What are some good/active IRC channels?

What are some good/active IRC channels?

Attached: weechat-irc.png (1351x663, 344K)

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Here's my anime picture as my tribute to Jow Forums.

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Man, I miss IRC

Most IRC channels today are modfagged. Any discussion outside of what's immediately relevant to the channel gets shut down.
IRC channels today would rather have the channel sit empty for 32 hours except for a few "hi's" and newb questions that are answered hours after the person that asked left, rather than promote a community of like-minded people.
Oh, go the associated open discussion channel, they say. You can discuss whatever you want there, they say.
Except you can't discuss shit, because the channel has fostered no community other than mods circlejerking each other, so you end up with a barren black screen populated only by the tumbleweeds of joins, leaves, and hi's.

The only active IRC channels seem to be erotic role play channels dominated by furries.

I would like to know some good/active IRC channels, too.

#Jow Forumsdpt on rizon

Unlike Jow Forums, my irc channels ARE my secret club. Sorry.

>Most IRC channels today are modfagged.
Side effects of "fostering a community" and the infection that is SJW/catering to every crybaby. Now IRC channels have code of conducts: rizonrice.github.io/guidelines

Mild (but strict) moderation is all that is needed for a healthy channel. Don't let people flood it, don't let it get spammed with 10,000 bots, and don't let assholes who can't get along with anyone stick around.

#developers on rizon

Yeah my experience so far has been barren aside from the one time I got some useful information from waiting 3 hours to get a reply.

If Jow Forums doesn't have a channel, I suppose nothing is stopping us from starting one

>and don't let assholes who can't get along with anyone stick around.
i think you just told that guy he can't use irc

I've steadily found myself only spending time on irc networks that I run, and leaving others for exactly the reasons you describe. Running your own networks and communities with little to no moderation can be a surprisingly successful alternative.


How to setup own IRC?
Self-hosted yes? (not freenode)

From what I saw:
Hexchat -> Rizon
and right when you load up it tells you how to do it. I need to look into it more myself. I miss good chat rooms.

Nobody is going to share their favorite IRC channels here. It's just a bad idea.

you sound awful lol

>Most IRC channels today are modfagged. Any discussion outside of what's immediately relevant to the channel gets shut down.
this is true of freenode, mostly because a lot of those channels have >500 users and off-topic chatter gets out of control.
networks like Rizon and EFnet aren't like this - sadly EFnet is pretty dead but Rizon reminds me a bit of EFnet circa 2000.


Not always the most active, though.

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Good taste.

We have this thread every few days. Check the archives.


>Man, I miss IRC


#gay on EFNet

#ghetty.space on Rizon

>he's intimidated by a chat protocol from the 80s

Just use Discord lmao

>join discord channel
>get bombarded with epic gaymer memes
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

#syriancivilwar on snoonet


#homescreen on rizon is a top 1 channel

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>being this new

spotted the newfag

If you can't figure out how to run your own irc network, you shouldn't be doing it

spotted the newer fags

>he can't walk backwards
toppest lel

actually this

#bearcave on EFnet has the answer to any question.

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#netbsd-code on freenode

i wanna join a cool secret epic community

Attached: akarin oh no.gif (231x200, 56K)

join #baot @rizon

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