Why isn't Fedora more popular on this board?

If you aren't using a rolling distro, why wouldn't you use fedora? It's the best for developers. You are a compsci major, right?

Attached: FedoraVertical-original-blue.sh.png (650x650, 41K)

Literally would triple in popularity if they changed their name.

>reinstalling your operating system every 3 months is fun

yeah, no

it's RedHat's test branch


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But the release schedule is yearly and they have an update script that does that for you.

>Red hat Alpha testing

yeah no

I will stay with Opensuse thanks

Bbbbbut when you graduate from your Comp Sci major, you will be working with RHEL user!

>update to a new release while you need third party repos for everything

yeah, no

> You are a compsci major, right?
they use CentOS for RHEL based linux
Debian for... well, debian based linux

Yeah. That''s the worst part.

Attached: Red Hell.jpg (1170x900, 324K)

Well nvidia drivers were a pain and I like my distro to be incredibly customisable semi-easily that's why I went Arch and never looked back. Never had switching out a DE go so smoothly

What is the point of Fedora when OpenSUSE exists?

Because I use opensuse

Currently using Fedora, give me a quick rundown on OpenSUSE. Enlighten me.

See the openSUSE post currently up.

They did it for raspberry pi, and all slavs were kinda confused, why distro is called "gay's "

Will do, thanks.

Suse failed to fuck linux and fsf up,
So redhat took over and they are doing suse's sork.
Suse is there only for historical reasons.

The best question is: why do we have redhat and suse, when centos exists?

OpenSUSE is german distro, that uses RPM, and has nice gui for setting and shit. And since it is german - it works idealy with german KDE.

Centos and RHEL are symbiotic.

OpenSUSE isn't owned by Novell anymore.

I was about to make fun of you, but then i realized we're running rhel as well.

It's shit, stick to fedora.


What a silly reason not to use it

Linus uses Fedora; Linux is literally built on Fedora.

because OpenSuse is far better

Because yum/dnf is fucking trash. worse than aptitude

Is shit, is a trap, dont use it

Debian > Arch > OpenSUSE > Fedora

because those using Fedora have better things to do than post screenshots of their terminal all day

Because Red Hat cock is already deep enough in our mouth, no reason to deep throat it.

It's the name, really.
That and the lack of a LTS version. Since Fedora changes version rather frequently, chances are things will break if you use 3rd-party repos.

no lts, no rolling release, no care

You have other options such as PackageKit even though it's largely a wrapper.

Want to do an offline update on next reboot? Here ya go...

# pkcon refresh force
# pkcon get-updates
# pkcon update --only-download
# pkcon offline-get-prepared
# pkcon offline-trigger

# reboot

No thanks.

>the lack of a LTS version
isn't that precisely why CentOS/RHEL exists?

Why ARE people using Fedora? I use it but only because I'm too retarded to install gentoo

How is Red Hat itself as a distro? Should I pirate it?

Yeah, but they're not focused on Desktop afaik. Never used any of those.
I mentioned it as a problem because of 3rd-party repos not supporting a new release, or taking more time to build new packages.

Why shouldn't I pirate RHEL instead?

>pirating an open source distro

also, centOS exists. i'm sure you can make it show the red hat man in the terminal in some way :^)

because piracy is wrong user

I thought you had to pay for Red Hat

Because RHEL is basically just CentOS with enterprise support

I never heard of this OS

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I use a rolling distro, huge upgrades are a guaranteed pain in the ass. Doesn't matter if it's Linux, Mac OS, or Windows. They always suck.

[spoiler] what's the perks of CentOS over Fedora, they all seem like the same thing to me when I installed them

they're as focused on desktop as Debian

you pay for their repos and their support

>If you are an application developer, then you probably want RHEL 6 Workstation, which costs $179 per year for a standard (9x5) business support contract and $299 per year for a 24x7 contract.

No thanks I'll stick with CentOS

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CentOS is basically an older version of Fedora with no bugs and long term support. i'm not surprised they seemed like the same thing.

it IS the same thing you mong

>why wouldn't you use fedora? It's the best for developers. You are a compsci major, right?
use *BSD
>muh cuck license
if you're in compsci instead of a specialized field, you're laready cucked

>I use fedora

>using a distro with a facebook symbol in a post#deletefacebook world

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I don't, actually. I use openSUSE. But that hardly matters. Basing your distro choice on something irrelevant to the functionality of the distro like the name is just silly IMO.

holy shit it's fucking real

Wait- what's it called in russian?

Good balance of up to date, stable, and "just werks". It just seems a lot less popular than it is because it doesn't inspire it's users to try to proselytize others. It's similar to Ubuntu in that regard but even Ubuntu gets discussed more due to making headlines.

there was a project providing Fedora for the Pi, which i guess is now dead since Fedora themselves release images for the Pi.

anyway, the name of the project was Pidora. look up what Pidor means.

It's all the same when you spend half the time in a terminal and half the time in a web browser. I use Fedora because I'm a RHEL admin at work.

I do use it though

>I use niggerFagOs

Recently installed Fedora but can't really see the point

>me an ubuntu fag

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>install it for testing purposes
>1G of RAM at boot
>metadata updates every 30 minutes
>packagekit bloating the entire system

No thanks.

