Linux is objectively better than Windows

>Linux is objectively better than Windows
>Doesn't even have a central location to install software on your filesystem by default
>Have to hunt down where software that fucked up from a few rogue keystrokes installed itself
>Not in usr/bin, usr/share or any of the other nonsensical, scattered locations

Literally what the fuck, and who thought this garbage was a good idea? Was /Program Files/ too simple for literal autists?

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>central location
>C:\Program Files
>C:\Program Files (x86)
>C:\Archivos de programa
>C:\Archivos de programa (x86)

try the which command

>what is which
>what is dpkg -L
>what is pacman -Fl

Also how does the fucking windows registry stand up to the simplicity of plaintext config files on disk.

yeah, why separate documentation, libraries, executablea and all that in separate places when you can simple just throw everything in one big vomit pit

>gee, i wonder where all the "virtualbox" files are?
>aurman -Ql virtualbox
>gee, i wonder where all the virtualbox files are?
>was it a 32bit or 64bit version? uhh, right, i don't see virtualbox in either, who made it? right, oracle, there it is. wait, doesn't it install a driver as well? where's that?

It has some shit in your appdata, also in registry

You don't have to use it, then. You obviously don't have the acumen for it.

But you see, you have to type white words on a SCARY black background, that makes it harder and more complicated than Windows!

If it's not in /usr/bin it's probably not installed.

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which [insert program here]

Woah it’s like magic

There is nothing wrong with using the terminal. There is something wrong when you need to either inherently know what commands to use to fix your problem or Google it and hope the niche problem has been posted about somewhere and whatever fragmented derivative of Linux distro you decided to use actually uses the same commands as the solutions you find.

I just find it hilarious people think Linux will become have majority desktop and laptop marketshare when things like this are completely unintuitive.

It created its own folder in /opt/Vivaldi

Nope, didn't find it. Found it myself.


Really gets my noggin joggin.

>There is something wrong when you need to either inherently know what commands to use to fix your problem
Learning a language to properly use a computer is somehow a bad thing now?

sorry m8, but most people couldn't tell you where a program resides on disk in windows either
you're just used to windows, you know where to look for the same reason linux people know where to look, you learned how to do so

>command line is too hard
the post

Yes you idiot.

I want to use my PC for highly paid work. I'm not a coding monkey and don't want to learn a language so I can install software

Use a better distro.

Attached: vivaldi.png (1920x1080, 190K)

Then use an easy distro like MacOS or Ubuntu. They will let you use a computer without understanding how it works.


You both either have bad reading comprehension or are on the defensive because you love Linux and take criticism poorly. Everything can be improved to be more intuitive.

Yeah I'm thinking of switching to Debian. I chose Manjaro because I like rolling release and was running Arch about a decade ago.

>Doesn't even have a central location to install software on your filesystem by default
>Have to hunt down where software that fucked up from a few rogue keystrokes installed itself
I don't get it.
>Not in usr/bin, usr/share or any of the other nonsensical, scattered locations
Shitty distro?

>have to find
Is it too hard to type xbps-query -f or alternative from your PM?

The package would be in /usr/bin if you were using Arch.

what would have them do?

Alert you when an executable is installed?
fuckingidiot@pieceofshit ~ $ sudo apt install vim
Reading package lists... Done

>Doesn't even have a central location to install
C:\Program Files
C:\Program Files (x86)
Same shit, all apps are supposed to be installed in 'Program Files *', but they are installed all over system.
In GNU/Linux is /usr/* and /sbin and /bin
Sure, some retarded packages install themselves to /etc... but fuck this

I bet you open up your refrigerator to "know how it works" when you just want to grab something to drink also.

