I just baught this mouse for 58 euro. Did I get jewed?
I just baught this mouse for 58 euro. Did I get jewed?
IT is a Logitech M720 Triathlon Bluetooth Mouse
No, it is very good.
You jewed yourself, faggot
The sensor is shit.
You bought this mouse for 58 euro.
Looks like a pretty standard wireless mouse, why is it so expensive?
Could probably get something similar for half the price, from logitech even.
>58 euros
>hey guys i spent my allowance on this did i do good?
fuck off
Yes, refund it and buy the M570 or the MX Ergo.
Track balls are shit
Maybe? I personally figured I'm fine with a $5 Chinese gaming mouse.
You're shit
I bought deathadder 3.5G and goliathus mousepad combo for like 20€ from aliexpress
after first month I ordered another 2
one for another PC and one as a backup
very intelimouse in shape
Dude ali express LMAO
You want to get chinked?
The brainlet versiom of getting jewed?
I paid 50€ for my MX Master so you spend a bit much.
i think the nixeus revel is very good for the price.
No one mentioned he said baught, Jow Forums is truly the home of troglodytes
You know all mice are made in China, right?
Finally someone who sees it.
Are you OP? Did you test Jow Forums?
>I just baught
u from boston, mate?
Paying more than 20 shekels for any mouse is stupid