Hey Jow Forums, need your opinion on something

Hey Jow Forums, need your opinion on something

>be me, 21
>working my first job as IT assistant/sysadmin
>boss hired me because he liked how "authentic" I was
>noted that he liked that i used protonmail and didn't have any social media accounts
>glad to have a boss who understands I don't want to be part of the botnet
>fast forward 6 months
>still working there, boss is about to take a two week leave
>"btw you've got e-mail on your phone to receive helpdesk tickets from people, right user?"
>"lol no I use a feature phone with no data on it"
>he gets pissed, tells me I don't take this job seriously
>tells me im expected to be on call 24/7
>i try to explain to him that I could just keep a webmail client open in my browser at home and keep a careful eye on it
>he tells me that isn't good enough; no matter where i am, if it's on a bus or in the car or at the movies or whatever, i need to have constant connection to the office
>the same guy who applauded my anti-botnet stance now says that it's a requirement for my continued employment to have a smartphone connected to the internet at all times


Attached: tracking.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Not having a facebook account is not the same as trying to be a fucking special snowflake and using a dumb phone.

The obvious answer is the company should either provide a phone or provide a stipend for you owning one which adds work purposes.

The story is made up (even though the overall situation happens all the time) so the real answer is 'stay in school'

That's probably what he has to do when he isn't away. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some of your ideals for your work.
He could also have *his* boss breathing down his neck.

Are you getting paid to be on call 24/7? is it in your contract?

>tells me im expected to be on call 24/7

This is a matter of law, not Jow Forums. Check your contract and consult a lawyer. There are no certified lawyers here. Wrong board.

Polite sage.

>tells me im expected to be on call 24/7


*breathes in*


Fucking leave ASAP OP, your boss is an asshole.

Lodge a complaint to HR if you want but that's about the only option you have to keep your independence.

You could download a protonmail client for your phone if you really don't give a shit if you're still trying to avoid the botnet but that's about it.

>>be me, 21
>>working my first job as IT assistant/sysadmin

Are you for real? Get with the program kid.
You won't go far in life with the whole "oh no, botnet everything, I can't do anything otherwise they will track me".
If you cannot accept this, go live in the woods and farm.

Unless you're being paid to be on call 24/7 tell him no. When you leave work after slaving for the best 40 hours of you week you LEAVE WORK. It shouldn't enter your mind again until you get in your car to go back the next day.
Unless they are paying you to be on call. In which case the pay better be damn good.

>On call 24/7
Do you get paid 24/7? Is it included in your contract? If it isn't, it's time to renegotiate.

The company should provide you a phone and a data plan.

Not made up. Company won't give me a stipend for the phone, or at the very least if they did, he won't try and pull some strings for it.

I just fucking dropped a deposit on an apartment too. Even if I could, I don't have the money for a phone. I'm stretched thin as it is.

>is it in your contract?
not that I'm aware of. But he's telling me that it's standard in all IT jobs and I should've known it coming in. I mean, a lot of you fuckers work in this field, IS that standard?
As far as renegotiating my contract or speaking directly to Finance or HR, I don't feel like I pull enough clout here yet to really do that. I've only been here for half a year.

literally planning on doing this long term. just me, an rv, miles of wilderness, and my trusty amiga.

My contract specifically states i may be required to work out of hours but i will be compensated. it happens all of 4 times a year but i still get paid extra.
>cash in hand too, fuck the tax man

>it's standard in all IT jobs
No it's not.

I’m more baffled why anyone would drop a deposit on an apartment

>spot the poster who has never lived on the east coast

kill yourself

>reddit laughter

you'll understand when you're older

You are paid to work 8(?) hours per day in the company office. That's it.

There are apartments without deposits?

>tells me im expected to be on call 24/7

Find somewhere else to work ASAP

Are you the same guy that got an 10k extra for standing for what you believe in?

Buy a feature phone that supports POP/IMAP, you autistic neckbeard.

Attached: srsly.jpg (514x578, 30K)

What's the problem? Company gives you work phone, you login to your email on it, problem solved. Your personal phone is your personal property and none of their business, they literally can't require you to do anything with it.

>expected to be on call 24/7
Lmao I hope you got that in wiriting cause now you sue for back pay via the department of labor AND you'll be unfireable

You have two options: kiss ass or don't. Will you get anything for kissing ass? Better pay, position? A good recc? If not, then you've no reason to bend over for him if it's not in your contract.
Frankly just tell him "I honestly can't afford the phone right now, if this is necessary then I'll need a stipend for it."
Jusst because you now have this new smartphone, it doesn't mean you'll have to then make it your main phone. Just use it solely for the email. You could get away with a really cheap prepaid one from for example tracfone.