/ppc/ general PowerPC Macs and other ppc computers

/ppc/ Genesis Edition
All things PowerPC, PPC Macs and other computers. Fifth edition of /ppc/, share projects and machines.
All discussions welcome.
software requests/ recommendations
>inb4 TenFourFox
Every day uses

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I use my PowerBook g4 for watching DVDs and distraction-free word processing for class. Also Halo. Has anyone been able to use an xBox 360 controller with it?

Powermac 5500/225 OS8.6 225mhz 96m MB Ram 3Dfx chip 24xCD-ROM Ethernet upgrade

Utility sofware: SoundApp ppc Graphic Converter ppc Norton 9

Games: Duke3d DooM Marathon A-10 Cuba X-wing Tomb Raider Gold Pro pinball: Bigrace

Everyday software: Classzilla Winamp Mavis Beacon (That clicky keyboard goodness) Claris Works 5.0 Stuffit Expander

Definitely recommend SoundApp and Graphic converter Surprisingly still useful for its age.
I also have a copy of Microsoft Works 4.2.1 but it's not installed because it's redundant.

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user thats a first gen intel Macbook Pro in your picture. The Powerbook G4 doesn't have a built in webcam.

You're not wrong. The left is a titanium edition g4 tho

How often do you use it? What kind of things do you use it for other than the games?

I can't take a pic right now, but I'm in the process of maxing out this Power Mac G3:
Pretty much the only thing I have left is a 4MiB SGRAM DIMM to max out the onboard video memory.
Oh, and I'm posting from an iBook G4 running Debian

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At lest 4 times a week, often more.
Typing practice (Trying to get my speed up)
Converting old file formats mostly audio and graphic.
Audio CD testing. Especially older enhanced cds.
Browsing Jow Forums
Browsing Retro-Mac sites

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Hows debian on your g4? Thinking of putting it or bsd on my machine

It runs decently well, except for openGL acceleration. The ATi driver has a bug that makes it not use the correct endianness for the colors, and they all get messed up. But that only means no 3D games and no in-browser video, so I can deal with that.
Also, if you have a machine with an Nvidia card, forget about GNU/Linux completely. There's no way to get acceleration since KMS became mandatory. Don't know about *BSD, though.

recently I rebuilt a nice G4/800 15'' with the factory 9.2.2+10.1.2 dualboot and it's surprisingly good considering how terrible support for early OS X versions is, the SSL everywhere meme gets old sometimes though since Camino doesn't support half of the algs anymore, but I can still shitpost so whatever

also finally got a cinema display for my G5s but I want an actually good G5 to pair with it now like a 2.5/2.7DP or a 2.3DC

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AIOs seem like they'd make nice bridge boxes

Man those are sexy displays. I'd get one for my g4 but I can never find them for a decent price

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If you have a Classic Macintosh there almost essential to getting anything over. Under OS 8 the drive will format ProDOS disks.
My misfortune is that my other classic Apple product is a IIgs with no 3.25" drive.

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this one was the first one I'd ever even seen outside of a fucking Apple store, felt pretty lucky on it, but the 20'' ones on eBay actually seem to go pretty cheap (like $60 total factoring in shipping) if you'd really like one to go with your system
wish I could hang it off of my iBooks, unironically considering shelling out the $65 for a G4 Mini to pair with it so I can have a more compact setup
yeah, linking up 68k systems to anything post-second coming is a fucking bitch
right now I do most of my bridge stuff on a StarMax and just hang systems off of it via PhoneNET or just load stuff onto external SCSI disks

Found my g4 before leaving for work, think the HDD is dead :( or is it some yaboot meme. I can't remember.
Also does anyone have a PPC thinkpad, how are they?

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PPC Thinkpad?




where do i find a CRT Cinema Display? They were so fucking cool as a kid and now that I'm an adult I can't find them anywhere.


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I've been using Tigrebrew and Macports as package managers on an 867MHz Powerbook G4. It's painfully slow to build anything, but it works. It took at least 4 hours to build Apple-gcc42, but I can use Lynx now. Are there any good graphical browsers for Tiger?

Try Classzilla in OS 9 under Classic mode, works with a lot more sites and is still semi-regularly updated.

