Is this better than vim??

is this better than vim??

Attached: emacs.png (128x128, 13K)

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Only if it's in Evil mode.

vim is for tranny faggot child rapists

Go vi or go home

vi can't even emojis lol

is that you ed?


Its sam or nothing

I like it better than vim. Unfortunately, I already mapped my capspace key to backspace, so both editors have somewhat shitty keybinds for me.

It's better than *

Emacs can become vim.
Vim cannot become emacs.
I think the answer is trivial now.
Vim is far from being best at something.
If any vimggers are reading this, read this carefully.
If you don't want to jump to emacs it's ok, nobody likes the same staff...
But do yourselves a favor and use neovim instea of the poc that vim is.
Neovim tries to be vim but clones all the innovations of emacs.
There's no comparison vim vs emacs anymore... Vim is already retired from the race.
Now it's emacs vs neovim.

ed is the standard text editor, you know

Yes, but vimscript > (emacs) lisp

What's the best linux distro for running emacs as your main OS?

You're not wrong, but only because vim is for everyone.

this, unironically.


The only bad part of emacs are the obtuse default bindings.
Otherwise it blows vim out of the water.
If you want a lightweight editor use nano, if you want something that helps keep you productive you have to spend some resources.

Attached: 1509316403628.png (488x484, 48K)

No question it's functionally and is far more practical in production than Vim better but it's heavy and ugly in comparison to a nicely riced Vim.

t. Emacs user

lets just say you can run vim inside of emacs but you cant run emacs inside of vim

Vim is great editor... Emacs is great operating system... which lacks of good editor.

I don't know why I'd want to use all the features Emacs offers when all I wanted was a text editor

If you open a huge source code file with vim, vim takes a lot of time to parse it because it parses it as any simple file sequentially... And there's no way to change that.
Emacs does that too by default, but you can tell it to parse the file and keep it in memory in a tree structure, just like many databases do, so as to have faster search and generally faster lookup at the source code's functions variables and what not.
So as you can see, vim is a good editor under some conditions. When those don't apply, you'll have to use sonething else.

...and when it comes to otger things like... Kernels, you avoid using linux because they have so much functionality that you don't need so you end up with windows 3.1?

Wtf? I love vim now

can vim do this?


>vimscript > (emacs) lisp
>t. Bram
Or as a whise man on plebbit once said:
>Not satisfied with creating one shitty scripting language he went and created another.

Emacs is better than vim for me. I don't know about you. If it's the other way around for YOU that's fine. For ME Emacs is better.

vim is much easier and quicker to learn

open the terminal
type "vimtutor"
press enter
press j a bit and start reading and following the instructions
few minutes later and you're done

Emacs with evil mode is fucking great.
I switched from vim to spacemacs about 2 months ago and am loving it. Spacemacs is great if you want your hand held for the transition.
I'm very much considering starting my own config based on doom-emacs since it's a much lighter config, and i cant be fucked to set up my own config from scratch right now.

I like emacs. It’ll do about anything. Vim is pretty much just a text editor.

Vim is pleb tier. Use spacemacs

emacs is a really interesting piece of software. it's more like a runtime for emacs lisp than a text editor but i actually like the default keybindings for editing large files. my emacs launches in evil-mode for quick edits but I turn it off for TeX and any bit of code longer than 100 lines.

Attached: emacsnew.png (1024x1024, 153K)

I feel like I'm helping by saying that emacs has the extensible vi layer whereas vim doesn't have the extensible emacs layer

>use windows
>shits on non-gui applications

ed is a line editor, not a text editor. Just like sed isn't a text editor.

So, basically, if you don't have enough gray matter, you use bloated editors?

My emacs is slow as fuck (1.1 sec startup time), it chokes on big lines, line number display slows it down drastically (fixed in 26), has no smooth scrolling, no multithreading (fixed in 26)... but atleast can make it do anything I want and lisp is beautiful (emacs is the ugliest of lisps though). Modal editing is nice I usr evil for that.

>Vim is pretty much just a text editor
Exactly, you don't need anything else.

emacs is bloat

The keystroke saved several from actual stroke

>I feel like I'm helping by saying that emacs has the extensible vi layer whereas vim doesn't have the extensible emacs layer
You are, vim doesn't need to do anything else other than to edit text. Next you'll tell me "emacs now can run VMs while fingering you!"

Is a meme

I've heard of NeoVim but can't understand what it provides that Vim doesn't? Anyone have a TL;DR?

I'm worried that my vimscripts and plugins will break if I switch.

Ok, user, what stops you from reading their homepage and github page.


It's an old joke about how "ed is the standard text editor". Every time people argue vi(m) vs emacs, people jokingly mention ed saying that line

I 've used it exclusively for years, but just yesterday I needed the vim DrawIt plugin tbat blows away emacs picture/artist mode for flowchart drawing in ascii, even if it's written in vimscript.

Friendly reminder that processor

Vim is editing text, emacs can become vim, learn it and its language elisp, and you have a unified programming environment no matter where you go.
Out of the box, emacs is a beast to be reckoned with.
ps: I love and use vim occasionally.