Where can I find a dedicated server for free? I would like to start a steam game server on it

Attached: Cattura.png (535x550, 438K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=server&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=free server&_sacat=0

why the fuck would it be free? are you retarded

why not?

you clearly don't know what a server is if you think someone will host one for you for free.

ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=server&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=free server&_sacat=0

>bandwith cost
>power cost
>maintenance cost

hurrrr why can't it be free???

Attached: 1521921099833.gif (207x199, 77K)

>wants stuff for free
fuck off

Why is /v/ so retarded?


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Contact me @ [email protected]
I will tell you how to exploit a glitch in a vps host.

wow I thought this was a stereotype, but it seems gaymanchildren really are this retarded


Communism maybe if you wanna trade food for the server

I owned a free ftp site and someone hosted it for free in the US.

hosting a game server is not the same as hosting a ftp server, though. op should host a listen server on his own machine.

Except it is. You can do both on your own machine if you really wanted to assuming your ISP doesn't block the port for upload.

Africa is back again

>for free
you have to go back.

You can host a dedicated server on any machine or network but latency will fuck you up. Imagine playing CSGO and some russian kid just P90's your ass by literally teleporting behind you. That's the type of server you can get for free.

Hack into some guy's server.

I think you might be fine with virtual servers, google cloud offers a free 12 month trial

>where can I find a house for free
>where can I get a car for free

>What? No I'm not sharing it