Why are thou not using the future of waking up yet Jow Forums?
Phillips Wake Up Light
I use a hue LED spot pointing at my face on a timer, really helps waking up
I use a 300W searchlight pointing at my face on a timer, really helps waking up
I use a blue LED pointing at my face that's never on, really helps waking up
I have a gigantic fire ball LED really high up in the sky pointing at my face on a timer, really helps waking up
>implying I didn't use to
the lamps are shit. if they threw in a little bit more R&D, added bluetooth or wifi to sync with your phone's alarm, this would be amaziballs.
but no, it's shit, and difficult to use, especially if you have changing schedules.
tell me more
>not using candles
>Literal housefires
At least they smell nice
Call me when it can wake me up from this nightmare called "reality".
>responsible for hue
philips deserves to die a cruel and slow death
Unless you are way up north, this works fine.
Unironic post here. I actually use one of these and it's helped a lot. I have curtains before I got to bed because I'm on the bottom floor of an apartment and lights from outside parking blinds me when I try to sleep. So this alarm clock helps me with my cicadian rhythm since I get no sunlight in my room in the morning.
>even fucking lights are botnet now
When will it end?
>not using wake-up buttplugs
The absolute heresy
But I am
Does it actually wake you up more smoothly tho?
I can hardly walk straight when I get up at 530 and there is no sunlight yet. Been debating getting one of these
your point
look at the pretty kitty
Only 60% were completely satisfied, 40% were less than completely satisfied. I only like buying stuff where at least 80% are completely satisfied.
>When will it end?
>And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
I'd say it's not a giant difference but I definitely don't feel as groggy using one.
>using botnet alarm clock lights to simulate the sun to pull you out of your sleeping-pill induced slumber at some stupidly early to spend all day at your meaningless job sipping caffeine to stay awake to earn money for your boss
I bought a Xiaomi Yeelight that does the exact same behavior as that Phillips shit, yet it cost 20% of the total price.
>4 stars
Are you a game reviewing journalist?
I just wake up without any assistance at 7 AM...
Is this really such a problem for you people
It's okay but I tend aim higher. It sounds like a lot of people feel the product wasn't really worth the money they paid for it.
If you don't get a good sleep it really is. I can wake up at 7 if I go to sleep between 23:30 and 1 am but forget about waking up that early without several alarms if I go to sleep at 2 or 3.