>Everything can be improved to be more intuitive.
Intuitive to who? Everyone else seems to think bash is more than adequate for use.

linux desperately needs a file system hierarchy redesign
no 3 letter bullshit like usr (which doesn't stand for user) or etc (which doesn't stand for etcetera) but /Programs /Users /Configs and logical names and hierarchy
the current one is outdated 70s mainframe style is not usable anymore
I think gobo linux is trying something like this
every program getting their own directory like /Programs/Firefox , not scattering it through 7 random directories
they even could have different versions like /Programs/Firefox/58.0/
no more /usr/bin bullshit
it's time we took linux to the modern era

>Yanks need to relate everything back to food to understand it

USA, please just nuke yourselves.

the thing is, it doesn't matter where the files are, since you can just ask your package manager
like for example, if i want to know which packages have installed themes, i can do;
$ aurman -Qel | grep /usr/share/themes/. | cut -f1 -d' ' | uniq

>bring linux to the modern era
>rename directories

Thank you for your valuable contribution to Jow Forums

Windows developers can install their software where it please them. So does Linux developers.

all gobo linux does is expose what is essentially the package manager db as a filesystem
the only difference in using it is that you use a file manager to browse packages rather than your package manager
it may be easier to visualise ootb, but there's no technical advantage to it

not just renaming but restructuring them too
put every config file under /Config
put every development file and includes under /Development
put os specific files which are needed just for the os under /Linux
and so on
think logically

found the swecuck. good thing you wont exist in a few decades.

>It created its own folder in /opt/Vivaldi
wew lad, you have a shit distro

Not so hard...

Attached: Captura de tela de 2018-04-23 08-51-08.png (207x38, 4K)

> Jow Forums opinions


Admittedly I could be more proficient in bash, but I really don't think it's realistic to expect everybody who is interested in switching from the familiarity of a heavily GUI controlled OS to know bash if at all. I don't think you should be required to, either. You can't tell me you expect everybody to learn bash to use their computer.

This would easily help. Short directory names makes sense if you don't tab to autocomplete the name.
Otherwise I don't see the point.

>Assumes I'm American
>Was talking about drinks, not food
Yeah I guess I should have chosen a piece of technology more relatable to you, your boyfriend's inflatable vibrating arse driller.

I don't think I've got a single package that installed itself to /etc that was not all about systemwide configs.

>every program getting their own directory like /Programs/Firefox , not scattering it through 7 random directories
>put every config file under /Config
So where could I expect my firefox config to be, then?
Or maybe in ~/.firefox or ~/.config/firefox like per-user configs are usually stored right now?

how is my post different from yours you inbred retard?

>wew lad, you have a shit distro
The guy who create the package of the software chose where to install. You can pretty much compile the same shit and handle the installation path as an argument during the installation process.

woah pardner, looks like your upset.

Not to mention
>dynamic linking galore

>but I really don't think it's realistic to expect everybody who is interested in switching from the familiarity of a heavily GUI controlled OS to know bash if at all.
If they want to switch to a bash oriented OS they probably should.
>You can't tell me you expect everybody to learn bash to use their computer.
I don't, that's why I said you can just use MacOS or Ubuntu and not worry about learning bash.

Im on your side here boss, and im may be a complete linux idiot, but i honestly cannot find any firefox config file in either of those locations

Why create a GUI for anything in any Linux distro then? You really only use bash for everything? And considering the ire Ubuntu usually gets on Jow Forums I don't believe you (or at least Jow Forums as a consensus) really think it's the best experience somebody new to Linux should subject themselves to either.

>You can't tell me you expect everybody to learn bash to use their computer.
This mentality is exactly what's wrong with the Windows crowd, you guys are so spoiled by your ease-of-use you think that learning to use your computer is somehow a bad thing, I hate to break it to you but a general-purpose computer is an extremely complex beast. You can't expect something so complicated to be easy to use, you're only limiting yourself if you refuse to learn just how complex a computer really is. Microsoft has done a fantastic job at simplifying things for you but simplification comes at a price, you can only do so much with a pocket knife when compared with a swiss army knife.

don't forger appdata and user folder, also system32

>Why create a GUI for anything in any Linux distro then?
That's up to the developer. I prefer not to use GUIs, but that's just me. Some people might like to.
>You really only use bash for everything?
I prefer to, but I don't do it for everything.
>And considering the ire Ubuntu usually gets on Jow Forums I don't believe you (or at least Jow Forums as a consensus) really think it's the best experience somebody new to Linux should subject themselves to either.
No, I don't think it is. I think it is the best if you want to avoid learning bash commands. If someone was new to Linux and wanted to learn how to use their OS I'd recommend they learn bash. Maybe install Debian or Arch.

