I like learn to draw this is good ?
I see this
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Fuck off pejeet
It's okay for a laptop, if you have desktop you'll need bigger working area because screen itself is way bigger.
Also consider other brands like Huion they're fine too. Wacom isn't that good anymore everyone is pissed off at them for various reasons I'm not going to get into.
if u can draw on paper - u can draw with anything anywhere.
>learn to draw
take drawing classes first and then decide
If you want to learn to draw teach yourself using a pencil and scrap paper.
Jumping right into using a tablet is a waste of money, especially if you don't know if your heart is into drawing yet.
>Also consider other brands like Huion they're fine too
Just entered Huion subreddit to check and half of the posts are complaints about bad drivers and bad calibration and other issues.
Since you're asking this question I suggest you master drawing on paper first.
Those things take a lot of time getting used to due to eye-hand coordination.
You could instead get a professional tablet w/screen but they get quite expensive.
If you aren't a very serious drawer though and have money to blow, get a windows tablet with pen or an ipad pro
Well you clearly made up your mind then. Not sure why you're replying then
>You could instead get a professional tablet w/screen but they get quite expensive
I got an x220 tablet for $80, the wacom digitizer is pretty good for the price you're paying.
OP can probably get one and just use it for drawing and reading manga.
You can't learn to draw. It requires natural ability.
I meant the wacom ones where they're like upwards of $500-1000
So people don't fall for your shill bullshit
You can have a natural ability, but you can't draw anywhere near good from start.
You still need to learn and have experience with drawing to get good at it.
It's true that some people will never get past subpar at drawing due to lack of innate talent, but telling OP to never try learning to draw means he'll never explore his potential ability.
> being this delusional
Okay buddy.
You are severely overestimating the working area I use on my drawing tablet.
27" monitor
See that little black square, that's collective wear marks from the active area I used on my tablet.
Yeah, you know my advice was directed towards people who want to buy a tablet for drawing, not a toy for playing osu!
in the long run, it's cheaper than buying a shiton of paper and pencils. On the other hand, some people say that you have to learn to draw first on paper and then go digital.
If you already have it, use it and learn.
Just buy your cheap Wacom already so we can laugh at you when you complain about its lag.
Get an XP Pen Deco 01 or 03. It does exactly what the Intuos does and for only a quarter of the price for an Intuos pro. The only drawback is that it doesn't come with Manga Studio but you could download Krita and it's pretty much just as usable and no I'm not being a shill about it