If you want help: >State the budget & CURRENCY for your build >List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work >For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
CPUs: >NO i5 7500/7600K or i7 7700/K. THEY ARE DEFUNCT AND SUPERSEDED BY COFFEE LAKE >NO R3 1200/1300X or R5 1400/1500X. THEY ARE DEFUNCT AND SUPERSEDED BY THE R3 2200G AND R5 2400G >R3 2200G - Gaming WITHOUT a graphics card >G4560 - non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card >i3 8100 - Budget gaming builds >R5 2600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming (especially the i5 8400) or multithreaded use CPUs (especially the R5 1600) >R7 2700X / i7 8700K - VM Work / Streaming / Video editing
RAM: >Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal >Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports
Graphics cards: >Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon) 1080p >MSRP of standard 1080p cards: 1050Ti, 140USD; 1060 3GB, $200; 1060 6GB, $230; RX 570 4GB, $170; RX 580 4GB, $200 >GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 1440p >GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced >GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match 2160p (4K) >GTX 1080Ti
General: >PLAN YOUR BUILD AROUND YOUR MONITOR IF GAMING >A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>350 bucks for 32GB RAM yeah, i'm waiting for DDR5, fuck this shit
PSU is overkill, the 550W version would easily be enough. Not an issue though, this way you can possibly use it for a future dual GPU system and it will run completly passive even under full load. Everything else looks fine.
Personally i always try to buy a high(er) end GPU at the begin of a generation so i get to be on top longer, but i have no idea when turing will hit the market. Maybe Q3?
Quick question here Jow Forumsents. I'm upgrading my rig by steps. First will be the GPU. I'm currently gaming with a 750ti on an HD screen. I want 1080p @60Hz so I have two options basically at the same prize. Gygabyte 1050ti g1 4gb, new Xfx Rx 570 4gb, 2 months used for gaming/mining. Will get a ryzen 5 1600 in a couple of months if that matters. Thanks in advance.
Jaxon Ortiz
The G.Skill Sniper RAM was just released for Ryzen 2, so I'm assuming it has good performance. I keep hearing about Samsung BDie being the best, but I honestly have no idea which would work well with Ryzen 2. Would really like any criticism or suggestions. Hoping it will last me at least 5+ years.
Nathaniel Johnson
I'm in the same boat but I guess I'll have to wait till someone actually tests it out proper.
Austin Nelson
the 570 is the better card, uses more power but it's used. Your decision.
Ryzen 2 doesn't seem to be remotely as picky with memory as the first gen was and the new boards also seem to help with higher frequencies but i don't know what works best. Samsung B-Die is probably still the best bet, but everything else shouldn't give you a problem anymore either.
Henry Parker
only thing that's wrong is SATA SSD. What's wrong with you?
Chase Walker
Alright i wana buy a new PC. I was thinking abouht i5 8400 but now ryzen 5 2600 or 2600x seems very good. My question is how can i buy the ryzen and B350 motherboard if i cant update the bios myself?
Jayden Collins
write a mail to your vendor and ask what BIOS/UEFI version the mainboard comes with. Because they only store a few at a time and have a high rotation boards usually come with the newest BIOS/UEFI version fairly quickly.
Ayden Jackson
what PSU? plan to limp along with old GPU until new releases buy new GPU then use old GPU on a XP or win7 partion/VM (if PCI passthrough becomes more idiot proof by then)
>try to make a budget build on pcpartpicker >comes up to how much an expensive, top of the line fully decked out build was 2 years ago
oh no no no no no, where do you buy budget shit these days? Any companies selling prebuilts with AMD APUs or something?
Chase Phillips
What I meant is, does 3 or 5 months mining take a toll on amd cards?
Matthew Fisher
Mining is usually far less stressful on a card than gaming for equal time spent. Most miners run their cards undervolted and underclocked to get the best perf/watt, often in a temperature-controlled environment. The only thing that's really stressed more on a mining card is the fan bearings, but two months is nothing in that respect.
Hello Jow Forums. In need of assistance. >Goal PURE gaming PC. 100% performance in mind. >Small as possible Portable PC that I can "easily" take with me anywhere. with a monitor of course
I just can't bring myself to buy a gaming laptop. If being portable is such a concern to me should I just get a fucking laptop? Pic related, a laptop I was looking at. Have one more pic coming.
But can it play older (single core only) games without any issues? FX was bad at this. No stutterng, no jerky play, just butter smooth play as with Phenom II. If not, then wtf is the point in upgrading? Yeah I'd like my video encoding time to get cut in half just like everyone else but not at the expense of my older games not being playable. Everything or nothing!
