Are some people just not meant to program...

Are some people just not meant to program? I'm a translator looking for a new career since machine learning is killing my current one, but I feel like such a brainlet looking at basic C++ and python tutorials, do you believe it's something anyone can learn, or should you avoid it if you feel like I do now?

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I am a translator too (thou not using English)
If you are young - go for it, if you are past 25 - don't bother and wait for UBI.

nobody looks at it their first time and gets it. it really comes down to how much time you want to put into it. how badly do you want to learn it? I used to think I'd never be able to program, but I have a CS degree and work as a software developer now. it comes at different rates and paces for people, but you can learn it if you look for the resources and learning strategies that work for you, and you really stick with them.

Do you enjoy it?
That's all that should matter.

If you do, awesome, there's a million different resources you can just fucking google you lazy fuck.

If you don't, but tech seems cool and you want to be actually valuable to society instead of shitposting about which distro is better, your cum encrusted battlestation, etc. then networking and cybersec is also tied in. Those aren't as programming heavy, but still require working knowledge of it.

Just about anyone can be a fucking monkey, and companies are starving for jobs as long as you have experience and actually do something on your own that looks impressive on a resume.

Are there best practices you learn by heart, like iterating certain types of data? I'm a hobby programmer and I feel like I'm always able to further optimize my code, especially if I am working with a rate-limiting api. It would be hear to just get it right the first time

>wait for UBI
>wait for what might never happen

I think it totally depends, understanding and being familiar with things like complexity and different data structures and sorting algorithms will definitely help write better code, and understand what type of data structure might work better over another (ie linked list v hash map, etc)

and I think the best way to learn these sort of things is to practice them in the same language. it's good to be broad with the languages you are familiar with, but make sure you really drill yourself with one particular language. Ideally a big name language with good doccu and libs, I learned on java, and it's not a bad choice to start with, despite the Jow Forumsays saying otherwise.

also find a good book with that language, they can be dense if you're just getting into things, but i found they are a lot more structured than trying to do it on your own sometimes, and it can be useful to have relevant exercises to things you're leaning

>will take away all job opportunities from regular people
>thinks there will be no redistribution

The phrase everyone can program is often quoted, but is seldom true. Anyone can program provided you have an interest and enjoy learning the material. Forcing yourself to try and learn something will always yield poor results. That being said you are in the worst part of learning, being fresh as fuck. Nothing is more daunting that trying to get your feet into the water of a massive and complex subject. You have to start somewhere though, power through, learn, fix things that bother you in real life. This will make you a much better programmer faster.
-Guy who's first job hired him at 6 figures.

Maybe everyone will just be more miserable.

>6 figure salary at the start
What the actual fuck? You come straight from a BS or BA? Literally anything that requires 6 figs has real world experience before hand and if it doesn't, you graduated from an extremely good school or did some dumb over the top shit in college.

Expressing some serious doubt. Unless you live in Cali, Israel, or UAE.

If you're not a faggot and post some proof, then I'm jelly.

I went to a public school (Virginia Tech) and got myself an internship every year starting freshmen. This cumulated in me getting a job at one of the top 3 tech giants who's starting salary is six figures and has some of the best benefits in the industry. It's not uncommon. Here's the paystub from my first year of work. It's a lot more possible than most think, but it all depends on what you do. That being said the first internship I got was a 40k a year job in gov that paid half my tuition. These things exist, but you have to look and apply.

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>-Guy who's first job hired him at 6 figures.
>That being said the first internship I got was a 40k a year job

You're a faggot.

I'm am jealous though. Waiting for the results of an internship next week. I know what I want to get into, and I know it pays 6 figures, but don't have the $ to get the paper that says I'm hireable and know my shit, and actually get that knowledge too.

I see programming as being like reading and writing, in that in the future everyone will be able to do it, and it will be a skill that we just take for granted. Entry-level programming languages will be taught in elementary schools along with arithmetic and literacy. It's easier to learn if you start sooner, like in your teens or earlier, but it's not impossible to learn as an adult. You just have to be dedicated. I predict that coding skills will only become more essential and central to our economy as time goes on, so it's certainly worth the effort.

The best thing about this industry is despite what the media says, it is still very much a meritocracy. The high achievers achieve, regardless of pieces of paper. I went to school to learn and it paid massive dividends, but self taught guys can kick just as much ass. Keep learning, and remember spam that application. There are 1.5 million jobs needing tech expertise.

