AMD 2400G APU is a buggy piece of shit

Hello I, I'd like to very publicly warn against buying the AMD 2400G APU because it is a piece of trash chip that will not work as expected and it will cause you enormous pain. Do not buy this chip.

First of all, it has the same C6 idle hang as other Ryzen CPUs. It will randomly hang unless you disable C6 states. Further, the Raven Ridge GPU part of it has multiple problems including random hangs, hangs while playing videos, hangs while playing games, and other issues. Interestingly only X freezes most of the time and it's still possible to ssh into the machine and see what's going on. Most of the time there's kernel errors that are going on, pages upon pages of them.

You absolutely must not buy this AMD APU, it's the single worst chip I've bought ever. Now I've tried to warn you. It is your own fault if you don't listen.

Attached: IMG_20180420_105331_rr.jpg (1626x1470, 429K)

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Buy an ad poojet

While I do believe everyone should be warned against buying the 2400G I really don't feel like paying for it. This is specially true since I'll probably buy either another system or a GPU to replace the GPU part of this piece of shit (which is the problem).

The worst part is that AMD sources confirm that there will be NO IMPROVEMENTS at all in kernel 4.17 and that fixed for the Raven Ridge APUs will at best make it into kernel 4.18.


Attached: 2400g-is-a-shit-APU.jpg (1920x1080, 426K)

The frequent X hangs with pages of GPU-related dmesg errors are extremely annoying but there's something else that also makes the 2400G a really bad experience: I ended up building with a TUF B350M-PLUS GAMING motherboard, not the one in the picture. It turns out that this board does not have dual-link DVI and the HDMI port is just 1.4. This means that the DVI port can't do higher than 1080p and the HDMI port is limited to 1440p at 60Hz (it can do 4k at 30Hz). This really limits what the 2400G can be used for. Of course, as of right now, it's usable for nothing anyway since it it will just hang X randomly the first 10 to 30 minutes after turning the system on. Kernel 4.15 is totally hopeless and hangs after just a few minutes of video playback, kernel 4.16 is somewhat better but hangs within half an hour. TOTAL SCANDAL. I have not tried infecting the system with Windows, no idea what the situation is on that side of things.

Attached: 2400g-dmesg-error-error-error.png (1079x920, 55K)

AMD GPUs are known to be shit on Linux. You should have known this if you did research. Also obligatory "inb4 Debian".

Attached: mpv-shot0144.jpg (640x480, 66K)

mostly this

expecting this shit targeted at low budget gaymers to work perfectly on gnu/linux in the first place was your mistake

just install the winduhs 10

Tell me, is this bizarro world or did I go back to 2013?
It's nvidia who has shit Linux support today.
amdgpu just works™

I have a 2200G with Windows 10 and I have issues watching youtube.

>AMD GPUs are known to be shit on Linux
I disagree. On the GPU side: My RX 470 works perfectly. Absolutely no problems. Further, their earlier APU are also working perfectly. The AMD Athlon 5350 APU's I have worked perfectly from day one to the time I retired them on the grounds that they are slow 2014 technology with 4 slow 2GHz cores. Further, the Athlon 5350 boards only have 2 SATA(n) slots and the GPU part of the chips can't HEVC decode or play HEVC or VP9 using the CPU due to the CPU part being too slow. The 2400G is a completely different experience.

>just install the winduhs 10
No. I'm not installing winduhs. I haven't used it since Windows 98 is popular and I don't want to learn it, it just doesn't seem worth it.

>amdgpu just works™
No. It doesn't just "works". Sure, the RX 470 just works. The RX 560 also just works. The 2400G just DOES NOT work. NO. It's the worst experience ever.

Attached: AMD-APUs-used-to-be-fine.jpg (1200x1875, 706K)

thats pretty fail.
have you checked to make sure your motherboard doesn't have any updates?
also is it not being overclocked/ ovevolted by the motherboard automatically?


I've not had these issues user on my 2200g

What I do recommend is dual channel memory it gives a massive boost in performance

So get 2x4gb rather than 1x8gb

>buying an APU
no worries, you don't need to warn Jow Forums

oh it's a linux problem? ok.

BIOS Version 4009, 2018/04/17. That's not even a week old. I've checked if the motherboard tries to apply some silly overclocking. It doesn't.

First of all, you're a RAMlet. Secondly, I'd be fine running 16 GB RAM in single-channel instead of dual-channel if it would make the system run stable.

Nobody warned me. Or perhaps they did and I didn't listen. But I don't think anyone did.

