You ever notice how many people say they will change but in the they never do? I think about that a lot

you ever notice how many people say they will change but in the they never do? I think about that a lot

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NPCs can't change


>you ever notice how many people say they will change
not many

>but in the they never do
you don't get it. there's two things it means.

1. you're saying it to placate everyone around you and make yourself feel better

2. you mean it on some level but don't think you're capable of doing it

All the NPCs I know are fucking soulless. Not a single inkling of original thought ever comes out of their mouths. They only know how to consume, rather than create

>Believing in the NPC nu/pol/ meme

Who is that? She looks like she's halfway between Ashley and Hat Kid.

If you need to change yourself just to make others feel better you are never going to make it in the first place. Focusing on what others think rather than yourself will only lead towards downfall
its ashley stickee

>rather than yourself
i'm alive out of obligation

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I changed


story time

If we are put into this world with one chance at living might as well try to be the best person you yourself want to be

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How am I supposed to change if I don't even know the kind of person I want to be or what I want to do?

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far as i'm concerned literally everyone is an npc and around 10% of your life is decided for yourself.

you could have been a saudi oil prince or something. lived a perfect life until age 30 and died of cancer. how much of who 'you' are is even you?

Latinos are hot confirmed
You can come to America if you gib boi pussi.

T. Npc

going by my own logic yes lol

based af post

You decide for yourself who you want to be. Dedication and work can let you achieve anything that is semi-plausible
That’s why you don’t let others decide for you as often as possible. You make your own decisions when you can and you are immediately less of a follower than many people in this world. Followers are NPCs, leaders are MCs

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do you agree?

i really wanted someone to suggest some other way to think about it

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>That’s why you don’t let others decide for you as often as possible
what if i want to be an arsonist?

the cops won't just let me be me man it's fucking dumb.

How bot u make ur own desishin tu liv dis bord

but there isn't really anything i want to do so there's nothing to work for to achieve

somehow I highly doubt literally everything in your OP

Yes you can definitely be an arsonist if you truly want to but you shouldn’t not expect others to try and stop you. Going on your own path towards your goals, no matter how inhumane or unrealistic they might be, is going to treat you to obstacles along the way. Doesn’t mean that all goals can be treated the same, as you mentioned that beig an arsonist is pretty evil in the eyes of others already
no lol

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That’s just what you beleive. There is always something out there you can accomplish it’s just finding the motivation to act on it

>you shouldn’t not expect others to try and stop you.
well if they stop me i'm not an arsonist anymore. might as well kms

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Not enough for you? Setting aside the first part I doubt and moving on quickly to the second, have you ever seriously considered how exactly you tell yourself why people haven't changed? Whether your reasoning behind it is actually as solid as you assume it to be?

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Indeed, our life almost fully depends on luck, if you wasnt lucky enough to be born in a good country - you`re fucked, if you wasnt lucky enough to be born in a good family - you`re fucked, if your parents didnt pass good genes onto you - you`re almost certainly fucked, and even if luck was on your side or you overcame all the difficulties life threw onto you it doesnt mean you wont get ran over by a random car one day or some shit like this. The only logical thing left for us to do is be happy with our life no matter how shitty it is and hope the fortune wont turn our back to us one day desu. Because there is NOTHING what couldnt be taken away from us someday, something completely immutable, ineffaceable, permanent, etc. and if once in a time such a thing will come into existence people wont need anything more desu.

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Then you should accept that you did all that you could to achieve it and try being something else like a serial killer

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post hair

I think what is true in that people say they will change just to make others or themselves feel better. I have seen it many times in my life already to other people I know and myself. The truth is that deep down we are all afraid of things that are different and change in of itself. The thought of going through that fear and coming out a better person most of the time is what drives these people to say sich things. But once they realize that the life they live already and the actions they go through everyday is easier, they would rather choose that. Taking the easy way out
Yeah I agree that luck is the biggest factor when it comes to enjoyment but it shouldn’t stop you from at least trying

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You didn't actually answer my question. So let me answer it for you. Change is not an on/off switch. It's always a gradual process. And just because you can't see change doesn't mean it's not there. A lot of it is internalized. You fuck up once, and don't realize it. Only later do you realize, shit I have to change that. But then you fuck up again. And again. And maybe then the realization comes sooner, or even immediately. Until the learned process becomes a part of yourself and you finally find the means to not do it again. Nothing in this entire process is visible to another human being, because it all happens in the mind. But that doesn't mean change is not there. And in that way I would even see the opposite happening. Change is always there. Whether you like it or not

posting in sticky

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Trying what exactly desu? Theres still some things what isnt influenced by luck that much desu.


Ye I agree and it doesn’t mean you should ignore it like many others do. people constantly convince themselves that they are in the worst part of their lices and nothing could be improved upon it without considering that there is always something there to change for the better or for the worse
btw I thought you were asking me why I thought people haven’t changed sry

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I think a great example of someone that still tried even with all odds against him is this guy I watched a video about a few days ago
Guy is a badass with having no limbs yet still doing what he loves

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People don't have free will. If your desire to do something is greater than your desire to not do something then you will do it. You can't choose how much you desire something so you never made a choice.