For those of us that are broke as fuck

Post systems that can be built for less than $250

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if seriously poorfig
there are programs that sell to low-income for like $100-$150, I know in Southern Cal we have a place called San Diego Futures Foundation (SDFF). They sell all kinds of stuff, some not so bad. Check your city.

About 5 years ago we would have hobo build threads all the time. You could get a fine system for ~$100. (flash USB instead of a hard drive though).
I get alot of cool stuff from thrift shops (for super cheap cause no customer knows what it is and what to do with it--it becomes an albatross that they want to get rid of)

anyone who is a DMV faggot, enjoy this business liquidation auction site. good deals for poorfags

Raspberry Pi and a dumpster monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Pick up cheap and old used work pc

I5 2400 systems are like £120 around here

There's lots

Stick in 2nd hand gtx 950/750ti

Wa la.

First thing, as mentioned above is the basics to go with it. Monitor, KB, mouse & sound. You dont NEED speakers but it is a $5 item at some thrift stores. Brand new logitech mk120 set can be had for $15. Monitors can be anything, even an old flat screen TV.

Now PCs. Depends on brands but business line PCs often are best bang for buck with better upgradable options. Like comes with more RAM slots and more power available SATA ports. Full ATX is more costly over Small Form Factor by about $25-50. Good news is though full hight cards are cheaper than low profile ready. Bad news is propriety power supply limits you to about a 1050 ti graphics card later down the line for upgrades. Get basic, upgrade slowly.

Attached: HP_refurb_cheapo.png (289x490, 40K)

What are the most kino Thinkstation/Centre machines?
How do I know what's a good machine and what is/isn't a good deal?

First make sure it is a 3rd generation intel or better processor and i5 if possible at 3.1 ghz or above. 4 memory slots is ideal. This allows you to upgrade using smaller more surplussed memory sizes on the cheap. After all that you can update later with a SSD, better graphics card, etc.