Several ABP users claim that Google ads (Mostly on YouTube) are not getting blocked anymore

>Several ABP users claim that Google ads (Mostly on YouTube) are not getting blocked anymore
Me included. Is this happening to you too?

Attached: 2000px-Adblock_Plus_2014_Logo.svg[1].png (2000x2006, 102K)

install ubo

year checks out

Yep, that's what I have been using for the past few months.
It works like a champ.

This has been happening for years, surprised you haven't switched yet.

What are your lists?

Ublock is letting google ads through and misc other ones for me now too.

this implies permission
you can't block native ads without also blocking content and who knows, maybe these sites are finally moving to safer native ads instead of vast ad networks

Google just changed the way it shows ads, it's a matter of time before ABP updates and blocks everything again.

>AdHide Plus

when did the change Happen?

ubo master race reporting in

no issues

blocks everything


Uncheck acceptable ads and update your filter lists.
Or better yet, just install uB0

You're doing it wrong

Attached: use mpv+youtube-dl.webm (432x360, 356K)

>use adblock plus
>it lets ads slip through
>use ublock origin
>it doesn't block anything on Jow Forums anymore
>"Use adguard!"
>paying to block ads

You people are retarded, stop supporting threads like this, OP is clearly a retarded just stop

>Ad Block Plus
lmao do you have a myspace too? Wanna play neopets xD ahahahah


I'm amazed at the fact that some people are still using adblock instead of ublock origin.

look at this no brain nigger cattle

People who use ABP are normal fags.
oh pee is a total fag.


A normalfag that posts on Jow Forums

>Is this happening to you too?
No, I use µBo

Just block at domain level have your browser learn which domains to block. Use Privacy Badger

Am I the only one using just AdBlock? Not ABP? Still works great, a couple sites have become blocked by a adblock filter, but they get unblocked within a week.

That and a pop-up blocker are all I use.


Attached: 20180423.jpg (274x266, 43K)

Only a matter of time until youtube implements something like's surestream.

>using ADP

Attached: 1522603092309.jpg (250x240, 14K)

>uhide origin

ublocko is cosmetic for me. i got a 60k hosts file locally but a pihole with 400k blocked domains

Nano Adblocker is where it's at.

Attached: baguette.webm (480x480, 350K)


ABP is the one to hide ads tho

i got youtube ads earlier and I used ublock always updated

>look mom I posted it again xDDDD

ABP became ad friendly. And Google won't be evil.