Whats the stupidest thing ever posted on this board?
Whats the stupidest thing ever posted on this board?
This thread.
That fucking stupid C+= joke language.
It's not funny then and it's not funny now. Fucking sexist Jow Forumstards need to leave Jow Forums alone. Free software has always been anti-fascist.
>Fucking sexist Jow Forumstards need to leave Jow Forums alone. Free software has always been anti-fascist.
Fucking this. Thanks user !
Windows threads. Every single one of them is some retarded "What's a computer" tier tech support thread that belongs in /sqt/
Daily reminder all 3D nu-womyn are brain-dead roasties.
Something about Apple being good
watch threads
Never heard of that joke
We are in 2018 and commies are still triggered about C+=
It was not even a big deal, but the amount of butthurt it caused is impressive
>Unused RAM is wasted ram
It's not even technology, actually some vintage crap.
Only reason they don't post in /fa/ is because they are far from fashionable. (unlike Apple productions which do belong on /fa/)
screenfetch threads
>implying they've ever known a man's touch
Install Gentoo
>tfw that's at least 4.5 years old
Damn I've been here too long
Who dat
Everything related to Apple, from the haters to the lovers. It's all a big pile of shit.
It was a good joke.
Wojak posters.
>ayymd blown the fuck out
how will they ever recover?
A few years ago I asked a really dumb question but no one noticed so that was nice.
I want to believe the person who posted this did so for (You)'s and not because they actually think like that.
that one thread where user tried to build a pc
Beat me to it
The microwave post
someone asked how to convert microwave minutes to real minutes. someone post it
asked and answered
>Whats the stupidest thing ever posted on Jow Forums
this post right here:
>not allredditors
you need to go back
are you sure?
You're about to find out.
It's about to be posted.
has anyone ever heard of the Mindfuck language? I saw it on encyclopedia dramatica a long ass time ago
this isnt linux
Here it is.
I leave to you the honor of setting the time for me to pray for you and your officials and your people that you and your houses may be rid of the frogs, except for those that remain in Jow Forums.
what distro is this?
Red Star OS.
The revenge of nu-male.
thank you
lunduke videos
>>Unused RAM is wasted ram
I want to genocide everyone who says this.
No you fucking fagot its not OK if the web browser takes up 95% of the RAM.
Because I also like to have the capability to:
Start a VM.
Run a graphics program(ever made a 16000x16000 picture in GIMP?).
Edit something in a 3D editing program.
Play a game.
You are basically arguing for the browser to eat up everything and have nothing left other then tiny programs like music player or video player
was gonna post this
threads and posts that were in defense of James Damore
seriously go read his memo, he was about 3 seconds away from screeching about SJWs. no wonder they fired him
>seriously go read his memo, he was about 3 seconds away from screeching about SJWs. no wonder they fired him
I read the whole thing and it literally just talked about how Google should do more to promote ideological diversity. Honestly, it was a bit underwhelming since most of the shit he says is either common sense or relatively obvious from cursory interactions with other people. I honestly don't see why people were so angered/enamored with the guy personally.
macfags are not gay
the 6/2(2+1) thread posted a few days ago.
Stupid commies.
FOSS has always been libertarian in concept.
Honestly though this is probably the best post to ever grace Jow Forums
>it literally just talked about how Google should do more to promote ideological diversity
You read the memo wrong, Damore plastered an unsolicited rant around the office about having unpopular views and being afraid to be himself in a company that's all about image. He goes on about diversity, echo chambers, the stifling of his ideology and suggests changes they should make. Only a moron would get a job at Google and complain about how the company operates.
He was a grunt who stepped out of line and they handled him as such. When he decided to go public about it he created even more of a mess. It was such a poorly planned dumpster fire and it made him look like a socially stunted weirdo who hates people. Wouldn't an intelligent person see how that backfire? Fuck him, he's an idiot
The fact of how mad you are shows how good of a joke it is.
Stupid posts are marked with (You)
Good goy obey your masters at google if you know whats best for you
op btfo'd
libtardism shares a lot of concepts with gommunism but in the case of conventional foss/stallman foss it has always been very left leaning, there's a reason why the meme is that gpl is communism where bsd is the only truly free licence
Every shill thread ever
>I want a job that will pay me $300k starting. Which skillset should I acquire?
There are hundreds of these posts a day, and (a) if you're only in it for the money, you will never make it, and (b) it's comically arrogant and pathetically naive to assume that you could just learn a skill and walk into the hardest job. If it was that easy, why wouldn't everyone do it? These posts are pure autism.
Also, the career path that provides the most opportunity to become a millionaire has always been sales. Don't learn Jow Forums shit; just be a salesman. But then you wouldn't be able to lord it over the rest of Jow Forums, and we all know that's what you really want. Fuck you. Everyone who has ever asked this question is the biggest retard on Jow Forums.
for your own sake get off the internet for a bit.
Probably the dumbest thing regularly posted here. I don't know why mods allow it here instead of /fa/
Look up all posts in the archive with this image's hash. No need to thank me.
>Linux threads
>Pc guts threads with repurposed pics over and over.
>Programming threads used as a replacement for google.
I could go on and on... and on ..
Jow Forums shitposts
gets annoying when everytime you see some beta nufag numale white boi whine about leh antiwhite agenda boogeyman
No you fucking faggot.
Go ahead, open a web browser and do all of that stuff and tell me if your computer slows down to an extreme. If not then it is fine and you know nothing about memory management. Also probably using windows as well. You're an idiot.