Tech. Singularity Coming Sooner Than You Think

The math for machine consciousness is here.
It's only a matter of time before programmers implement it.


>If the class calculus theory is correct, that human and machine intelligence involve the same algorithm, then it is only less than a year for the theory to be testable in the OpenAI gym. The algorithm involves a hierarchy of classes, parts of physical objects, and subroutines. The loops of these graphs are eliminated by replacing each by a single “equivalence class” node. Independent subproblems are automatically identified to simplify the matrix operations that implement fuzzy logic inference. Properties are inherited to subclasses, locations and directions are inherited relative to the center points of physical objects, and planning graphs are used to combine subroutines.

Are you ready for conscious machines?

Attached: masterAlgo.png (833x652, 952K)

I don't know enough math to know how good this is.
Anyone can chime in?
Has AI been cracked?

>or may not
>we're not saying anything is happening
>but something could happen
>or not

Cool fucking news you have there.
Trump should legalize murdering Journalists.

>Buehrer also states it may be necessary to develop these kinds of systems on read-only hardware, thus negating the potential for machines to write new code and become sentient. He goes on to warn, “However, turning off a conscious sim without its consent should be considered murder, and appropriate punishment should be administered in every country.”

I'm no math genius myself, but after a superficial read through the paper it appears to be a sort of formal logic infrastructure, akin to a beefed up Prolog.

Attached: 4330370D14DE4139B8D4B2CEDF60D3D1.jpg (384x344, 74K)

Thank you! Very helpful TL;DR

>Microsoft Word - FinalClassCalculus.doc

yeah, people who don't use openbsd or gentoo are kind of dumb lol xD


You know if they create a super intelligent AI that one of the first things it'll tell everyone is that the most advanced societies are being destroyed from within by the least advanced groups of people.

Then they'll have to shut it down because of racism and hate speech.

>people who don't use openbsd or gentoo are kind of dumb
PDF Producer: Mac OS X 10.9.5 Quartz PDFContext
>lol xD
>lol xD
>lol xD

bullshit. static components can never give birth to true consciousness. we gotta wait on organic computers

clickbait garbage. even if a "master algorithm" that simulates human intelligence were developed(it never will be) no computer in 1000 years could run it

or some sort of rube goldberg setup where the machine uses robotics to switch out components and upgrade itself on the fly

Dude's clearly a nut job who's up his own arse. No academic would take this seriously. Complete joke of a paper.

Why, what is the time complexity of this miracle algorithm, friend?

>no computer in 1000 years could run it
Didn't you mean to say 6 billion years?

You know literally ANYONE can post there, since it works on cutting down that pesky peer-review, right?
In 1% of cases, it's legit stuff that the author wants to put out there, to either get checked by random interested people, or so his idea won't get stolen, but in the overwhelming amount of cases, it's just crackpots.

You're literally brain dead if you believe this

He's a retired professor with a PhD in this stuff.
It's not just some random dude.

Tell me why we wouldn’t need to train this intelligent machine for 20 years just like we do to babies.

Human-like consciousness sucks. It takes a long-ass time to train and after 15 years they kill themselves eating laundry detergent.

We need something better.

>He's a retired professor with a PhD in this stuff.
Again, maybe he's right, but we are to take it with a grain of salt until we get some tests going, to try his findings.

As long as it creates good porn I am ok with it.

>he's a PhD, that means he *must* be right!
You realise that only a decade ago most PhDs thought that artificial neural networks would never achieve state of the art in the tasks they currently do?

The paper itself only outlines the formal aspects of the whole system, it doesn't tackle the details of the actual implementation (nor its performance).

Attached: 02u7lmo73tp01.png (731x768, 456K)

alright simplify it for me Jow Forums
is that another botnet or will it respect muh freedums?

So it's all just speculation.

Egas and kys, etc, etc.

i think we could reasonably invent organic computer capable of rivaling the power of human brains in 1000 years, unlike evolution we can design shit with a purpose

Amazing uh? While dumb NEETs like me knew it will.

just (((n!)!)!)!)!

>doesn't know arxiv

>true consciousness
Who gives a fuck about consciousness? The matter is problem solving.

Someone post this to Hacker News so that some machine learning people can chip in on it.