I tried to get w3m running once cuz 104fox was so fricken slow. Couldn't get it or,in and didn't want to compile it.

>Are there any good graphical browsers for Tiger?

Classilla under classic mode

they built like three different families of PPC portables, the first were the Tadpole-engineered RS/6000 N40s running AIX and then the concept was revisited with the more home-grown TP 800 and 850 running AIX and NT probably as part of their half-assed effort to jump on the prosumer RISC+NT hype train along with the equally short-lived PC 800 series
they were cool but didn't sell well since they really didn't serve much of a purpose, IBM billed them as a solution for developers to work from airplanes and hotel rooms and for professionals like geologists to use as workstations out in the field, neither markets were all that big, now it's rare for even big dick collectors to come across them
Classilla actually seems to have the same issues with encryption algorithm support, but it's definitely still nice to use
you'll probably shit on me but honestly one of the main reasons I don't use Classilla exclusively is the icon just looks like shit in contrast with the polish of Aqua, with all other things working pretty much the same I figure Camino 0.85 aesthetically blends in way better

I'm might try w3m myself, but I'll have to pull a few dependencies, so it will take a while.
I've tried Tenfourfox, but it is pretty slow. Slower than Firefox on Leopard, I've found. It works, at least, so I'll keep using it if it's the best option.

Wrong board.

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I love camino. I know it's a security risk (don't do anything important on this machine anyways). It's just so much faster. Too bad I can't even shitpost from it.

Since I use OS 8.6, I'm stuck with Classzilla

And before you suggest, I don't want to switch up to 9.

>Browsing Retro-Mac sites
The absolute state of mactoddler soyboys.

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Does Camino not display Jow Forums? I used it a few years ago on an iBook G3 and thought it was good.

usually on G4 systems I'll run TFF with tandem some other older, less compatible but faster browser and pick based on which sites I want to hit

Classilla is always a solid choice, Camino is good if you want something more native, the JavaScript engine is still good enough to handle some common websites (and here, just turn off quick reply)

Has anyone done a SSD swap in a G3/ G4/ G5? Did it speed things up? My G4 is stupid slow and it's a 1ghz so I'm kinda at a loss

>i literally use gay pride products but i'm totally not gay!
Really made me think.

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either he's running a really fucking ancient version or he doesn't have JavaScript turned off

t. camino 0.85

Found your problem.

do you have a problem with fags or something

Don't feed the trolls.

>defending gays
Spotted the mac fag.

Is TenFourKit still a thing? On Leopard Webkit is usually one of the best options for a browser. TFF can use Firefox extensions, though, which is a plus.

it's literally just one closeted scat fetishist that does nothing but F5 the catalog all day looking for macshit threads to post the same boring shit in over and over again

the mods do a good job when tipped off about him though

you project like crazy and I think it's cute

>everyone that doesn't worship my vapid fruit cult toys is the same person

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TFK's dead but it might still be worth looking at, never tried it myself
>he's literally just going to post the same shit again he posted in the last 50 threads while pretending he isn't the same person
im not giving you any more attention, you are so fucking boring

>April 20, 2018
>The extreme minority of Jow Forums still uses apple trash

Why? Do you enjoy being fucked in the ass and scammed at every opportunity?

If your reason is "muh fruit brand", you can fuck off to .

There is no reason to use the proprietary fagOS operating system in our current age of existence. If your employer is forcing you to use proprietary software, you should seek an alternative or find a new job; they are oppressing your individual freedoms, which is tantamount to absolute subjugation to a company that will happily sell all your data to any government agency who pays/orders them to do so while putting on a fake act of resistance.

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You seem to be lost.

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Well it's not like Applekiddies have a personality of their own or anything. Circlejerking it to their chinkshit foxconn garbage is all they have to fill their pathetic empty lives.

See this is what happens when you don't beat your children.

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I've got w3m running now. It doesn't really have any advantages over Lynx, unfortunately.

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w3m does a way better job at formatting pages though, really in general it's nicer to use

Did you compile it?

This completely. Though tbqh, macfaggots should be retroactively aborted for being a waste of oxygen.

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>the state of macfags
What has to go wrong in someone's life that causes them to become mindless corporate asslickers?