Perhaps, perhaps it applies to Wintendo's too. I have no idea, I don't have any.

Attached: 2400g-somucherror.png (1473x1750, 80K)

I have 16gb

I was assuming you're a pooinloo fag.

The 2400G isn't my only system.

Attached: nopoonintheloo.png (1969x525, 19K)

Id you want a working system you don t buy Gigafaggot thrash.

>C6 idle hang as other Ryzen CPUs. It will randomly hang unless you disable C6 states
jokes on you! power saving states are for fags

so now they hired actual intel shills for Jow Forums

who the fuck names their os "twentyseven"?

See I'm not denying Gigabyte AX370-Gaming5 isn't all that. Mine died after 4 months. I bought a ASUS 350 Board and RMAd it and got a new one after a week. This is why that box is in the picture in OP. I ended up putting the Ryzen 1600X on the AX370 so the 2400G APU is running on a ASUS 350 Prime TUF. So the 2400G APU problem can't be blamed on Gigabyte.

The very well-known "hangs when idle on GNU/Linux if C6 is enabled" problem with Ryzen CPUs as in-depth documented in kernel bug 196683 doesn't really bother me, it's really easy to disable it on boot and after suspend (since it turns back on after suspend for some reason) with systemd services that run It's just a tad disappointing that it's not fixed with the 2400G.

You seem somewhat confused. I use GNU/Linux which means I don't buy a single nvidia GPU or product with nvida GPU ever since I don't like their binary blob. I don't like Intel either. I only care about total all-core performance, short single-thread bursts mean nothing on GNU/Linux. So if anything I "shill" AMD because that's, quite frankly, my preference. But I will absolutely call AMD on their shit when they make a APU that can't even be used to watch a 10 minute youtube clip without hanging. That is a TOTAL SCANDAL.

>Fedora 27 TwentySeven
>Ryzen 2400G TwoThousandFourHundred
yeah I have no idea what's going on with that naming

Attached: ryzencpubug-c6.png (1135x283, 8K)

>This post brought to you by Intel®

Gee I wonder who can be behind this post. Take your consumerism garbage to plebbit Shlomo

Attached: GoyimKnow.jpg (440x522, 55K)

Thought about buying a 2400G for gaming. This thread really got my noggin joggin though. I have an old shitbox with Linux so only Windows would run on it and Linux issues wouldn't be a problem for me.

Attached: gensokyo.jpg (840x405, 27K)


That one wasn't but this one IS brought to you buy Intel (laptop). My laptop really does have a Intel chip in it.

Who's Shlomo? And why are you so mad? If you don't like that I point out that the 2400 really is a extremely buggy piece of trash that will freeze after just a few minutes of video playback then direct your anger towards improving the kernel and/or MESAs gallium stack. There are some real problems.

Attached: postbroughttoyoubyintel.png (1208x478, 14K)

Sounds like Linux is the problem, not the chip.

Attached: duck_kid.jpg (500x464, 76K)

>I haven't used it since Windows 98 is popular and I don't want to learn it, it just doesn't seem worth it.
Do you people have jobs? How do you get away without knowing how to use Windows?

Attached: absolute_nonsense.png (339x512, 216K)

No excuses. The chip does not work as expected under GNU/Linux. It doesn't matter if the cause is a problem with the chip or chips firmware of the kernel code or the mesa code. It does not work as expected and it is a TOTAL SCANDAL.

btw, here's an actual screenfetch. Apparently GPU is just named "Raven".

Attached: screenfetch-2400G.png (880x267, 9K)

Do you blame the LT4 crater if it doesn't work in your Tercel?

Attached: body_language.webm (338x540, 2.9M)

Post your versions of kernel, mesa and libdrm.
Oh and xf86-video-ati for fun.

Attached: 1522880764637.jpg (1000x707, 155K)

On the 2400G box it's now
Kernel 4.16.2
libdrm 2.4.91
mesa 17.3.6
xorg-x11-drv-ati 7.9.0
I suspect it would work better with MESA git or 18, this change a few days ago would probably help:
I know Fedora 28 ships with a MESA 18 but probably not that commit.

install windows goy.

>Brand new Hardware
if you are not willing to write your own additions into the drivers, why are you bothering?


well, here we go
>dnf -y system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=28 --allowerasing

>if you are not willing to write your own additions into the drivers
I am and I have several times over the decades.

Twenty-four hundred.