Parker Allen
Other laptop here.
Also I have no idea why that noctua cooler is listed as incompatible. It shouldn't be, right?
Before anyone asks, I do already have a desktop gaming pc.
Zen already had higher IPC in a raw sense. But when people say IPC, what they really mean is an average number derived from popular programs with same clocked single thread on different CPUs. Obviously their metrics can vary depending on the programs used. Zen had latency improvements and Intel was hit by spectre patch penalties so its "IPC" might have closed the gap in a sense. If you consider programs that depend AXV2, those numbers wouldn't change much still.
redpill me on ryzen 2 should i sell my 1600 and upgrade?
Wyatt Gray
Not unless you own a 1080 Ti and a high refresh rate monitor.
Jaxon King
It's good, what did you expect from x470
Isaac Ramirez
I don't think you understand. Doesn't matter if the IPC is 1% better, it's still 600 MHz slower. IPC isn't single-threaded performance.
Josiah Adams
Should I switch from my 8700k with my 1080ti
Kevin Russell
Why? It wouldn't be enough of an upgrade to justify switching mobo platforms, you might as well buy Threadripper if you need better multicore that badly.
Charles Scott
What B350 mainboard and reasonably inexpensive RAM would you recommend for Ryzen 2700X? I don't need much power for gaming, so no need for X chipsets and SLI. My main goals are: 1. CPU power 2. support for a lot of RAM (I'm getting 32GB at least, maybe even 64GB) 3. lots of SATA3 ports (6 is minimum)
Xavier Barnes
would you recommend a dual core in 2018
Cooper Morris
>The high throughput places a higher burden on programmers and compilers to utilize the increased instruction level parallelism in ST applications As usual, the hardware is already super advanced, but the software is behind and programmers are lazy pieces of shit.
Alexander Campbell
bad goy
Josiah Phillips
>2700X Tomahawk
Connor Edwards
would running prime95 for 1 hour be enough to say that my cpu and memory overclock are stable?
Jacob Ortiz
No Yes
Lucas Adams
Is 1080 worth an extra 100 euros? I mean I could just buy 1070 ti and overclock it for the same performance?
Xavier Myers
No, not when there are good affordable quad core options. The newer hyperthreaded Pentiums maybe if you're building for someone else on a budget.
2700X is breddy gud, trading blows with 8700k in gaymen
Brayden Cooper
Does it make sense to pay the extra $75 difference between the 8700 and 8700K (at least that's the price gap in my country), the extra 400mhz from overcooking can't make an extreme difference
wouldn't it be better to buy a new 1050ti tho? The cost is pretty much the same anyway. does that mobo work good with the zen+ or is it worth it to wait for the new cheaper chipset to be released?
Mostly gaymen, some basic video and compression shit. Designed to last for years with maybe a new videocard if it absolutely must come to that. What have I fucked up?
>inb4 everything
Isaiah Reyes
My current build eats up games like the Witcher 3 on ultra at 1080p60fps with ease, even while watching a stream full screen on a second monitor (if that matters). Do you think my build could handle 4k 60fps? Any caveats?
>8-core AMD CPU barely faster than a 6-core Intel Intel isn't even trying either, that's just a Skylake with 6 cores
Daniel Collins
What's a good graphics card for 1440p at 120fps?
Brayden Murphy
>update bios from 5-6 revisions behind >resuming from sleep/standby hangs at CPU error debug LED Thanks MSI... Now to wait again.
Parker Brooks
Planning to get a Ryzen 2600X, what motherboard chipset should I aim for? May do a little overclocking but not much. I see these new X470 and B450 chipsets being released at the same time, is it worth using them?
Brandon Baker
most games don't even use 4 cores which is why the 2600X is barely slower than the 2700X
Unless they're noticeably more expensive, it's probably worth getting them over 300-series. It's a bit early to tell, as far as I can tell all benchmarking has been done on x470 chipsets and although some reviewers have tested 1st gen Ryzen on 400-series, I haven't yet seen anyone do the reverse.
tldr is look for older used gens, which miners haven't touched, if you want minimal performance loss with huge money savings
Christopher Lewis
thanks. got my 2400mhz ram to 3000mhz stable for 1 hr so im pretty happy with that
Zachary Nguyen
Not worth it
Ethan Martinez
Get a 600W psu
Jose Evans
Jaxon Martin
Partpicker that bad with power estimations?