>terminal is scary I'm not a 1337 haxxor
>how do you know what files are without pictures to click on
>why plaintext program files, this isn't the matrix
>lol wtf, the desktop and start menu don't even serve me ads on software I paid for
>lol poorfags don't want to pay $200 for a bloated, broken operating system
You're right, windows is clearly superior.

Attached: 1508196653028.png (645x773, 87K)

low effort bait, saged

but yeah linux file placement is retarded, there should be a separation between user application files and system files

Fair enough. I understand your reasoning. But I still don't think most general users are going to need to learn all the complexities of their OS and what it can do.

Linus Torvalds even doesn't fuck with Debian because he had trouble installing it once. Bad user experience puts people off from wanting to delve deeper, especially if their time is particularly precious.

I have time on my hands and am willing to learn, so I will just suck it up and switch distro.

Let me break this down for you, essential binaries go in /bin, system binaries go in /sbin, user applications such as Firefox, gedit, virtualbox go in /usr/bin


>not having /bin and /sbin symlinked to /usr/bin

why are you trying to tell me things i already know?
competent package maintainers will set the install path to the appropriate place (/usr/bin, with config in /etc and runtime in /var), and if you're installing something manually from source, you know full well where you're installing it beforehand

Just remember that learning is a good thing, you're not gonna have a good time trying out Linux if you hate learning, at the end of the day when you're done setting things up you'd know that your computer belongs to you and only answers to you, not some American megacorp.

>competent package maintainers
Come on, he is probably doing it for free.

Attached: download.jpg (600x603, 44K)

>Doesn't even have a central location to install software on your filesystem by default
so? how is this automatically a bad thing?
>Have to hunt down where software that fucked up from a few rogue keystrokes installed itself
no, you don't. you just ask your package manager where all the files are. it literally doesn't matter where the files are. if this was in the super early days before package managers, then this might be a problem, but since there are, it's not.

>at the end of the day when you're done setting things up you'd know that your computer belongs to you and only answers to you, not some American megacorp.
The best feeling, honestly.

That's not how it looks on BR computers.
>C:\Arquivos de programa" and "C:\arquivos de programa (x86)"
Also i would try to say to you that it's not a common thing and stuff, but the city i live on used to have monkeys.
Used to.


it is actually both, see, it's always on disk as "program files", but it also contains a desktop.ini file which is used to override the apparent name of the folder with a localised version
i know this because i've setup systems with users/program files on another disk, i renamed the originals before making a junction point from the new location, and both "Users" and "Users.bak" display in explorer as "Users"

Linux requires a different way about thinking about programs and their files in comparison to the way Windows does it, although Windows is trying to change that too because hunting down for files is quite stupid.
You'll get used to the way linux does it, even if you stay on Windows 10.

But the reality is, if you want to avoid the terminal and using bash, you should get ubuntu. There's nothing wrong with ubuntu, it's an OS and it works.
Only reason Jow Forums shits on ubuntu is because we're a bunch of elitists, who like the concept of using a terminal.

Also how simple are you, since you care about what people think about an OS?

i love linux but files scattered everywhere is just awful, and even worse, the location varies between distros

I'd rather fix my problems as a normie by entering commands in a terminal rather than listen to pajeet try to explain to me where Ctrl+alt+delete is. because Microsoft wants people to think computing is magical and only wizards can crack the 'code.'

to be fair you do need a very high iq to understand registry and services

Not everyone needs or even want to learn how does computers work, they just want to get things done and enjoy their life. To most of them you we are autistic as fuck for thinking that messing with computer and these hacker words (that's exactly how one of my friends called a script they saw me running once) is a fun hobby.