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True, and it is easier to navigate pages with, although I'm more used to using Lynx.
Just built it from the Macports repository.

This is pure cancer. but it still feels nice somehow to see a classic meme template fuse with a new one.

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Can we all just agree that Jobs was a completely useless piece of shit that fucked Apple completely!

IIgs > Macintosh

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Mactoddlers will defend this.

when are you going to get laid?

When your mom comes over to my condo for some fun this weekend.

This isn't a mac thread. Y'all are in the wromg neighborhood. This is a PowerPC thread.
Maybe you should try to be original instead of regurgitating the same arguments.


>Can we all just agree that Jobs was a completely useless piece of shit that fucked Apple completely!
Pretty sure that's just common knowledge. Apple has been utter trash for decades.

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reeeee reeeeee noooooo stop enjoying things praise kek maga maga I have PC thinkpad is PC reee

my mom is 50 and her deflated tits droop down to her knees
are you really that desperate?

What are you on about? I don't think you know what PPC architecture is.

This isn't a PPC thread. Y'all are in the wromg neighborhood. This is a thinly veiled mac circlejerk thread.
Maybe you should try to be original instead of regurgitating the same arguments.

Hey! I have an iBook G4 and a Powerbook G4. I want to run Debian 8 with XFCE or LXDE on them, but is there anything more easy? I know Gentoo supports PPC but there is not much out there now that is both up to date and as easy as Debian. Debian 9 does not even exist for PPC. I'm pretty sad about it because almost all my PPC rigs use Debian.
I plan to speed them up too, by replacing their hard drives with CF cards.

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Honestly MacOS 10.4 is the best for them. Perfect hardware support and you'd be surprised at the software available if you dig.

>I don't think

Applefags, everyone.

>Hey! I have an iBook G4 and a Powerbook G4.

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debian 9 exists for PPC, get your facts straight (get it? as in thinkpad user? praise kek! maga! maga!), faggot.

>I fag
Sorry buddy wrong board to come out of the closet in. How about you make your momma proud and do what she tried to do 15 years ago when she was pregnant. Kill yourself

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I honestly liked having the Debian repos a lot more.

Thanks for letting me know.

I just seem to enjoy the machines built when Jobs wasn't running jack shit.

hence the IIgs and the 5500.

Was that a joke? Or did you fall asleep on your keyboard?


I don't think you know what that means, user.

>I don't think
Fuck I can do it too.....

You can run Ubuntu on them with LXDE, other than that you could run OpenBSD or MorphOS.
How much RAM do you have in your laptops? For 1GB and under I'd definitely suggest you use i3, rather than XFCE or LXDE. I run Debian with i3 on my Thinkpad R50e and it is much faster and lighter than XFCE.
I couldn't get Debian to run on my Powerbook G4, I think it was due to the Nvidia graphics. I'm using Tiger now and it is still quite usable, so unless you need up to date software that is also an option.

not think? that’s pretty obvious

>my Powerbook G4

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Fun fact: I once wished freescale would bankrupt. Guess what happened? They got bought by NXP.

I hate them (from now on NXP as well) with a real passion.
arm must destroy them into oblivion for justice.

I've been thinking I don't think for a while. Actually, I haven't been thinking that. I haven't been thinking at all. Thanks user, you really helped me. Is it really obvious I don't think? Clearly you do with such a clever response. Clearly you don't sit at home browsing all day, masturbating, giving yourself ED. No, with such a clever response on a thread you have no interest in, clearly you do think.
>pic related
It's an MRI of my brain.

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>debian 9 exists for PPC
It does? I have not been able to find it anywhere on the Debian website.
I thought ubuntu stopped supporting them when Debian did.

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How will iBrainlets ever recover?

Jobs will rise again

Yes, but only 64 bit powerpc

>I thought ubuntu stopped supporting them when Debian did.
Lubuntu 16.04 LTS still supports PowerPC.

>brainlet zombies led by brainlet zombie

Yes yes, gooooooooood. Keep using the same lines you've been taught user. Soon you will assimilate completely and become just like every other Jow Forumsentooman.

Oh shit, thanks.

Does anyone know where Snapz Pro X 2.3 can be downloaded?