/fglt/ - Friendly GUN/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GUN/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GUN/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GUN/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GUN/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GUN/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GUN/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GUN/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GUN/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try disroot, autistici or aktivix

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GUN/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Attached: ep059.jpg (610x620, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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GUN/Linux would be better than GPL crap.

We need to go back to /flt/

>fucking commies
>(gun sounds)
>damn I just shot myself in the foot!

Even Linus likes the GPL you edgy teen

how would you explain
>free as in beer
to someone?

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Which are the best fonts to replace the fucking ugly ubuntu font?

The ones I'm using, of course.

Kidding aside, I like the Liberation family of fonts. Noto too. Right now I'm using Apple's System San Francisco for status bar, and Inconsolata-g for monospace.

It is like shoplifting, but police won't touch u.


Attached: Screenshot_20180418_224937.png (911x703, 135K)

How can I encrypt an existing Parabola installation?

How come I can't upgrade the kernel through the terminal? uname -r says I am using 4.10.0-38-generic and when I do a upgrade/dist-upgrade it says I have no more updates to install. However when I open up the GUI software manager, there is an update for kernel Why is this new kernel update not showing up with apt-get and how to I update it through the terminal?

Attached: [SquareSubs] Yume no Crayon Oukoku - 06.mkv [].jpg (640x480, 42K)

there was an article on arch wiki IIRC
i didn't think it was possible but I guess you could theoretically do it.

if I was going to do it I would shrink existing partition, make new partition with encryption, copy installation over, then grow new partition.

How can I use fingerprint AND/OR password for on my thinkpad (ubuntu)? askubuntu.com/questions/511876/how-do-i-install-a-fingerprint-reader-on-lenovo-thinkpad this says that it replaces password.

Post a screen short and what you're currently doing in your GNU's Not Unix/Linux machine.

Currently formatting an USB drive to NTFS so I can install W10 on an uncle's computer.

Attached: screenFetch-2018-04-18_23-29-39.png (1366x768, 259K)

How do I get my microphone working on Gentoo with only ALSA? My headphones work fine, but I can't seem to get my microphone working. I have set ut to capture the input device but no program notices my input device.

Does debian. OpenSUSE and fedora come with the catch2 framework in the repo? I can confirm with Arch only, Asking for a friend here.

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I use openwith


gives me my drives.

How do I browse them; I mean where are they located?

why does my text tear on KDE, it doesn't on XFCE or Gnome

kek, I did a thing (installed Budgie) and now Xorg errors every second


I need some help with ssh redirecting.

Basically I have installed apache and set the virtual hosts, so that I can access the web on it with something like pepe.memes.org
But the problem is that apache only allows traffic from the lan and it
s own ip to the webserver
So i need to set forwarding in ssh somehow so that if i input something like pepe.memes.org:1234 it will to the server look like if im trying to access the web site directly from it. (the ssh connects directly to the box where the apache is running)

Attached: ywn.jpg (1234x615, 138K)

Why android emulator ignores env variable(QEMU_AUDIO_DRV in my case) when i launch it from android studio? If i lauch it from console, it works fine. In android studio terminal is also shows that it's set correctly.

Just tell apache to listen on

My fonts
I'm dying
I need guide

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How do i make it on linux ubuntu so that when i press alt + 64 it will type @?
I have windows at home and ubuntu at work and i want the keyboard shortcuts to be identical

can I white list sudo apt update command so i dont need sudo to check updates but would need for apt upgrade

Install linux on your home machine, of course

Or at least switch the alt and alt gr keys on the keyboard so that left alt works like the right alt

Nah i have been using that keyboard layout on windows for years so if anything i will install windows at work since there is no way my brain can handle 2 different layouts

add to /etc/sudoers
ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /full/path/to/apt update

And, obviously, you don't need around username

nvm, i read your question wrong. Add
username ALL= NOPASSWD /full/path/to/apt update

So a website requests say arial font family, like 4chin. fontconf then tries to match it, what it returns is used.
You can test this with fc-match
$ fc-match arial
Arial.ttf: "Arial"

Now my system returns arial font, because I have MS corefonts installed.
You can configure fontconf to return whatever with overrides.

Now I don't know what you want to do, have Windows like fonts?
Custom matches based on font family.
Or use your own fonts on all pages, in which case you just set the fonts in the browser.

I just just install MS corefonts, since that makes most webpages behave decent and use Noto as my main font otherwise.

Real question: is it worth to buy one the forever crossover (v17)?

My fonts, they're absolute dog shit on Firefox. I've been trying to get them to look like my OS fonts on Desktop looks like but I can't.. quite get them to look as smooth (relative, in comparison).

>I just just install MS corefonts, since that makes most webpages behave decent and use Noto as my main font otherwise.
I will try this, thanks.

Attached: 1517598060704.png (2105x275, 251K)

>Noto as my main font otherwise
Definitely improved when I switched to it. Thanks for the font recommendation.

1) Make sure your Firefox font settings have the box checked for allowing wepages to select the font (you may also want to set the default font to Sans, but is not too important as it will only be used if the site doesn't specify a font)

2) Right click text on Jow Forums and select "inspect element" on the right side select the fonts tab. This will tell you the exact font Firefox is using.

3) Assuming you've done #1, then type in your terminal:
fc-match Arial
The output of this SHOULD match the font Firefox reports to be using for Jow Forums. If there is a mismatch then something is wrong.

If they do match then all you have to do is try to get fc-match Arial to give a font you're happy with. Which may be done by installing/uninstalling fonts or manually tweaking your fontconfig.

Also for the record you don't need to have Arial. If you can get your fontconfig to match Arial to Liberation Sans then that's just as good. It's very similar.

