How do you manage your addictions?

How do you manage your addictions?

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Embrace. Extend. Repeat.

Can't even look at the image without my ADHD going bonkers

Stopped reading when I got to

>how to work
>get away from the computer
>i fix computers for a living

fixing computers isn't real work. you are just supporting the paradoxical ecosystem humanity has created to create comfortable lives by adding more complexity to it, which includes computers

Lol do you actually have them on? Do you know how email works?

1. I stopped reading because the retard author meant to use the word OFF
2. Sure, because if you miss an email you get a call 10 minutes later asking why you didn't reply to the email

>email is a real time communication protocol
mfw i don't have a face

>reading a book is better escapism than the internet

I'm sick of this meme. Sure, don't go to entertainment/time wasters but reading about Antarctica online is no different than reading a (probably very outdated) book on the subject.

Why manage them when you can let them slowly erode away any semblance of control you had over your life; falling deeper into an abyss filled with drugs and random meaningless distractions. Spending day after day filling the emptiness inside with another tab, another pill another pull, another drink. One day you wake up and realize you're 30 now. You wasted your youth and fried your body and mind. Your peers are in positions that are beyond your wildest dreams of obtaining, your skillet is lacking and atrophied, your social-circle void. Any friends you might have had have moved on long ago. Sitting alone front of a glowing screen inside of musty bedroom which you've darkened so that you don't see your own filth you understand all of this.

So you take another pill, pour another drink and go back to Jow Forums again to make it all go away.

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It is, because online there will also be rich multimedia to enhance the experience

Nice, 30 year old here and can confirm this all happens. Haven't had a single friend since ~2009

There are hundreds of apps for that, which are able to be ranked and benchmarked.

addiction thread?

Very close to reality with one exception. You don't need to constantly compete to have a decent life, you don't need to compare yourself with your peers. It is in our nature to do so but it's the other side of the ego, the bad side, that makes you want more ... money, influence, whatever.
For some the strive for something higher, whatever that really means, is a drug. Everyone has their own guilty pleasure.

by having goals that i want to achieve and by being aware that if i don't manage my addictions, the goals will not be achieved.

there seems to be a common theme of people trying to overcome their vices by trying to ignore them, not by replacing them with something just as enjoyable. naturally, they fail, because then they're faced with a gaping void and the only thing they can think of is the one thing they know brings them guaranteed pleasure.

dear OP,

thank you for the nice picture and the nice summary it provides

delete "sometimes"

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i closed my twitter about 2-3 weeks ago and am now weening myself off of the constant stimulation with Jow Forums. i've found myself to be a lot more productive and generally happy, especially since twitter has been turning into more and more of a shithole. i also found out that i work better when working on more than one project at once, even if one of them isn't super meaningful.

dude, fuck you. i have a dissertation to hand in in 3 days and half of it still needs doing. it was a fun hour though.

I don't.

Any advice for a 24 yr old who has been friendless from day 1?

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that's cuz you're tripfagging

Try to remember that stuff you read on your screen
Try to remember that book
See the difference.

take up a hobby you can do by yourself such as hiking

>Sure, because if you miss an email you get a call 10 minutes later asking why you didn't reply to the email
Get a better job

Add me on telegram, I'll be your friend @Eulersnumber

>I'm so ADDICTED to the INTERNET man! I NEED my phone! I'm so ADDICTED!
Wish people would fuck off with this.

You 100% do not have ADHD.

Try this app, tandem and say you want to learn Chinese/Japanese/etc, a lot of cuties want to talk to westerners to learn English. I did this when too lonely.
Also, find a hobby you can be passionate about.

>Say no to Email
>Other branch says how to manage emails
>How to work
>Stay away from computer
>Has computer job
>No internet
>Doesn't know whats going on in the world
>Buys news paper
>Doesnt have computer job to buy newspaper
>Doesnt have computer job to eat healthy from Whole Foods^tm
>Doesnt have friends or family to spend time with
>Pet too expenwive to take care of
>buys gold fish with stripper money
>eats gold fish when it doesnt work out
>Becomes liscensed yoga practioner and vegan book study leader

>You 100% do not have ADHD.
i-i-is this an ADHD elitist in the wild?

A good general rule of thumb is to spend your free time doing something that's unlike what you do at work.
If you spend you day job fixing computers, then your free time would probably be better spent engaging in outdoor or physical activities, or even just watching a movie on the couch.

No, I just actually have it and anybody who says OH BOY MY ADHD almost guaranteed does not have it. Least of all it "getting set off" from looking at a shittily drawn decision tree. That's not how it works.

Make your own imageboard. You will eventually hate all of them.


You can't just delete the internet/your ex/smartphone/fast food from your life. You have to replace them with something, because they were in your life for a reason to begin with.

What if my goal is being a /v/ermin?