>we're a bunch of elitists
i think you misspelled retards

>be on Loonix
>want to install a package
>apt/dnf search package
>apt/dnf install package
>want to remove package
>apt/dnf remove package
>need to upgrade the packages and system
>apt/dnf upgrade -y
>automatically removes unneeded dependencies
>have never had a problem with this
Literally just works for everything. I actually prefer the precision of the command line tools since I've learned how to use them properly.

The one thing I will say is that we need a better kernel. The Linux kernel itself is inferior to everything except DOS and XNU, which are the worst kernels I've ever seen. The NT kernel is one of the few things that Windows got right, but it's held back by being closed source and loaded with decades of legacy compatibility. I'm actually excited about the progress that React OS is making. The NT kernel is a very nice example of a properly implemented hybrid kernel, which means it's very modular and great at handling errors and recovering from them without bringing down the whole system. Other than that, there's the Haiku OS kernel which has shit security but a great design, and is another hybrid type kernel. Then there are microkernels like MINIX and HURD, and those are absolutely God-tier. I can't wait until they're as good as QNX (a proprietary microkernel OS for embedded systems).

Go learn about the real tech behind this stuff. You'll be able better appreciate individual components and have a better understand of how operating systems work.

Then they dont really need a computer.
They only need a web browser. And they can open a browser on Ubuntu without learning bash.

You have to go back, Juanito.

And here is where you are wrong. They use proprietary shit to stream music, the Office suite, games and a bunch of Windows programs that the equivalent on GNU+Linux is either a hackjob or just too complex (yeah, terminal is hard and not really intuitive for the average PC user). The ones that only need browsers are on mobile now.

Linux is Garbage don't listen to fucks on Jow Forums they have no life or a taste

>They use proprietary shit to stream music
Oh, sorry.
They dont need a computer, they need to die.

If you can shitpost on your riced Arch machine right now it is because there's someone getting work done and running the society right now. You should be grateful normies exist, don't let your ideologies take over your brain and fool you.

>I want to use my PC for highly paid work, like browsing facebook and twitter

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i think you'll feel more comfortable at Jow Forums

Why? I never mentioned politics in my posts.

>everything I don't like is Jow Forums!
He's right you retard, and you are justing shitting memes out your ass at this point. What the fuck happened to this fucking board.

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>implying windows is any better
>install visual studio
>pick installation directory
>it partially installs to the C drive even if you picked another drive
>registry entries
>start menu entries
>desktop icon
>god knows what the fuck else
>oh yea let's also create another directory in My Documents just to make your efforts to keep shit organized go to waste
>My Documents after 2 years: 10% my documents, 90% files put there against my will by programs I installed
>want to uninstall VS
>uninstall VS
>all the extra shit it installed is left over and the only way to get rid of it is to manually uninstall every single thing by hand

>binary files in /etc
you're retarded

Microsoft needs to fix that shit already. I don't think it's even hard to make current programs install in a new, unified directory, just create a folder for each program and symlink shit to legacy directories.

It's already fixed.
Problem is, nobody wants to update for it/use the new format.

t. macfaggot

Shouldn't be hard to at least on the surface change the names while retaining all core functions just as they are.
Makes it easy for users, doesn't fuck up for devs/those already used to it.

now kill yourself

shared libraries mean that you can update vulnerabilities for all applications at once. Also you won't shit up your disk with useless duplicates and 100 different versions.

Care to explain? Anyway, what I'm suggesting needs to be enforced by the OS and retarded devs can't avoid it.

Because it's garbage fucking software probably with a custom installer. Would you bitch about a windows exe that's "installed" in some self contained folder you leave on your desktop?

t. archer

arch is comfy, my man

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Are you talking about UWP?

Appx package management (sometimes also referred to as appxbundle for multiple packages), it's how they want devs to package apps now, streamlines the entire process, gets rid of a lot of mess. Too bad it's only ever really brought up briefly when UWP is talked about and people seem to hate UWP.