Asher Robinson
Techyescity benched the 300 and 400 boards and said he didnt notice a difference
Sebastian Evans
Guess so. Id buy a 650w for that personally. Maxing out your psu with OC will cause voltage droop over premature death over time
Adrian Diaz
He's talking bullshit, that system won't even use 400W in a worst case scenario, the 550W PSU is more than plenty
Dylan Walker
No modern PSU will have significant voltage drop or ripple under load, nor will it die prematurely because it'll have to deliver like 60% of what its rated for under load. You are misinformed, atop talking out of your ass
Asher Reed
When RAM will go down?
Ayden Davis
Don't they require flashing to be compatible with the new CPUs? How would I flash it without a working CPU already? My current is an intel cpu.
Robert Brooks
>maxing out components doesnt wear them out faster Ur dumb 2700x and 1080 pull a fuckload of wattage when you oc both and 400w is not enough dumb mong
Hunter Parker
>what are efficiency curves and futureproofing for eventual ocing or more powerful components You're the one that should stop talking out of your ass, giving tips when you learn that 400
Cameron Wright
>no idea why that noctua cooler is listed as incompatible. The cooler is 70mm high. The Sugo SG13 can only fit coolers up to 61mm in height. >Samsung - 850 Pro Series 1TB 2.5" Solid State Drive Do you really need the ability (and warranty) to write ~82GB every day for 10 years? Because for what that thing costs, you could get a 1TB NVMe SSD - or else save some money by going with a 1TB 850/860 Evo.
David Cruz
It does not if it is properly built. Many PSU OEMs use the same model for the ~400-800W range with only slight modifications on the secondary side. Even when OC'd they won't draw more than ~150+300W under torture load, much less under normal usage scenarios.
>muh .5% more efficiency As if that's going to make any difference. And I already pointed out why the life expectancy argument is bullshit.
Aaron Roberts
Why is this board so retard? The amount of disinformation i read on here daily is insaine. People actually listen to this crap and i feel bad for them
Nicholas Morgan
>futureproofing GPU power consumption isn't going up. Besides dual GPU cards and power modded stuff there still was nothing that uses more than a GTX 580.
Landon Gonzalez
>Do you really need the ability (and warranty) to write ~82GB every day for 10 years?
I was an early adopter with SSDs so I'm still a little paranoid on wear (even though they turned out to be much more rugged then expected). You are right though, but not sure NVMe is worth the money.
Also occurs to me I didn't put a sound card in there either. Money saved on the SSD can go to that I guess.
Wyatt Russell
I'm building a PC for a friend, but I'm not really sure wheter to tell him to get the 2600X or the 8600k. The PC will be used mainly for gaming&VR. Since he'll be playing VRChat, and that game is very cpu intensive, I'm not sure if I should sacrifice the potential future proofing of the extra threads on ryzen for the slight performance increase. What do you guys think? Budget is kinda limited and the build should hold for the next few years. 2600X or 7600k? I'm learning heavily towards AMD since it will probably age better.
Cameron Myers
2600X is an i5 contender, 2700X is an 8700/K contender.
You can't go wrong with either side, it comes down to cost and as you mentioned future upgrade options.
James Hall
Do you know the source of the paper in your pic? Seems like an intresting read.
Evan Bell
I have a Ryzen build and I'm buying a video card in the near future. Should I save up more money and get one of the scarcely available AMD cards? Will it perform much better with the other AMD components compared to an nvidia card?
Angel Young
It makes absolutely no difference. Get whatever card is the best deal for your price and performance segment.
1070ti is only 5% slower. they're $550. you can mine better on them.
James James
if power is a concern, you can undervolt the rx570, they have lots of overhead voltage and you'll save tonnes of watts.
Luis Morgan
That's a fucking 2700X my dude, 8c/16t, if you overclock it to 4.3/4.4 GHz it will consume quite a lot.
Jason Lee
Agner Fog I think? Not that user btw
Daniel Morgan
Yeah Agner Fog's optimization guide for assembly programmers and compiler makers agner.org/optimize/#manuals
Robert Fisher
I don't think it's ryzen 2 that dramatically increased memory compatibility. I think it is more related to BIOS updates necessary to support them. I've done 3 builds so far and every stick of off-brand DDR4 that I've thrown at them has worked since late last year.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Asked him and he said he'd prefer longetivity, so 2600X it is. Any good motherboards to pair it up with? Would be nice to have as much usb bandwidth as possible for the oculus sensors.
Robert Parker
>decide it's finally time to upgrade since ryzen+ is out >€500 just for cpu+mobo+ram reeeee