What is the best way to program a GUI that is cross-platform?
Should I go for python and pyqt5 or javascript with node and electron or something else?
What is the best way to program a GUI that is cross-platform?
Should I go for python and pyqt5 or javascript with node and electron or something else?
Web app
POSIX compliant C, nigger
If you are a 3rd worlder javascripter just use electron
Try Qt!
Anything that compiles to binary
>POSIX compliant
none of the popular modern OSes does it
Use a crossplatform graphics library and draw your own gui.
java swing
No java application I've ever used has not been laggy
by not having a gui.
png + buttons
JavaFX is absolute dogshit. Swing is ancient, legacy, and has all the questionable design that comes with that. In some cosmic irony, Java is actually terrible at cross-platform GUI.
Why are Java GUIs so slow and memory hogging?
Update to a computer in the last 15 years then
Get Embarcadero C++ Builder, user.
I won't speak too much of JavaFX on a performance level since I've never been able to use it too deeply, but I will say (and this is what prevents me from ever using it) that it refuses to implement any level of developer-accessible OpenGL (or any other hardware acceleration) integration because- and I quote- "JavaFX might be using OpenGL in the background, so it might run into conflicts." Yeah, because two hardware accelerated contexts have EVER existed on the PC environment. So I'm sure it's an absolute travesty in terms of background implementation.
As for Swing, it's certainly capable of making fast and crisp GUI's, but it requires FAR too esoteric knowledge because the whole thing is practically a Rube Goldberg machine. With a lot of tweaking and manual work I was able to make a very clean Swing GUI but the second I started adding stuff onto it some stupid Toolkit thing would start adding references to everything and then nothing would ever get garbage collected. It generally was just way too hands-on.
I'd stick with python.
Don't bother. Just write the GUI for Windows, give the gentoo users a command line tool, and the macfags are too busy snorting lattes and complaining about digital niggerface to use your software.
I think this might be the most sane answer here. Just use WPF and call it a day.
It honestly bothers me how the only decent GUI libraries seem to be written for Web applications. But I guess that's just blowing dust in the wind.
C and GTK+
Simple and straightforward.
which gui libraries?
Python + qt is god tier. But I recommend using qtpy API since it allows you to trivially switch between pyside/pyqt4/pyqt5.
does they have free 64 bit version?
Isn't JavaFX better?
Any of these, OP.