Tfw bought a 4 core CPU

>tfw bought a 4 core CPU

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3 cores? What do you need 2 cores for?

what do you mean, I need more than 1 core for gaming?

1 core x86 processor? what kind of game needs a MIPS CPU?

hallo? police? Some madman wants my only core!

tell me about it
i built a system with i5 6600k a year and half ago after being tied to a really shitty laptop for years
>mfw ryzen comes out
>mfw coffe lake comes out
>mfw ryzen 2nd gen comes out

Good goyim! Non retards bought FX.

buying FX at that point would have been even dumber, especially since Ryzen launched like 7 months later
actually, scratch that, buying FX even when it was still relevant would've been a horrible choice too

do you really *need* 3 cores, nazi?

Still sore about buying 4 cores unrionically?

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but again, buying FX at the end of 2016 would have been idiotic

besides, why are you trying to imply i favor intel? My next CPU is going to be Ryzen 2 (unless Intel somehow whips out something amazing, which is unlikely) and my gpus have been ATI/AMD for the past 10 years

>but again, buying FX at the end of 2016 would have been idiotic

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>shintel farts out another cpu at the end of 2018 or right at the beginning of 2019
>all shills start sharting out (((benchmarks))) and other shit to boost shintel
>faggots buy rapidly
>zen2 comes out in mid/late 2019
>faggots already bought a shintel that (((mysteriously))) lost some performance after a few months of use
>faggots now shit on zen2 and constantly say "muh shintel shit that I bought a few months ago is 50% faster than the just released chinkzen! Amd btfo!"
>the general public, like the retards they are, still don't even know any other company makes cpus
Calling it.

4 cores 8 threads at 5.2ghz is still top. Once I make actual money I will build a AMD power house workstation.

how about you post some argumants pointing in favor of FX then?
because those dumb-ass pictures aren't arguments
being stuck on a legacy platform, getting a motherboard lacking many current-generation features, running a chip that's notorious for its power consumption and heat output if you try to push it somewhere near decent performance and being stuck with DDR3 you won't be able to use when you upgrade is just dumb

you'll hear from my lawyers about that integer unit you still owe me!

Not him. But it's ez, the same arguments shintelfags make all the time
>muh clocks

>buying a CPU in 2016
The regret must be overwhelming

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not everyone is poor like you.
I buy CPUs when I feel like it.
If I feel like it every year then that's what I do.

reddit spacing

Either newfag or just a bad troll. Either way you should stick to your kind and go back.

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thank you for the cheap used parts. intel cucks

I found an i7 6700 Engineering Sample for only $120. It is currently in my gaymen computer now.

I can't wait for a decent AMD Ryzen ultrathin notebook to become available.

Should've gone es x99

>what kind of game needs a MIPS CPU?
The whole PS2 catalog.

> mfw 2 cores, 4 threads

>4 core CPU
>Intel didn't add multi-threading to it
>It's... it's good for gaming! hyperthreading is bad for performance!

How do non-HT Intel CPU buyers even live with themselves?

That's not Reddit spacing

That's Reddit spacing.