Who here uses emacs on evil-mode? What are the pros and cons with vim?

Who here uses emacs on evil-mode? What are the pros and cons with vim?
I'm willing to try it out, are any of you aware of any good guide or tutorial to get into it?

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I use spacemacs, basically pre-configured emacs with evil mode.
>What are the pros and cons with vim?
Well it's emacs but you can edit text like in vim. If you want to edit text quickly without a mouse, use vim/evil.

I don't use emacs for programming that much (Other than C right now, perhaps Go later though I dunno how good the layer/major mode is there), what I really like about it is org-mode.

Org mode is basically: You write text in a beefed-up markup which you can then export to LaTeX, HTML, normal Markup, directly to a blog or ical.

Ical because you can easily schedule TODOs and appointments with it for your week ETC:

Also, it kinda reminds me of the old computing days, which is fun. Feels almost like playing a game. (Hurr M-x Tetris joke now).

I dunno nigga try it out.

I love vim and I edit everything with it. I also use it for note taking, which is why I'm interested in emacs' org-mode (everyone says it's amazing).
Do you know of any website or guide to start learning emacs (with evil mode) from the beginning? So then I can start learning org-mode too.

For emacs, or spacemacs rather, there's a decent tutorial from their site as well as the evil-tutor, which is basically an adapted vim-tutorial for evil mode. Not much difference anyway.

There's a youtube-talk by some nerdy fuck about org-mode that's a good starting point, 1.5 speed or skipping around recommended.

If you like markdown or note-taking in vim you'll ejaculate with org-mode, seriously. Creating tables is like sex.

I think I know the video you're talking about, but that would be org-mode with emacs controls, not vim (evil-mode) controls, wouldn't it?
I'm checking out the spacemacs website. How different are spacemacs and normal emacs in evil mode?

Evil mode is just a layer to enable VI style editing in the editor, I'm not aware of any changes beyond that.

Difference between spacemacs and emacs in evil mode... basically M-x is already prebound to spacebar so you don't kill your hand.
Not sure of any others right now.

Okay, thanks for the info man.
I'm installing it right now (on Void Linux).
Btw I love how spacemacs is a *distribution* of emacs, it's like an OS, lol

i just use an IDE with a vim plugin
best of both worlds.

emacs is missing enough vim features that i dropped it.
visual studio has the best vim plugin thta i've tried

Hey user, I use evil-mode and org-mode extensively. I actually never learned emacs keybindings, I just use vim keybindings for movement, cut/deleting, pasting. I use emacs keybinding for searching and extra functions (M, Ctrl key functions). Org-mode is amazing - there isn't really a good clone of org-mode on other text editors.

I'll be lurking this thread since org-mode, evil, and emacs is what I use every single day at work, so feel free to hmu with any questions.

Also, it's nice to start off with a starter-kit (better essentials, Spacemacs, Doom) but you'll learn a lot more by configuring your own config file.

Spacemacs actually isn't even a distribution, it's just emacs with a heavily edited set of config files. It's sort of what makes emacs great, you can make emacs however you want it to be.

Hey there, I'm glad that there are evil-macs enthusiasts here.
I'm currently doing the spacemacs tutorial which so far is just vim (which I already know).
I've also figured out that SPACE+SPACE = M-x which is some kind of menu/searcher from where I open the tutorial

pros: you can extend it with lisp
cons: unlike vim, it'll take ~10s to start (upto 10mins if you're an actual emacs user)

>Hey user
>Hey there
This is the friendliest thread I've ever seen on Jow Forums.

user Spacemacs, it replaces all the rediculous 3 finger chords with single key vim modal editing, I cant believe its taking so long for people to find out about Spacemacs, dont waste your life learning thousands of emacs key commands, all the single key commands in Spacemacs appear in a graphical window so you always know where you are at

How do I make that graphical (I'm using spacemacs on the console though) window appear?

Vim user that recently switched to emacs here. I actually didn't stay on spacemacs, it felt overwhelming and bloated af. I preferred starting back on plain emacs and I prefer it much better that way. I actually take the time to add only what I need and understand what each addition is for.

If the starting time bothers you, you can keep it running in the background (with the emacsclient command) and it also keeps your buffers that way.

He's talking about which-key. It's not spacemacs exclusive (I use it on my "vanilla" emacs)

you hit the spacebar, thats why they call it spacemacs, all the functionality is accessed through the spacebar

But you installed evil-mode, didn't you?
How did you make the transition? Any guides you recommend?

The menu/searcher you are referring to I believe is helm-mode. I'd recommend doing Alt-x (M-x) since space-space is a spacemacs unique thing, but to each their own.