If you are committing, why are you complaining?
You should be well aware that Loonix doesn't take two seconds to add proper support to hardware, it takes time and huge amount of community support.


my sides state of fucking Jow Forums 2018

Your real problem is the 1.7 liter capacity. Linux only supports 1.5 liter on 30sec/cup models. There's a pull request in for high capacity processing, but Linus blocked it because the code was shit.

>doesn't take two seconds to add proper support to hardware
The 2400G was released early February this year. That's more than two months ago. There is no excuse.

Attached: fedora-27-to-28beta-upgrade.jpg (1800x2291, 2.6M)

Ur waifu a shit btw

Excuse is that community isn't as interested in it.
You have problems with it, you have the know how then fix them, if you don't then use windows.

then use a rolling release distro like arch.

No, that's not the problem. The rapid boil home server system works fine. It's a A8-7600 APU which - unlike the 2400G - has always worked flawlessly under GNU/Linux.

Attached: boils-1-cup-in-50-seconds.jpg (4800x3690, 2.18M)

Fucking kek. That's some extreme water-cooling you've got on your Android device.

>First of all, it has the same C6 idle hang as other Ryzen CPUs.

yo my nigga, give me a quick rundown on that

I thought it was Windows 10 related issue? I've had a couple of hangs/freezez/hardlocks or whatever you call them, where the computer just hangs and if you replug keyboard and mouse, no power is sent to them. I only started having them after Windows 10 feature update, never had them before on my Ryzen stuff

should I disable C6?

Really? I had a few friends interested in this but I'll warn them against it.

>doesn't use a rolling distro
>complains his new hardware isn't supported yet

3/10 made me reply

He's on 4.16.2
Which is like, a week old?
Ryzen CPUs have a problem where the system will just freeze after a while if your system is just sitting there doing nothing for a while. Some suspect it has to do with the CPU voltage dropping too low or something. It affects multiple motherboards and Ryzen CPUs. AMD tried to blame this on PSUs but it happens with a wide variety of new PSUs so that's clearly some bold-faced lie.

I and most others have solved this by simply disabling C6. Doing so makes this problem go away.

ASUS released a new 400X series BIOSes last week and my TUF got a new BIOS option called "Power Supply Control". The latest Gigabyte BIOS does not have this. It appears that setting this "Power Supply Control" to "Typical idle" also solves it (allowing you to have C6 enabled).

I really don't have any idea if this affects Windows or not. But if your hangs happen when you're not doing anything (ie low/no load on the CPU) then this may be the problem. Try disabling C6, see if it helps on Windows. On GNU/Linux it's a requirement for a stable system.


Here's your problem cuck

>has multiple problems including random hangs, hangs while playing videos, hangs while playing games, and other issues.
hangs while playing games?

Why are you running a server OS on consumer hardware? This is your own fault.

iirc windows does not enter C6 state for intel or AMD. that's why there's not a gigantic product recall

Yeah, the few games I tried made X freeze pretty quickly. There's actually a really huge variety of games running native on GNU/Linux on Steam now.

i found a solution


soooo don't buy brand new hardware with no software compatibility?

OP confirmed brainlet
>and probably a jew

The 2400G isn't brand new right now. The Ryzen 2xxx series is. And those new Ryzen's *should* work just fine if you buy them right now, and if they don't then that's AMDs fault. It's been months since the 2400G was released. Would you accept some lame "it's too new, wait for software updates" if you bought a new car and it wouldn't be able to turn left or right or the breaks didn't work?


were you planing to put those parts in the kettle

Breaking news! You can't expect hardware manufacturers to give the same level of support to software that has 2% marketshare than to one that has 90% marketshare. Have you considered not being retarded?

> (OP)
>AMD GPUs are known to be shit on Linux. You should have known this if you did research. Also obligatory "inb4 Debian".
LOL this guy

Just install Ubuntu if your not very good with Linux. Works fine for me with 2200G.

Curious how this works out now,
kernel 4.16.3
libdrm 2.4.91
mesa 18.0.1
xorg-x11-drv-ati 18.0.1

what kernel/mesa version is your Ubuntu shipping with?

Attached: fc28-fingerscrossed.png (1256x415, 15K)

ITT a bunch of dumb people assuming OP is even dumber than they are

4.15 kernel (Ubuntu 18.04), mesa padoka PPA unstable (latest).

I'm buying it for my dad's old man computer. It's gonna be ossim

Really? Call someone a ramlet, but single channel is ok?

Sure. Single channel is obviously not ideal but it's preferable to having a computer that freezes after 5 minutes. I'd move that ram stick one slot over if it would make a difference.

