Where is the tech? Is she someone I should know? I can see dumb people write shit anywhere OP.
the discussion was about
hello Sonia
>emotional labor
I just want to know what this and why should I care. The women is a hypocritical retard but is she an important dev or working somewhere important?
Wow that last comment was extremely rude.
Why the fuck would you not say 'no sorry you can deal with it yourself' or something like that.
Expressing that it's generally inappropriate for whites and 'colored' (wtf, I thought we moved past such language) people to ask each other for advice is just ridiculous. I can't even imagine what I'd respond to her, it's quite shocking.
Is she really advocating friendship-apartheid? She just distanced herself from a friend who in all likelihood didn't mean harm because he's white (since she mentions it it has to be relevant). She then discourages a person who wants to deal with similar issues from talking to POC.
It really looks like it. If she wanted to discourage the subject at hand then she'd probably be open to discuss how to deal with those situations.
Anyway, not tech.
Being a web dev subhuman writing CurryScript and other ugly shit on an iToy doesn't make that cunt a developer.
I'm a software engineer who does device firmware for NT and Linux and has done boot loaders for embedded devices. I use C and various types of assembly for almost everything. At work we use Windows 7 or 10 Enterprise with Visual Studio on the desktops and laptops and we use RHEL on the servers. Not once have I ever seen an iToy in the office aside from someone with an iPhone ever now and then. Best way to spot an unproductive hipster is to look for that Apple logo. Real work is done on Dell and Lenovo machines, or IBM servers.
>emotional labor
>emotional labor
Herro, this is city WOC
backend web dev is more difficult and more important (that's why we get paid more). most backend web devs use macs. maybe linux. absolutely not windows unless you're using .NET which is also trash.
Who's the shitskin and why should I care?
Fuck's sake user
but how would OP feel better about himself if he didn't post it on Jow Forums?
Op is the white man the Woman of Curry is taking about in the first post.
This is why I dont interact with people in my faculty
that's a girl r-right?
Imagine being so triggered by "any tips?".
And they talk about being white means you have privilege.
>refusing to talk to someone about a subject because of the colour of their skin
unironically racist
I hope not
it's whatever you want it to be
average apple user
sounds like shit
Literally sub-human, that whole account is a cringe machine. And this woman calls herself a """Software Engineer""".
based awoo poster
The fuck is woc?
The fuck is poc?
Just had a quick glance at her tweets, she's pretty based.
These days you can't be sure.
>The fuck is woc?
woman of curry
The fuck is poc?
poo on computer
presumably "woman/person of colour", which, confusingly, means non-white
Yea that's a girl.
Sorry, user. It's not even a trap.
woman of color
people of color
It's emotional labor I don't have to explain shit
Racist against whites
>what is HRT
hrtits are a thing
Oh god mother fucker it's actually just a dude.
>Shadman made a comic of him
>He actually shared it.
Good shit.
It's not even that though.
Some funky shit this stuff.
Segregation again. Comes full circle.
>I ate indian food and now I need to take a huge gupta
>I just gupta'd my pants
>designated gupta street
checks out
this made me angry. How fucking rude.
This has to be fake
I have never seen people acting like this in real life
Sage goes in all fields
These are the normie equivalent of Jow Forumstards
Have you never been on any form of social media? That is like the whole of game journalists, hence their bad reputation.
Kek'd that French for to tweet is just "tweeter"
wow, she must have exactly 0 friends.
where can i buy that 56% keyboard?
gupta is a surname worth knowing, if just to learn about how they screwed over the entire of south africa
>with a white man
okay, either
stopped reading there
or this got interesting
This is how chickens speak.
god I fucking hate twitter
SJWs aren't this brave in real life. They'll just passive aggressively report you to HR and you'll never understand why you were disciplined (you'll apologize anyway)
I like it when white bitches get BTFO. Get fucked you SJW whore.
damn i love chicken wok
>these are considered human beans
>emotional labour
So she herself perpetuates the image of laziness of people of color, yet doesn't want to hold arguments on racial comparisons?
Not to mention she is a spoilt westerner leeching off their social securities and female-specific welfare programs, and can afford idiotically priced computer hardware 90% of the world either can't or isn't retarded enough to do so?
