Why do Apple users brag non-stop about being able to afford $2 a day...

Why do Apple users brag non-stop about being able to afford $2 a day? Is this some kind of meme where they're pretending to be thirdworlders where $2 a day is considered a lot of money? I don't get it.

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>but by Cook's logic, why not charge $2,000 for a phone?
Don't give him ideas ffs.

Why do non-Apple users give half a shit about Apple users?


Projecting much?

non-apple users feel envious of apples ecosystem, even if it's total crap


Conspicuous consumption is the spending of money on and the acquiring of luxury goods and services to publicly display economic power—of the income or of the accumulated wealth of the buyer. To the conspicuous consumer, such a public display of discretionary economic power is a means of either attaining or maintaining a given social status

Hes kind of right you know. With 8$ per hour, 40h per month the phone is about 300$ below the monthly pay.
In my shithole of a country the X is still 1000$ but the monthly minimal wage is 240$.
So being poor in your country means you can get an Iphone X. Being poor in my country means you get a shitty Samsung from 10 years ago. All while working the same minimum wage job. Fuck this gay earth.

He’s definitely right. For somebody who uses their phone for five hours a day every single day for years on end it’s worth it to have a phone that’s not a piece of shit

There's a lot between not being a piece of shit and costing one thousand dollars, y'know...

What kind of retard pays 2$ for a single cup of coffee?

>will cost you about $56 a month
But on what timeline? Did they forget to but that there?

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I make enough money to buy, say, a $25 McBreakfast (or whatever they have) each morning.
That doesn't mean I'd pay that

Because it affects every other phone manufacturer, the ones we use. Apparently Samsung's next phone will have a notch

reductio ad absurdum is a shitty high-pressure sales tactic and anyone who uses it on you must be immediately ignored. The best response, if you must talk to these people, is to talk about opportunity cost and list all the other shit you could buy with $2 a day

third worlder here

2$ is enough for food for whole day 3 meals and 10 slices of bread

I don’t. I see more hatred towards Apple users than vice versa on Jow Forums desu.

where can i lease this phone and make my daily $2 payments?
oh i can't? i have to pay the entire $1000 upfront? why mention $2/day then?

US guy here. $2 is enough for 3 candy bars, food for a whole day costs $10

Nobody pays for anything with daily payments, there are monthly payment plans, I think

You save the 2$ each day for a year and then you can buy the next model for only an additional 200$

Probably because iphone users will never stop letting you know they have an iphone.

Oh just 2$?

African men work 12 hours to earn 1$ a day.

They do? I know Apple users and they barely talk about Apple.
I guess there are all kinds of people, just like those who brag non-stop about using some flavor of GNU/Linux.

Northern Europe here, $2 is hardly even worth bending over to pick up if you see it on the ground. Well, food is something that we try to keep the prices down because it's an absolute necessity for everyone. Other than that everything is very expensive.

>hardly even worth bending over to pick up
You're now realizing that you've skipped over hundreds of two dollars.

$2 is a little less than 2€ which is still a coin in Euro currency. The smallest bill is 5€. Nobody pays with coins unless they're only buying one Coke or something, which by the way is way over 2€ on its own. It's something like 2.75€ I think.

>He’s definitely right. For somebody who uses their phone for five hours a day every single day for years on end it’s worth it to have a phone that’s not a piece of shit
sure, but the "not a piece of shit" line is somewhere around $200-300, like a fourth the price

why is Coke so expensive in yuroland?

Okay Jow Forums so what's not a poverty phone?

>using a pencil 5 hours a day means you should pay 1000 dollars for it

Applefags now official POORFAGS
We always knew this, but finally their master admits the truth

>lasting years

Old communist Europe here, 2$ will last you for 2-3 dinners.

You're literally in a thread posting about them, what the fuck?

And forgo my daily coffee? Fuck that.

A highly advanced integrated cuck shed

I still have my iPhone 5, going strong

I only make $8k a year and Tim Cock thinks he can convince me with his backwards logic to part with one of those 8 for a fucking toy?!

i hate the "dollars in coffee" analogy because it implies i should know what the average inflated price of shitty coffee is, and that i'm so retarded i should need some college dropout to brew me a coffee, and it implies that paying over two dollars for a price of coffee is actually how normal people think.

Fast food isn't food user. $10 can feed you for several days in the US.


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>posting edited webms
Jow Forums has hit a new low

>Why do Apple users brag non-stop about being able to afford $2 a day?
Do they though?
To me this is like people complaining about vegans never shutting up about veganism, I only ever hear people complain about it but never seen someone actually behave like that.

>lying to defend your lagPhone trash
iToddlers have hit a new low.

>falling for obvious bait
Fagdroids have hit a new low

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>You're now realizing that you've skipped over hundreds of two dollars.
Not him, but I used to make 40€ a hour.
Even if it's hundreds of USD, it's probably still less than a days work, that I enjoyed and would even have done for free when bored.

>I don't get it.

>be really bad with money
>constantly buying shit you don't need because it's the current meme
>no research because how could anything else possibly be better or more cost effective
>4 credit cards with floating balances, will never be paid off
>0 savings
>0 retirement
>buys new iphone every year because "it's only $2/day"

The kind of person that thinks they can afford an iphone because they amortize the payments is exactly the same kind of person who is in poverty because they are shit with money.

Cook is wrong when he says that anyone can afford an iPhone, but he's right in thinking that people will buy it anyway