Is this true?

Is this true?

Attached: 1.png (1280x2160, 1.87M)


Yes, MVS is the best IDE for serious C++ protects that actually gets done.

It's in the image, retard.

> not using a monospace font
how can anyone stand it

>Do you understand the mistake?

Yes. Anime is a mistake.

>range-based for
>Allman coding style
Nene is so perfect ;_;

Attached: 1523730407269.jpg (591x751, 152K)

Yes, if you have a piece of code that you use multiple times, it's better to just kill yourself.

Depends on language.
Function calls have overhead in many of them, so effectively having an add(base, toAdd) call instead of "1 + 2" is dumb.
