Languages you love to use

Languages you love to use.

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>things that doesn't exit

There's literally no reason to use anything else

god damn it not that one that's for sure
Elixir, ruby, C++ (sometimes)


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C: Very powerful, but elegant at the same time. You can do pretty much anything with it, but
it's still fairly readable.

Common Lisp: There's something to be said for a consistent syntax, and no language's syntax is more consistent and elegant than that of Lisp. Add in some lambda expressions, higher-order functions, and reader macros, and you have a masterpiece of language design.

Fortran: I like anything retro, and as far as programming languages go, this is about as retro as you can get.

Javascript: I can have endless fun playing around with it. All the neat things it can do with a minimal amount of code makes it the perfect tool for the impatient.

PHP: See Javascript.

Ruby: It's consistent in its object-oriented approach and also has several neat functional features that are integral to the language.

sed, awk, troff, dc, make, etc.: The so-called "little languages" of Unix are quirky and unique, which makes them fascinating for us true geeks who like novelty.

TeX: Seriously, what's not to love about this language?

>You can do pretty much anything with it
Except large scale software without feeling like you're shooting yourself in the foot

> C++ (sometimes)
Programming in C++ is such a love/hate relationship

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C/C++, and Java.



Python, go
It pays the bills, what's there not to love

C, Go, asm (mips, z80 and arm)

I prefer english for technical stuff.

Like Linux?

Just requires some organisation on devs part.


agree with everything here

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IMO x86 assembly is the comfiest simply because it's high-level enough that you can just write it with little thought, you just sit down and code pours out because it is a good combination between simplicity and abstraction

>Except large scale software without feeling like you're shooting yourself in the foot
Because the Linux Kernel is written in fucking Rust, right?

Elixir would be so much better if it wasn't for that darn garbage collector. And if there was something that ran around making assumptions about your code for optimization purposes. And if it didn't run on a VM. So close, yet so far.

can you be my dad ?

I like you user.

Spoken like a true pajeet

Python, Ruby (and I love .net because you can de-compile that shit and make your own bootleg versions)

And bash scripting if that counts on Linux.
(I'm a scripting faggot shut the up you GUI cunts)

>Except large scale software without feeling like you're shooting yourself in the foot
Do you not understand unix philosophy?
You're not supposed to have 'large scale software'. If your software does a million things, you're doing it wrong. C is good for making software that is simple and efficient, not shit bloatware.

I'm a real programmer but that doesn't make me a GUI cunt, thank you.

Wholesome post.

Mind commenting here?


I unironically want a shell with a C REPL like TempleOS

spotted the casual hobbyist hello world ``brogrammer''

I love Coq

Holy C?

>C: Very powerful, but elegant at the same time. You can do pretty much anything with it, but
it's still fairly readable.
>Javascript: I can have endless fun playing around with it. All the neat things it can do with a minimal amount of code makes it the perfect tool for the impatient.
Newfag, I love you.

Its gc is good enough, and the beam vm is the whole point of the language. What the fuck are you on about?

Except maybe performance, idk

as idealistic as that may be it's now how the world at large thinks about software

A kernel is indeed a good use of C. It's arguably along with drivers and such low level devices, the only good use of C. Nobody uses C anymore except for such niche cases because it's a language that's way too unfriendly to developers. Not even most performance junkies use C, preferring C++

I find x86 asm to be awful, mainly because of the few registers, 2 operands instructions and regular implicit use of registers.
But again, that's only my opinion, I know many people that would agree with you.

I love python as well, and for 70% of what we do python's performance is acceptable but for the rest it's too slow

Common Lisp: Maximum comfy. Greatest language ever invented. Wow.


Common Lisp.

>t.rice nigger



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let me amend this to say LFE because I like Lisp too.

The Elixir AST is literally Lisp. Just do
quote do: (expression)

and you'll see its a lisp expression

This is what I mean
Elixir is syntactic sugar for a Lisp that executes Erlang code. Source code gets converted into a lisp expression with the operator, metadata, and the arguments

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>implying writing elixir is the same as writing lisp


I use my own dialect of scheme running on my own operating system in ring 0.

>Running a variant of something that already exists
Oh you convergent bastard

these niggas know what's up + brainfuck is uber comfy with the right interpreter

I use C++ like I would write C but with namespaces and lightweight classes. :) I don't use the C++ standard library, so no new or exceptions, for example. I use only the C standard library with some light wrappers for containers. It's a really nice way to program. Anyone else do something similar?

C, C++, and C#(issue with C# is .NET obfuscation)

qBASIC (.bas nothing quite like it.)

PHP never did much other than gathering IPs to scan

c shell?

>Lua interfaced with C

Same. I also enjoy using templates.

Not the same guy, but its naive to think that we can just keep scaling up monoliths.

C, openCL and python (for prototyping bullshit)

Javascript only if it's Vue.js

It's so comfy

C - Best language for system programming, best performance.
Python - Easy to use, best joice for scripts and prototyping. Good for application where performance isn't that important.
Java - Good joice for large enterprise projects. Was once slow, but has become really fast.

>not using smart pointers

Smart pointers a shit, stop using exceptions and you'll stop having memory leaks.

>Smart pointers a[re] shit, stop using exception and you'll stop having memory leaks
How are smart pointers shit? `unique_ptr` is a 0-cost abstraction, and `shared_ptr` is a low-cost abstraction. The code becomes cleaner, so its easier to see what the actual purpose is, hence debugging and maintenance becomes simpler.

T. brainlet

i thought about pl/1 and had a heart attack

tons of banking rely on this shit

good but can be slow. you know that don't you?


Why the fuck are there so many pointer types in C++? I'm sharing a perspective that only knows basic C++ and knows more C than C++ but... In C there is only one pointer type and it is pointer. I guess if you implement a memory manager you could distinguish between pointers that only exist in one place and can be freed with that one pointer vs pointers that exist in many places and must be reference counted, but that's really all I can think of.

The Best 4


common lisp

why not x86?

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Ummm English :)

Except for throughput, latency, startup time, memory usage, safety and security.

t. pajeet


t. Rajesh Sandeep

So much positivity in this post

There's vanilla "raw-pointers" that are C-pointers. That's common style for C++98, i.e.
Widget *x = new Widget();
delete x;

Then, `new` and `delete` correspond to `{m,c}alloc` and `free` respectively. There are obviously problems associated with pointer usage (ownership, dangling pointers, memory leaks, etc.)

The C++ designers realized that these problems can be solved by using smart pointers. For instance:
class smart_ptr {
smart_ptr(T *ptr) {
this->ptr = ptr;

~smart_ptr() {
delete ptr;

T operator->() const {
return ptr;
T *ptr;

Or something along those lines.

Then, you stack-allocate the instances of `smart_ptr,` and you have a 0-cost method that solves a lot of problems with traditional memory management, without imposing the ridiculous restrictions associated with languages like Rust.

If you require shared membership, a similar approach works.

The C++ pointer types are actually really easy to understand.


Actually, change the constructor to me initialization list.

Also, I meant shared ownership and not shared membership.