She undermines her very own arguments, the worst representative of people of color possible.
Dumb bitch.
it stand for 'Pickers Of Cotton'
Why would you work with a mac? Isn't your software supposed to work in the end?
>Really. Sorry.
These type of people enable them.
what a fucking rat
Here's what happens when you don't think of poor whiteys according to historical documentation, namely the Weimar Republic:
- Communism takes over leadership
- People build up rage under Communism
- People who have nothing to do, no jobs and no money, take up an alternative motivation to fill their life.
- Those people vote Nazis as the extreme opposite to give meaning and order to themselves even at the cost of massive sacrifice.
- Even Democrats join the Nazis in a coalition.
- You get a Nazi Government and 70 million dead
If you want this to repeat, and by the looks of the rise of right-leaning collectives and thought that never existed to such levels before, then continue on fueling the rage of whites. I'm sure you'll get what every people who enraged whites got in history, complete and total genocide.
is that choker there to hide his adam's apple?
God white people are pathetic.
>Wow that last comment was extremely rude.
>Why the fuck would you not say 'no sorry you can deal with it yourself' or something like that.
unironically saying this on Jow Forums
Did his wife beat him up?
lmao half of Jow Forums btfo by that pic desu
What exactly is she starting to question? Why she bought a fruity toy that's taking so long to boot up now?
>The point
>Your head
didn't know street shitters were allowed to consume alcohol
Based. Sjw whites need to be out in their place like this to realize their insanity
i seriously hope this is only parody but in this world nothing can surprise me anymore
>Twitter user
>woman who lives a secure life in the west and has her ego and narcissism over-inflated
>spoiled brat in an adult body
>superiority complex further magnified by a political sect telling her that being a woman of color makes her special in some way
>superficial mentality of only ever putting value on her gender and skin color in arguments
>self-admitted laziness as a personal characteristic because spoiled people tend to be such
>social activist because she has no mind of her own, just the mind other people hammered into her head
Nah m8, the West is filled with stupid people who became stupid in a unique way from living in opulence and excessive spoiling, and this is one of them.
That's because they all know this shit would never fly in real life. It's easy to be a keyboard warrior when you don't think you'll face any consequences if someone decides you're actually retarded.
Plus, people in real life, the ones that aren't spending their entire existence online, aka most people, aren't as weak as the nerds pining for pussy online. Few people would put up with that shit and even fewer companies.
srsly do we even have mods anymore
le gentoo face
Don't forget that it's easy to be blinded by the illusion of numbers.
Because these western social justice retards are mostly western, they've had ample time to fully develop their bubble online.
So when you see one of these retards getting 300k likes, that's the full extent of this collective's population, not even 0.1% of the western world, solely by the fact that they are all connected by nature and connected within this bubble of numeric visibility.
So the big looking number actually showcases that it's the full number of retards to exist at that point, no more than the registered population of murderers, thieves, crack heads, etc.
A minority that looks big because we register the number as big but omit percentage comparisons to the general population.
I believe there should be a name for this phenomena:
A congregation of online users who have carved an online bubble and represent the full population of the collective common, specific to them, in comparison to the general population.
everybody forget's the fact that this person actually doesn't know how to proprerly drink a beer... Please use a fucking glass , it's not that difficult... drinking it from the can is like wasting a beer , or only drinking it to get drunk...
>only drinking it to get drunk...
i don't get this argument, what's wrong with drinking to get drunk?
as a beer lover , and maker , i drink the beer to enjoy the taste mostly , of course the buzz you get from alcohol is pretty nice , but to get all the aroma and taste of beer you need to drink it from a glass because most of the taste comes from the smell , so in a glass it goes directly into your nose.
>more difficult
>than actual software engineering which makes shit that your garbage curry site will run on
yeah no go get fucked in your designer ass
Since this is the other Jow Forums discussion thread I'll post this here.
The law for mishandling classified information actually specifies intent. It's written in a legalese expression. If you happen to have a link to it I can point it out.
Nothing wrong with me
Nothing wrong with me
Fucking end this planet, God. We have failed.