Then just play a lot of video games?
That's like asking "What if my goal is to be poor?"

i work with networking hardware, i lift and i play bass. it's the bare minimum i can do to not neglect my brain, body or soul and keep myself sane.

Not him, but:

Email is a method of "permanently" recording business exchanges. Where I work, people are certainly welcome to swing by my desk and discuss something, but it will be followed up by a "Per our conversation" email so we have record of what was discussed and when. By this logic, there are urgent and time sensitive emails.

They make a sweeping decision for change in a tizzy, it's implemented, and wouldn't you know it, two weeks later you get an email from them like "WHY did you change this!?!?" Then you just attach that old email. "You did, sir, on March 12th at 4pm."

Yes, I sound like a petty freak typing this, but make enough buddy buddy changes for people who will throw you under the bus, and it becomes important to CYOA.

>2. Sure, because if you miss an email you get a call 10 minutes later asking why you didn't reply to the email
What kind of clown company do you work for?

The trick is to work so much that you don't have time to do anything other than errands.

>there are urgent and time sensitive emails
Of course, but by the very nature of email it should not be an expectation that it will be replied to in less than a few hours, especially if you're not at work.

If your job requires you to be on call, that's a wholly different subject and merits extra pay, not "I don't know how to effectively manage time and people so I expect to be able to reach employees at any time of day".

My gf don't reply in a week unless i warn him on twitter.

Your boss is AIDS

Self control
How a git that ?
*Reading books (interesting, not bullshits) and listening to interesting people.
*Change my daily food habit

I would rape you if I saw you.

12 rules for life

Why do I hate this type of charts so much?
It's such a shitty way to convey information. Fuck.

Fucking tired of this meme. I have a very short, 70-if-im-lucky year life to live and I'm not gonna waste it on this retarded self discipline bullshit. If I wanna spend 24 hours at my computer a day that's what I'm gonna do, because that's how I wanna live my life. That's what I may find enjoyable. If I wanna spend the rest of my life on heroin then so be it, I'll be just as happy as anyone else would be doing the things they like to do.
Obviously I'm exaggerating and I love the outdoors actually, but this bullshit needs to quit with people telling other people they're "addicted to their computer" and "need to stop". The people who are "addicted to their computers" don't tell you that you're addicted to stamp collecting or dildo riding or whatever the hell you do that you enjoy. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy, because your opinion shouldn't be worth a shit to anyone living their lives how they want to.

You are comparing being dependent or forced to use something vs. choosing to do it. You are also mixing up happiness and fulfillment.

Facebook for eight hours vs. an eight hour coding session
Alcoholic vs. occasional social drinking
Homeless vs. outdoorsman

Not every pursuit is equivalent you nihilist scum.
ive found this pretty helpful.

>be addicted
>something shit happens because of it
>change because you realise otherwise it'll make things even worse

What a loads of bullshit, anirite? H-haha!

Yes, every pursuit is equivalent because in the end all that matters for you is if you lived the best life you could. And that is something only you can decide. It's not nihilism because I'm not saying that basic morals or societies shouldn't exist, rather I'm simply saying that what people enjoy changes drastically depending on who you ask. One mans hobby shouldn't be another's addiction is what I'm saying

That is because for normies internet is facebook and instagram, shitty memes and dopemine from there

This guy is a better father than many fathers, my father is great and taught me and raised me right, but thats to Petey I realized how important that was and that because some of my peers were lacking it is what got them into their shitty lives

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>spending time with friends

Better be a self-destructing lost-seeker than a recycled-rewarded blind-livestock though the former is potentially a livestock for consumerizing on desires (though, not all are able to afford drugs and booze).

There is no meaning. Everyone's life is void in the eye of the true king - the wise. They waste their lives succumbing into their desires but they can never fulfill greatness.
Everyone is alone. The wheel is determined to spin.
Anyone can replace anyone. Anyone can have friends, groups, anything to belong into. It no longer matter since anyone can replace anyone's role very quickly, even marriage partners are easily replaced.

The only thing that matters is the splendor of souls atoning for their sins in the correct or wrong ways.
Life is both evil and good. But which triumphs in the end?

Suffering and desire.
Suffering and desire.
Suffering and desire.
Will there be a genuinely unconditional love, when everything is about desires and reward?

This is crazy hedonistic talk m8. You and your pleasure are not the only judge of what's worthy. No mother would be proud if her son was a spam caller or an onahole collector. In parallel, society also assigns value to shit with money. Finally, a hobby should have some kind of self-improvement or creative component. You don't seriously consider mindless consumption like shopping a hobby, do you?

Maybe we are just talking about different things. You are probably talking about the type of shit we do to quickly unwind after work, like beer/TV/candy crush. In that case, yeah, they are all the same. However, assuming you can change, why not get "addicted" to something like playing an instrument or studying martial arts or nipponese instead? The benefits over retail therapy add up quickly.

Hope you live to at least 90 or something m8.

