999-2000 Win 98/ME
2000-2003 Win 2000 pro
2003-2010 Win XP
2010-2015 Win 7 Ultimate
2016-2017 Win 10 Enterprise
2017-2018 Win 10 LTSB
Don't know the fucking years.
BASIC (ZX Spectrum)
Apple Basic
WIN 95
Win 98
Win 2000
Win XP
Win 7
Mac OS X leopard
Win 8.1
Win 10
try mint and run 7 in a VM. I'm particular to mint because it comes with a calming sea-foam green theme ootb, mint is also debian based so it shouldnt be too different from ubuntu. ubuntu is phasing in W10 style telemetry on top of their already gross ad service which is another reason why you should switch to something else. then you can also just reskin mint to also look like windows 7 if flags and blue tickle your pickle more than a leaf and green
Win 95
Win 98
Win 2000
XP and Mac OS 8
Vista and Slax
Ubuntu 10.04 - 10.10
Chrome OS
Ubuntu 11.x
Mac OS X 10.0 - 10.5
OS X 10.9-10.11 and OpenBSD 5.6 - 6.2
>Upgrading back
>switching to a better OS
Grading is about versions not about how good it is
Win XP
Win 7
Win 8.1
Win 10
As main OS's
2001 - 2003 Win 98
2003 - 2009 Win xp
2009 - 2012 Win 7
2012 - 2013 Ubuntu
2013 - 2015 Linuxmint
2015 - 2018 Debian stable
>verb |ˈəpˌɡrād ˌəpˈɡrād | [ with obj. ]
>raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve
Switching from Windows 10 to 7 would be an improvement and therefore would be an upgrade.
1986-2003 MacOS
2003-2007 OS X
2007-2013 Arch Linux
2013- 2018 FreeBSD
KERNAL(Commodore 128)
Win 95
Win 98
Win XP
Win 7
Win 10/Manjaro
Crunchbang ++
Win 10/OpenBSD
Only cause you consider it as improvement does not mean you can call it upgrade (7 < 10)
The winshits in order up to 8, then mint, then ubuntu.
Started with a new Commodore 128.
Bounced between Sun, SGI, and HP PARISC systems in the 90s, now running Win 2016 / 10 and LFS (hardened or testing). Want to go back to Solaris on SPARC, but fuck Oracle.
It's by definition an upgrade.