Holy shit thanks senpai
MUCH better now for my eyes/monitor.
No annyoing sharpness which looks like letters breaking into half

(old screens. for comparison)

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I'm currently building gcc on a slow as fuck gentoo machine. Is there any way to determine the compile progress from the console output alone? I tried looking up some sort of build scheme or similar, but apparently everyone else on the internet just want to have a progress bar.

How do I even look for something like this? Is there a proper term for what I'm looking for?

No, since every build config is different.

Thank you

gratis (as opposed to libre) and then they can rely on their dictionary

I think post-quantum all mpv addons are cucked and required you to install additional software locally to work. I was looking into this a week or two ago.

>all mpv addons
All "call an external program" addons, same as chrome.

Maybe you already updated your kernel but you haven't rebooted yet. I've never used a gui package manager, so not sure why there's a mismatch.

Why is my cursor fucking huge on my desktop in Plasma-Wayland?

How do I get desktop icons on my Openbox?

Is XFCE really heavier than MATE? I was always under impression that XFCE is one of the lightest options memory-wise.

Attached: cmp-all4.png (698x690, 32K)

We need to go back to Jow Forums

That chart is outdated as fuck.

Can somebody explain to me how/why I have no storage left on my laptop when I only use it to write small documents and browse occasionally?

I have barely any space left on a Manjaro install, it has the full 32GB to itself.

XFCE is the only DE that suits me : l

du is one the basic core utilities of the GNU operating system

install filelight or use du as suggested

I wouldn't have asked if I knew all the basic functions of Linux. I'm new to it.

install bonobo. It's the best tool to have a visualisation of what's going on in your system

sudo du --exclude /proc --exclude /run -smc /* | sort -n

Just install Lumina, user.

I am trying to edit my dunst config but I can't find how I am supposed to reload dunstrc. changes in dunstrc take effect when I restart but I prefer not to have to restart my pc every time I make changes to my config.

log out
log in

I also prefer to not have to restart everything I am doing

Then dont use it

>log out
>restart everything

that is basically the same when you are using i3. there should just be a way to restart your systemd notification daemon right?

damn Jow Forums is p. slow board

Why would you install W10 on an uncle's computer?
That's unethical!

Copy the content pf the root fs to somewhere else;
Encrypt the disks;
Copy the content of the root fs to the newly encrypted partition;
Install the reinstall the bootloader;
Setup initram, fstab and crypttab.

>no ad blocker
>repulsive theme

Do any terminals play nice with emojis yet?

probably that stupid js terminal.

it's called hyper.js and has an emoji plugin github.com/jieverson/hyperemoji

What's the name of the CAPS LOCK key so I can map it in Vim?

How could I make the local album art for whatever is being played by MPD open up in feh with a shortcut? I like ncmpcpp, but I'd like to be able to see album art, and I don't like the solution that involves awkwardly drawing a tiny version of the album art inside the terminal. Pic is a mockup of what I'm imagining.

Attached: like this.png (1287x694, 1000K)

if you need any keycodes or names do this:
1. open a treminal
2. execute xev
3. press key and watch terminal output
sample output for caps lock:
KeyPress event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x2600001,
root 0x1e1, subw 0x0, time 9170635, (991,428), root:(991,428),
state 0x12, keycode 66 (keysym 0xffe5, Caps_Lock), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XFilterEvent returns: False

KeyRelease event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x2600001,
root 0x1e1, subw 0x0, time 9170715, (991,428), root:(991,428),
state 0x12, keycode 66 (keysym 0xffe5, Caps_Lock), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XFilterEvent returns: False

use xev

That's the worst comic I've seen here, it's almost impressive


>he doesn't block ads with dns black lists

It doesn't offer cosmetic fixes for missing elements.

>he doesn't use a redirect to white pixels on a local webserver

1. Not all ads are just pictures in page. Some open in banners and some are text.
2. That's is too much trouble with no real advantage.

>he doensn't use pfsense DNSBL literally click to set up adblocking on every device you have

1. That's the friendly gnu+linux thread. We use iptables here.
2. That's doesn't solve the issues pointed here: 3. This offers no advantage over browser ad blockers.

It's fine if you want to do something in a different way to learn. Snowflaking about things you don't understand on the other hand is just annoying.

How do I use redshift with a custom ICC profile? I set the mode to xrandr and preserve to 1, but the fucking thing still resets my calibration.

Look it up. You can usually search distros repos at their website at like packages.distro.org.

fuck the arch forums.

how do i get japanese text to show up in URxvt? it shows up fine in firefox, but i can't seem to get it to work on URxvt despite changing up my .Xresources file

Attached: seyana.jpg (846x1200, 319K)

Android studio is probably setting it's own environmental variables for qemu, try seeing if android studio has an advanced settings thing.

Kill dunst then open it again.

>literally called unicode rxvt
>cant display unicode without having to fuck with it
what retard came up with this

Is Icecat worth switching to?
How well does it fare compared to Firefox ESR?

Linux noob, using elementary os and loving it.
My question is, what major software is available on Linux?
I know it's very broad questions, but for example, I just installed Slack and Atom, what else is out there to make it more usable?

What kind of software do you want? If you name some stuff you use we can give you alternatives and recommendations.

uninstall atom, get comfortable with one of emacs or vim as soon as possible

I asked this last thread and basically got a bunch of non-answers.

Does Windows 8.1 fuck with boot availability like W10 does? I need (yes, NEED, not "oh you just haven't tried X", yes I have, I use it for lots of other stuff, very literally not an option here, don't even bother bringing it up) to dual boot it and I'm just gunna stick it on a secondary drive. But I'm wary of doing so and having it eat GRUB or something and try locking me out of Linux.

I use Windows 8.1 and Debian and can boot fine from GRUB.