OLED vs LED vs Plasma vs DLP vs LCD vs TN vs VA vs CRT FIGHT

Well Jow Forums?

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> not using neural interface in 2018

>He's so bored of the regular botnet we wants to be first in line for the neural net as well

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well, even if it's a bait, I will answer, mLED.

OLED too expensive and dies quicker than anything esle
LED is jut a backlight for LCD
Plasma used too much power and needed laggy scalers
CRT was great but can't ever be resurrected due to the requirement for Barium glass which since the end of CRT production is now niche and it's not economically viable to make new factories.
TN LCD is good for cheap
VA LCD is good for better contrast than any other LCD
DLP is too big, too expensive and too power hungry, but at least it can do 100,000:1 native contrast.

Where is it?
Why isn't it out yet?
Oh yeah, it's a meme.

It will be better when it starts getting produced tho.
You can just ignore it and waster your money in an OLED what will burn itself to hell or maybe just stick with what you already have while waiting, maybe just getting a nice monitor or TV to watch media or produce, that's all.
I got a gaymer monitor 1440 144hz for 250€ from a friend, that will serve me until mLED actually becomes a thing,

>needed laggy scalers
ironically because it was able to produce frames far faster than devices could output.

It's not bait I promise friend

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>It will be better when it starts getting produced tho.
So will SED...

thought it won't, since it won't start production unlike mLED, which will start at early 2019, and it will be already some panels in mid 2018, maybe late, but these will be for selected consumers because it will be that big 147" screen or similar.

It won't, but believe whatever you want.
mLED is a meme and won't go anywhere.
On the extremely odd chance it does work out for TVs, I can guarantee it won't ever come to PC monitors.

I don't see anything wrong with a 4K mLED 32~42" TV tho. If it doesn't have more than 8ms then it should be fine.

Did I mention how much I hate the US Patent system?

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CRT wins in everything except cost, size, weight, and power consumption.

and pixel definition

IPS is a meme until you spend a lot of money on it, because of backlight bleeding, and even then the blacks will never be as good as a VA screen. TN is best for laptops, has lowest power consumtion.

OLED with proper software that prevents burn-in

Im on my second LG OLED and it's great,wouldn't use it as a monitor as it has issues with Burn in( temporary not permanent) but amazing picture quality and obviously perfect blacks are neato


i prefer to print each frame and put them in a flip book

CRT wins. Go home.

what in what paper and what kind of printer and tints and such


Micro led is going to change everything, the more time you faggots spend emailing companies for support such as asus, Apple, Samsung etc the more they will consider it for the profits.

Instead you idiots shit post on this Jow Forums shit of a site


>Micro led
>As of 2018, microLED displays have not been mass-produced or commercialized

wow, at least decade of more suffering with lcd shit

I doubt it will be a decade. The first mLED TV is going to be released this year and we can assume there will be more to follow.

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CRT because cathode rays are cool fuck your gay shit

I should add that "the wall" is a modular so you can order pretty much any size you want. I plan to get one for my desktop.

>not ghosting his brain to a cyberbrain