I think we are on different pages. I'm not talking about what society thinks is worth it, I'm talking about what the individual thinks is worth it. Sure, my mum may not be too proud if I was a onahole collector or a porn reviewer, but if I could disregard her and continue doing what I do, what's the harm in that? I would be doing what I think would be worth it to myself. If someone finds nipponese or martial arts or an instrument to be a joy in life, cool, but when it comes down to the wire we're all basically doing the things we enjoy, barring social stigma. Trying to get off an "addiction" isn't worth it unless you actually really want to. Smoking is a good example of this. There's nothing wrong with quitting smoking if you actually want to.

And yes, I would consider shopping a hobby. Think about all the bimbos with one of their rich sugar daddy's 10 credit cards. You don't think shopping isn't a hobby for them? They'll probably live out the rest of their lives spending someone else's money, and power to them I guess.

What I'm trying to say is that pleasure shouldn't be avoided if you don't want to avoid it. Call me hedonistic but my general philosophy, if you can call it one, is to do what works for yourself, because anything else is a betrayal to your being without reward.

>tfw I get an email from my boss that only says 'see me,' but I don't see the email until the next day so I just ignore it.

Worked out surprisingly well actually.

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>How do you manage your addictions?
i snort a bump and do whatever i have to

somebody call the fucking ghostbusters

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Discipline, moderation and greyscale on phone

If by "manage" you mean some for of "moderation", I'm starting to think it doesn't work. Things that are addictive can't be had with moderation, you get sucked in at some point inevitably. This is why I've started to embrace absolutism instead of moderation.
Moderation appeals to scientific minded people because it's seemingly more efficient. They think they can always control themselves and just quickly move from activity to another without any lingering. In truth most people are terrible at controlling themselves. In this light absolutism makes sense and becomes worth embracing.

Haha nah man, praying all day would be the perfect example of wasting away your life to me.

Doesn't it bother you that there is somebody out there benefiting from the indulgement you are having? Could be somebody making the candy or the video game, for them you are just a tool to make money. Could be a a politician using your situation as a tool to get elected. Could be someone pushing an ideology to gain power. Basically you are living someone else's dream.

if someone makes a product that I benefit from, how is that not a reciprocal relationship where we both get what we want, it's like comparative advantage. The political aspect is meh, all politics is fucking awful at this point

The kike gets what he wants and I get what I want. Well, the kike doesn't benefit much from people enjoying nature but still.

by succumbing to them

Things you 'want' are just creations of the environment. And sometimes the environment is created by the same person who you are trading with. So when you trade your 'want' to their 'want' they are there getting both sides of the trade.
And what did you get? You were just a tool legitimizing some transaction of power or money.

well yeah by manufacturing or advertising something a person/company/w.e is necessarily changing the environment in which that thing exists, I don't see where the problem lies here. I mean ultimately I don't believe in free will but that's kind of another topic. in the economic instance I get whatever product I bought, politically I think it's a whole different kind of thing

Let them have their cake. The only time it should ever be a problem is if someone is infringing on a want that you have.

yea same

You don't understand. You can't use 'getting what you want' as a measure of legitimacy of transaction because what you want is not your creation.

On some transactions it's more obvious than others like with addicts. Addicts don't happen by themselves, nobody wants to be an addict, there is always the environment driving it.

what does that mean tho

also program incredibly well, madly, all the time

In contrast with moderation, it's the the all or nothing approach. Zero social media, unplug the internet, no alcohol ever.

oh ok that does makes sense desu
for a while i thought it meant going full nuts with your addictions till you start feeling repulsive towards them like listening to the same song on repeat does


rude dood

i don't notice a difference

I feel that dude. People do not understand what it means. To be mentally ill.



It's a pubic trip, kiddo

It's not rape if I consent

I play videogames when I burn out from studying, then go to sleep.
I have a dumbphone, so no distractions.
Have a 5400 RPM HDD so I know computee takes 2 minutes to boot, so often I don't turn it on.
Feels good man.

Avicii ain’t here to hurt you no more Mikey, you’re free

isn't talking to friends and family also a distraction? What is the difference between talking to them in person and talking to them on Jewbook or text message? I actually feel worse talking to them in person.

I experimented Saturday and didn't talk to anyone and I felt a hell of a lot better turning off my phone and shutting off all social media for the day. Nobody can bother me if they have no way of getting a hold of me.

What if I rape you back even harder?

>distracting yourself drawing a bullshit diagram about staying focussed

>isn't talking to friends and family also a distraction?
Yes but being on Jow Forums I'd say no, any interaction you can get is probably good. Talking in person feels worse because you are exposing yourself, meanwhile on social media you can carefully craft a response, this is why it's so fake.

>What is the difference between talking to them in person and talking to them on Jewbook or text message?
Richness of real life interaction vs exchange of strings of text. Text cannot convey the same amount of information and as a results relationships deteriorate. I think you need face to face interaction to keep a relationship going, or at least voice.