Why do Android fanboys hate Apple, but Apple users don't care or even know anything about Android?
Why do Android fanboys hate Apple, but Apple users don't care or even know anything about Android?
Because memes.
You said it, you moron. Users don't give a fuck about shilling the brand of their phones, and fanboys like you can do nothing but complain about that. Now get off that board. Sage
Apple fanboys hates anything non-Apple
Android users are salty they can’t afford an iPhone. I have an android user friend who never stops bashing apple 24/7, annoying as fuck. Idgaf about how modular your phone is and how much you customize it bro, sounds like a waste of time to me. Also those green texts reeeeee
But apple users despise android. To the point that they circle jerk in all articles regarding apple.
They do hate it when an app isn't available for their fisher price operating system and hardware though
>t. apple user
really makes you think
>They do hate it when an app isn't available for their fisher price operating system and hardware though
lol when has this ever happened?
>Apple users don't care or even know anything about Android?
Go to Twitter and search for "green bubbles".
Every android user I swear
>A-Apple just makes toys b-bro, you’re just p-paying for marketing, m-my android has an SD card slot
Meanwhile I just feel bad for them when they can’t download useful apps or when I see that brutal UI.
>Apple soyboy criticizing Android's UI when iOS still doesn't have a consistently-placed Back button.
l m a o
>Useful apps
Hahaha yeah those Android users can't download useful apps like Tasker
Not sure if serious
My Sister spend $800 dollars in Samsung S8 and she is really happy.
real question, why the fuck do apple users care so much that the text background is green? where did this autism come from?
Apple fanboy here who’s been posting in this bread
Apple purposefully makes green texts annoying as fuck. The exact colours they choose make the android texts super unaesthetic, they purposefully make their arrival more jittery and include “text message” above it which ruins the flow of texts.
Definitely a faggy move by Apple, but their OS and hardware are 1000x that if anyone else so I’m forced to use it.
I'm an Apple user and I fucking hate iOS. And most iPhones after the 5S, excluding the SE.
I like OS X because it's a relatively mature OS that I can mess with. I have a full up to date GNU userland running on it, so it can do anything GNU/Linux can. You can't do that on iOS. It's the most walled garden OS ever. I use an Android phone because Android is customizable, somewhat standards compliant (more than iOS anyway) and gets the job done.
TL;DR: OS X is nice, iOS isn't.
pls stop bait
it's a phone, what could you possibly be doing that requires extra speed or memory?
also correct me if I'm wrong but I thought android had higher specs
os I can agree with kind of since it really judt come down to personal preference and what you're used to
I’m mainly referring to reliability which is my main concern with phone hardware.
Because Android users don't constantly try to convince iPhone users to switch.
I don't hate Apple.
I hate the flamboyant Apple fanbase.
Samsung users are the best.
No complaining.
No shilling.
Just enjoy their product and let everybody else be.
Text messages are basic as shit, texts between iPhones are more like chatting trough Telegram or WhatsApp.
Untrue. A lot of Apple fanboys hate Safari and iTunes and use Chrome and Spotify instead.
fanboys ruin everything and apple fanboys are so autistic as android fanboys
average users dont give a shit about the OS and they just wanna use facebook and whatsapp on their phones, someone just go for the iphone because "muh social status" like niggers who want to look wealthy
>The exact colours they choose make the android texts super unaesthetic
The fucking Android robot is the same color
Just look r/Apple, Macrumors, Appleinsider ...
SMS is green, iMessages are blue.
SMS is much slower, can't tell if your conversational partner has read/received your text, fails more often, can't tell when your conversational partner is typing, and sending anything that isn't text characters becomes a PAIN in the ass with SMS.
Apple users "care" about people who use Android and GNU/Linux when their computer breaks and those overpriced garbage toys from Apple breaks a lot, specially their Macbooks. This is where both Apple users and their products get really annoying. It's pretty easy to tell what's wrong with an iPhone, if someone dropped it and broke the screen then it's easy to fix if you can get compatible screens (Apple won't sell originals, unlike everyone else in the industry). With Macbooks it's different, they can have zero sign of wear and tear and just randomly break because of their horrible build-standard and cheap components.
What kind of poor retard are you who actually think the price of a phone or a laptop has a measurable effect on anyone's disposable income? They are low-cost items ,barely more expensive than shoes. It's nothing compared to a car. The price of an iPhone is less than you make repairing Apple-products a day or max two.
>iPhone user: *breathes*
>SMS is green, iMessages are blue.
You seem to be lagging by about 10 years, nobody uses any of those things anymore. Nobody I know, anyway.
You're not American.
WhatsApp is not very popular in America.
>Why do Android fanboys hate Apple
>nothing but apple products exist for apple fanboys
Say it ain't so.
>Why do Android fanboys hate Apple, but Apple users don't care
>Apple users don't care
I support and repair Apple products. Most users do typically say things like "we'll at least it isn't Windows/Android lol." So I don't know about this generalization.
That said, I work on apple products for a reason. Their clientele has money (bums with old ass refurbs not withstanding) while the average windroid user is a cheapskate. I charge $50-70/hr to fix things on top of parts cost and less than 1% of my clients bitch over the money. The last time someone brought me an android phone they walked out when I said it would be $90 to get it done.
Can't totally blame them considering the average android phone is worth $200 or less. But yeah. Full disclosure: I use android and linux for work phone/pc as I don't consider mac or iOS worth the investment.
also poorfaggotry and jealousy
If you guys this chart is crazy, you should look at the DST chart and the same sex partners by age.
>DST chart
What is DST?
Sorry, some times i used abbreviations from my native language.
STD is the correct for English.
>applel users are whores and PUAs
Wow thanks for giving me another reason to avoid iFaggots
Except PUA's only claim they can get laid all the time.
>tfw when I've had more sex by the age 30 than iPhone slut and I've only owned Nokia dumbphones.
If gay had over 1000 sex parents and gays love Apple just do numbers.
Why do iToddler troglodytes make 50 shitty bait threads to circlejerk their fruity toddler toys while android users don't then?
Reminder to report and sage.
Macfags sure create a lot of threads, despite "not caring".
why did those fags on apple make the x so fucking expensive?
Chrome is a hog on Macs if I don't use safari I use Firefox
to be honest, in my experience is quite the opposite. all my android friends never talk about apple or phones at all and apple users are the only ones talking shit about android and how cool iphones are. Some of my friends are so aggressive that they don't understand when someone like me has the money but just would never use an iphone because i am an android user since the beginning and i don't plan to switch because it's comfy.