>Are some people just not meant to program?
Yes, I am one of these people too. Everything about it just flies over my head. I can't comprehend it.

>Entry-level programming languages will be taught in elementary schools along with arithmetic and literacy.
you're fucking dreaming, half of freshmen university students fail out of their babby tier programming class. No way they're going to put a bunch of double digit IQ negro and mexican children through that.

If there's companies making millions off people to teach programming to literal toddlers, manbabies like you can learn.

It's more dependent on passionand willing to learn rather than not being able to comprehend.

I respect the grind. Already preping for some certs too. If there's one thing I learned, being proactive in learning is the best thing you can do, and that kind of drive doesn't stop after you get your dream job.

basic programming is so easy, I can't even grasp how someone can't understand it. When I finished some random Java courses on YouTube with 0 previous knowledge I thought "Wait, that's it? Is this really all there is to it?"

I'm with you OP, working on the CS50 course now, and I'm at problem set 1 for the first week, where it wants me to make a program that can tell what the minimum amount of coins needed for change is, and another asking me to output a pyramid from Mario using hashtags and their input. It's daunting, and I've put a lot of time into these projects with no avail, but you gotta keep at it, even if it's hopeless. You will get eureka moments that prop you up.

is that an entry level course? sounds abnormally difficult for a beginner.

My shrink says I get frustrated fast if things don't go my way but I'm always looking into new problems and challenges to solve (which makes sense considering I use gentoo). Would programming work for me? Even webdev is fine, I'm tired of trying to find something I can do. I actually studied Law and Business administration before giving up on both since the courses would just bore me to hell.

Can you turn that frustration into motivation? What's the longest you've ever worked on a problem?

just get a certified pajeet degree (knowledge analyst) and you'll learn about basic oop
not only you'll start small and easy, there will be teachers to assist you and you'll get some job opportunities
if you truly are interested in the subject you'll dwelve deeper once you learn all you can from mr. nahasapeemapetilon

In the Middle Ages, most adults in Europe couldn't read and had tremendous difficulty learning to do so. Like reading, coding is a skill that we're not naturally born with, but that doesn't make it inherently difficult.

People read shit every day. You think kids are going to write code every day?

They already do. Go to the Tech section in your local Barnes and Noble. You'll probably see Python for Kids, Arduino for Kids, and similar titles.

I have worked on problems that interest me for days. Like setting up a LAMP stack for the first time at home (the software I used was not written by me though; a web interface for rtorrent and an imageboard), or even installing Gentoo for the first time.
I get frustrated when it's something utterly uninteresting to me, which I know is naive considering most people have to at least occasionally do stuff they don't like in their jobs.

Yeah being a webdev makes it easy to find a job. That said tho, they're not necessarily good jobs and you will be currynigged to the bone. But if you need to pay the bills, it's better than being a hooker or a mime I guess.

Are some people just not meant to program?

>Are some people just not meant to program?
Not sure what the IQ threshold would be, but you have to be intelligent enough, at least be able to pass college algebra without much trouble. It's not genius level shit, it's mostly putting in the hours to learn it, but yes some people will just lack the intellectual capacity to program.

It is; I am having difficulty with it, but it's good to work out this stuff now, I hope. It's an online course provided by Harvard.

Well you're gonna work on interesting problems and you're gonna work on ones that piss you off. Patience is a virtue.

Just because there are books doesn't mean that kids are constantly picking them up, reading them, and completing all the exercises in them on a daily basis.

Oh I guess that explains it. The coin thing is actually really easy for me but I don't understand what the pyramid assignment is asking exactly.

This is like cooking. Anyone can cook but not everyone is a chef.
>Hope you saw ratattouille.

It is the same with programming. Anyone can program, but not everyone is a great, not even a good, programmer.

Given the fact that you are just starting and you are coming from another area. I would suggest you to keep going if:
>You are not older than 26. Mainly because of your ease to learn and because employeers will still want to hire you.
>You enjoy, or at least didn't find boring to create your first programs.
>You are interested in how EVERYTHING works, not just the program, but a computer and basically everything related. (doesn't mean you have to know it, you just find it interesting).
>You have an open mind in general. You notice there are different solutions for the same problem (and I'm not talking about programming, I mean it as how you approach life).
>Can distinguish advantages and disadvantages of the solutions even if there's some that seem completely out of your mind or by logic one solution seems the best.

If you check at least 3/5, you are better than pajeet.