Oh ok, thanks. How do I exit it? I keep pressing scape but it doesn't go away

To install evil-mode:
M-x package install RET evil
And then put into .emacs
(require 'evil)
(evil-mode t)

youre being trolled/shilled, the emacs antidefimaction league always refer to spacemacs as being 'bloated' and 'overwhelming' as though memorizing thousands of multi-finger keybindings is so much easier

But evil-mode doesn't have thousands of multi-finger keybindings, does it?

I did, it was the first thing I installed actually.
Idk, I just learned gradually I guess. Starting directly from spacemacs wasn't right for me, since I didn't know where to start or how to make my own init file (that is actually suited for my needs). I also ran into a bunch of bugs which were annoying af to get rid of.

Mike Zamansky's tutorials are great

evil-mode is just the standard vim bindings, spacemacs expands on that by providing thousands of single key commands that are all in the spacekey menu

I don't think spacemacs is bloated - my issue with spacemacs is that those keybindings are very specific for spacemacs, i.e. they'll only every work within that environment.

But with the way linux works, its very easy to just take spacemacs keybindings and to use them into your own configuration.

My other issue with Spacemacs is that a lot of people refer to Spacemacs as Emacs, which isn't wrong. I agree with that sentiment, Spacemacs is Emacs, it's just a highly configured Emacs.

My issue is that since Spacemacs is so configured, turning it into your own / changing it to work how you want to is way harder than writing your own config file. You end up relying on the maintainers of Spacemacs. At least, that's what happened with me. i used to use spacemacs a lot, and then I just switched over to emacs and use my own config.

But also, a great thing about Spacemacs is that it's gotten a lot of devs interested in Emacs again. Heck, it's the reason why I go back into emacs (and org-mode)

>My issue is that since Spacemacs is so configured, turning it into your own / changing it to work how you want to is way harder than writing your own config file.

Exactly what I meant to say about "making my own init file". You summed it up better than me.


It's basically Emacs with Vim keybindings. It doesn't have all the functionalities of vim, but it has many of them, and basically not a single one that I use is lacking.

Alongside that there is also the magic of Emacs buffers which are glorious.

The Emacs file browser (Dired, I think it's called?) is glorious, and even more so with vim keybindings.

I use Emacs Evil for absolutely anything programming, with very few exceptions.

I used to use org mode. Surely it is powerful, but I like to take notes all the time, every where. Effects of reading on the GTD method. Thus I prefer Evernote and Trello, despite their botnetness.

However, I have heard of these others functionalities of org, such as exporting to HTML and LATEX. How does that work? Besides that and the spreadsheets functionality, what other functionality is there for org?

Also, I have a certain platonic love towards Scheme, even though I never put in the time to properly learn it, and the Emacs REPL is godlike for lisp programming.

To export org to HTML and LATEX I'm pretty sure it's just some org plugins.

And I feel you about taking notes everywhere! For android check out orgzly, and for iphone check out beorg.

Or all of Jow Forums for that matter

Biggest con is it doesn't work on everything so you'll still have to learn some emacs controls and it breaks the experience a bit. Spacemacs et al. fix this to some degree but it's not perfect.

I use emacs with evil, the pros are that it's absolutely wonderful compared to chords. The big con is that not every major mode has evil bindings, so you will need to setup your own unless you can find it in evil-collection which is a bunch of evil configs for major modes



I have an old Java book from 2000 ('Java 2', Prima)
came with CD that has Emacs on it.
Use that to learn C
or just download somewhere (free?)

Don't need bells n whistles,
just basic C learning

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What plugin do you use to take note on Vim?
I'm genuinely interested by this

>What are the pros and cons with vim?
Pro: Bragging about emacs capable of doing everything
Cons: Everything worth doing in vim besides navigating the file will be awful.

Any vi/m emulation emulator layer for emacs is incomplete if you are a real vim user. Basic shit like doesn't work as it does in vim, some shit requires extensive remapping and you have to keep real close tabs on what plugins you have and how they interact in buffers, otherwise you'll have a broken editor that just gets in your way.

If you are already fluent using emacs just stick to it and enjoy your carpal tunnel syndrome. Otherwise switch to vim and re-learn everything on it.

Or be pragmatic and use something like Kate, GEdit, SublimeText or Notepad++

C-g, I hate helm for that and prefer ivy-mode for that reason. (there's probably a way to change that but ivy works for me)

>Kate, GEdit, SublimeText or Notepad++
just no.

Worth mentioning - there's currently intense work on reducing load times in spacemacs, should already be available in development branch
I just run it in daemon mode, it's comfy

Indeed, I become happy just by the sheer friendliness