I didn't know this. Is CentOS any good? I've bee looking for a new distro to use as main OS but can't decide

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Long time Fedora user here. This is why Fedora isn't more popular here.
>System upgrade script is buggy as hell, expect things to go to shit shortly after hopping from Fedora whatever to Fedora whatever + 1
>New kernel every other week is a pain in the ass.
>Nvidia drivers are sporadic as hell. Sometimes it's as smooth as two lines in a terminal and sometimes it just doesn't fucking work at all and you're stuck hacking drivers in and never updating the kernel ever because you know it'll revert to nouveau at the drop of a hat.
>systemD did not do Fedora any favors. It's a mess of "use systemD config files unless they don't do what you fucking want then revert back to the old ones".
>Of course, these configs are distributed randomly between /var/, /etc/, ~/.whatever, and ~/.config so you can't just save you home folder and keep the config that goes with it.
>The sound system sucks ass in general. Try setting up anything beyond stereo or 5.1 and watch the entire thing shit itself.
>Stock DM and WM suck ass. You have to start with a spin of LXDE, XFCE, LXQT, MATE, or anything besides the one you get when you click the DOWNLOAD FEDORA button on their site or it looks like shit.
>Start up LXDE barebones off the ISO. Get your favorite browser, audio player, and video player. Packages installed: 890
>by the time you get Fedora where you're happy with it, you'll have a whopping 6 months until it's superseded by the next version.

[spoiler] why did you stay a long time user

Cinnamon looks pretty good

>You won't find a better package manager than DNF
>this is doubly true once you get RPMfusion's repos attached
>A reformat & reinstall of the OS every year is a great way to combat bloat & complacency
>Booting off a flash drive and installing Fedora is straightforward and the hard drive tools are pretty powerful once you delve into them a little.
>Nothing breaks once you get it working. It's just the initial setup that's a bitch.
>Security flaw? Patched, day one.
>fuck ubuntu

Not him but Anaconda is real good.

And this the repos kick ass

>A reformat & reinstall of the OS every year is a great way to combat bloat & complacency
Do people really do this? Isn't it a massive pain in the ass to reinstall and reconfigure everything?

But I do use Fedora

wait- i've been updating/upgrading fedora from version to version and it hasnt wiped my configs

meh, if you get in the habit of it it can be nice to start fresh. keeps you aware as to what it is exactly that you want out of your system and how to get it, rather than spending time getting rid of shit you don't want, dealing with leftovers from previous versions, or stumbling across a bug that was caused by you putting in some stupid shit in a config file like 7 years ago

got any good stories?

OpenSUSE is a shit distro that breaks constantly. Use ANYTHING besides OpenSUSE. Seriously.

>It's the best for developers.
Is it true? What makes it good for developers? I remember my last workplace was using it too, but I didn't use any specific function/program that's exclusive to it.

You may never encounter any specific thing exclusive to Fedora but it benifits from RHEL's presence in the business world where real money is invested in an otherwise fractured Linux ecosystem. It's a solid platform that "just works" in most cases.

dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
dnf -y system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=28 --allowerasing
dnf system-upgrade reboot
yes yes I know it takes a while. but it's not like you have to re-install it, but I upgrading takes quite a while so I guess it's kind of the same thing

If it's good enough for Linus Torvalds, it's good enough for you.

Use Fedora 27 at work for dev machine, pretty comfy. CentOS for our VMs, less comfy, but manageable. What the fuck distro do you want user? Arch?


Ebat it's real

I still use RedHat 7.3

Fuck RedHat 8. I don't need any fucking windows xp knockoff shit

>best for developers
Fuck off, use something like Debian or CentOS. Stop forcing everyone to use the latest versions of everything.

Well outside of extreme cases it's definitely silly. Though I think people who say they don't use Fedora because of the name have other reasons too.

It has never been stable for me.

>SUSE Enterprise beta testing
Two can play this game

>encripted hdd
you smart :)

Attached: 1odcqz.jpg (600x681, 39K)

F'kin Debian for life bitch.

Also, Fedora is not stable enough for development when I have money on the table and RHEL is priced for fortune 500 and Government customers so naturally no normal human being or small business is going to pay that.

Tl;dr: Ubuntu, despite being a fucking mess, is doing a vastly better job at producing a distro for both corporate and smaller user cohorts.

Literally the only distro that managed to break an hour after install for me. Also yum fucking SUCKS ASS and installed shit slower than when I compiled my own binaries.

Decent PC with SSD it takes no more than 30 minutes.

in what way is ubuntu better? i found them to be equally stable. always newest kernel might break something but thats why fedora always keeps 2 older kernels which you can boot and wait for the next kernel to fix your problem

It's probably because of the GNOME desktop at least in my opinion its pretty uncomfortable to use and a resource hog.

This, and the added hassle of enabling non-free repos. Like someone else pointed out, Ubuntu is simply easier to manage for most. Fedora could take that away from them quite easily if they would just get on board with what people actually want.

it has a kickass green theme

Most known rolling release distros:
OpenSuse Tumbleweed
Debian Testing
Debian Sid
Ubuntu Edge
Fedora Rawhide

I have used only
Debian Testing

What are the most "sane" rolling release distros out there?

inb4 rolling release == shit breaking every time guarantee

and yet we are once again ignoring the fact CentOS exists.