Thanks. Do you have hardware video decoding? Managed 50 minutes uptime with FC28 so far, 20 of them playing Team Fortress (which didn't crash or result in dmesg errors). So far so good. ...but vdpau and vainfo both return no support (I do have mesa-vdpau-drivers so it should work if it's supported).

i dont get euros? why dont you just microwave the water

because we're not stupid

use wangblows it just werks

Microwave ≃ 1kW
Electric kettle ≃ 2kW

Plus the kettle is more efficient and if it's a good one, has features such as heating water to a specified temperature and keeping it there.

You can't do simple 1-1 comparison with kernel version numbers as ubuntu just uses that select upstream version as a base and adds whatever patches they see fit on top of that throughout the supported life of that kernel. It's only loosely based on the vanilla kernel, but you'd need to dig through the changelogs to know how it differs from others. Other distros have their similar schemes as well

Amd does give the same support to linux as it gives to windows.
The problem is that each linux distro ships those changes in a different time frame and some distros disable features that have been already shipping in the latest drivers because they have already messed up with the driver they ship and there's a conflict on new features.
Amd pushed vega patches on mesa version X.
Does my distro offer X mesa version?
Doe my distro enable by default the features I need?
Does my distro have a seperate package for h/w video codecs.
Ok, it's a bit of a hussle for noobs to set-up newely released h/w and drivers on linux, but god damn it check your distro's forums or wiki pages to see what's going on.

I've 2200G with 32GB running Windows Server2016 with 8x VMs and also serving as a NAS with 30TB of content on Plex server.
Works fine here.

>under gnu/linux

>using this denomination unironically

got you right there mr commercial agent

Attached: 1524013943603.png (472x586, 175K)

>There is no excuse.
You don't actually believe AMD is ensuring quick hardware support on Linux, are you? Saying this as an exclusive Linux-fag who hasn't used Windows since 98 either.

Sounds like a memory issue just add a bit of voltage to the ram

i didn't know car manufacturers used software in their car which they didn't develop themselves

>First of all, it has the same C6 idle hang as other Ryzen CPU
>Things that never happened

He's a idiot for expecting modern amd shit drivers to be good on Linux

This the only issue I had with my 1600x is stock voltage ram wasn't stable.
Smoll volt to 1.45 fixed it

Intel really does appear to be quite upset with AMD's current position.
I couldn't have a wider shit eating grin on my face right now if I tried.

Then you clearly know nothing about the automotive industry and I am inclined to question your maturity due to the clear lack of common sense and knowledge.

Intel hasn't made anything decent since the core 2 duo and i7 9xx

>kpop fag
literally anything you say is automatically irrelevant
kys you yellow fever nigglet

Sandy Bridge and Haswell were both good.
Sandy Bridge-E wasn't all that hot and was LATE, but they fixed that with a pretty good run of Ivy Bridge-E.
Intel has been a joke since Broadwell though.

Take a look at kernel bug 196683 if you have trouble accepting the reality that Ryzen CPUs do indeed have a idle bug on Linux platforms that can be fixed by disabling C6.

Hardware video acceleration on the 2400G works with a override,
VDPAU_DRIVER=radeonsi mpv
works fine but it's not automatically detected. Not sure if it's the distro bug or mesa bug.

Attached: CuteChuu45.webm (1280x720, 2.18M)

Works on my machine

Works on my machine.
It's well known that most linux users have no idea about hardware, so more than likely (like 99.99999% likely) they setup their rigs wrong.

Not op, but I haven't used Windows since 1994 unless you count working for a mobility carrier in a regional executive position, but even then we had our own in-house software that ran over top of Windows 7 and the Windows user account was so locked down that you could literally only run the one piece of software that gave full access to all of our servers and accounts data necessary to do our jobs. If you sat me down in front of a computer running Windows 10, I could probably muddle through and figure it out on my own based on my experience with Linux (24 years), I'd just be frustrated with having to use a gui for every little thing and having to hunt for certain features and settings through a menu system wholly unfamiliar to me. I'd manage, I'm sure... I just would not be happy about it. Most jobs really don't require more than your average normie's level of understanding of Windows.


how do i replicate this c6 bug?

and (not him btw), how do we fix this C6 idle state bug fuck?

Is AMD not aware of this issue? Will Ryzen 2000 series and Zen 2 7nm also be susceptible to C6 idle state fuckery?


>tl;dr linux is fucking dogshit like always

is that about right?
