Why aren't we making a virtual world like Osais from Ready Player One yet?

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we did, you are in one

everytime someone creates a virtual world, faggot subcultures ruin it for everyone (furries, bronies, etc.)

You're in the one for people like us already, that's not the scary part though. The scary part is when this site closes forever and our whole world is ripped away


8ch is full of faggots

The VR technology isn't quite there yet.

Right now you need thousands of dollars of hardware to run a Vive with a relatively low res display, unnatural field of view, and bulky, uncomfortable cables/headgear.

If we had the movie's full wireless, immersive and sleek VR that anyone could afford, we would have someone developing a massive VR world yesterday.

Whats VR chat

VR is alredy here. I run VR with supersampling 1.7x with a $800 computer

but it's limited to small worlds and has cuck developers. We must create a truly complete free virtual world. And Jow Forums is full of ((experts))

... the Vive costs like $600 on its own, so that's still $1400 of hardware.

Not to mention all the other stuff that makes it not much more than a neat gizmo right now.

VR is still too expensive, too fragmanted, too experimental and not far enough developed to enter the mainstream market

it's a shame, I would love to see things like VR Chat on a larger and more accessible scale

I haven't watched the movie but my impression is that the oasis in that movie is very similar to our world, it carries tons of inconvenience like walking around everywhere, attending live events etc.

It's a vision of VR escapism that appeals to a general audience more than a reflection of what it's likely to be like.
Really what you're gonna get (if at all similar) is more like Garry's mod, Second life or a combination.

because im waiting for the nerve gear

>Ready Player One
*posts basedjak*

>some russian kid encypts and locks your headset with ransomware

Not really, there are tons of portals and such that make getting around really easy.
It probably will feel quite similar to Garry's Mod, but tbqh a Garry's Mod with lifelike graphics and immersive VR would really be something to behold.

>implying Jow Forums is not full of faggots

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hello sword art online

>Uses a headset to transits light into ocular sockets so the retinas can process the light and send the information to the visual cortex for further processing
>Uses headphones transmit sounds waves into ear canal so the ear drums can pass vibrations to the cochlea which converts physical stimuli into electrical signals that the brain can interpret.
>fUll immErsiOn vR iS hEre WEeEEe

What makes you think everything we are doing right now isn't a stepping stone on the way to achieving that? We already have thousands of virtual worlds that have been created through video games, movies, and novels. Video games are the most recent of course, and ones that offer the highest degree of interaction which aligns them most with this idea. But I have no doubt we will see some AI with access to the entirety of catalogued human experiences and creations create a virtual world for us. Within the next 20 years we will have actual good virtual experiences crafted by programs in this manner.

Dubs confirms this.

vr chat

you are ? i've been waiting for my nerve gas too!
those damn russians never honour a schedule

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8ch is full of uppity faggots because
>muh SUPER secrete club

imagine how freaky it would be to get direct signals to the brain. Would we have trouble readjusting when outside of it? Would it be better to replace organics with tech? boof so many questions.

I would be hesitant and reluctant to try that. Even a cochlear seems like it's pushing it.
People brains are being affect by vr now. Experiences change the brain, vr is no different. It might even fuck with our ability to grasp reality.
I think this is called transhumanism. Buzzword for conspiracy nuts.