Mark Zuckerberg did nothing wrong

The Terms of Service are clear. That Facebook users are dumbshit subhumans who are too illiterate or mentally lazy (like subhuman animals) to read terms of services they agree to, is not Zuckerberg's problem. As he said before, Facebook users are all dumb fucks. It's getting more and more true by the day.
Who deserves to be treated like shit more than the very people who are the definition of stupid shit, who even stamp a Terms of Service agreement which states "If you agree to this, you are accepting that you are a stupid dumb fuck"? No sympathy for Facebook users, no empathy for Facebook users, no empathy for people so low IQ and dumbshit as a collective that they not only don't know how to read ToS, they also believe a free service exists without something as a product (mainly them), because it takes a special kind of dumbshit to believe money falls from the clouds when no consumers are providing it.
Such stupid subhuman filth needs not be accommodated by governments, for it exists to be exploited like pigs, for the intellect of the Facebook collective is that of pigs to be herded and exploited for their meat and fat.
It's a simple truth.

From day 1 on Jow Forums, although forgotten or not known by newfaggots and redditcucks, Facebook and anyone associated with it who uses it in any capacity, regardless of excuse, are regarded as dumbshit retards who deserve to be milked from their own tits that they voluntarily connected to a machine designed to milk them.
We must not defend Facebook users, we must not be outraged by them getting their just deserts, we must applaud Zuckerberg for showcasing the stupidity of Humanity at work, the most dumbshit collective on the planet, those who are worth nothing more than being flung to work at the farms.

Attached: Mark-Zuckerberg-507402-1-402-300x300.jpg (300x300, 18K)

What if you were Zuck? Play a long for a minute just for courtesy sake. We all know that Facebook Users are all turd-for-brain subhumans regardless of excuses.
What if you are intelligent and see more than other people see, and you are in your phase of making big bucks off the stupidity of other people (Facebook Users) because you are edgy like that; but then you start growing up and start caring a little about society and the bigger picture, and it dawns on you that the users you have been ripping off, the whole Facebook Userbase, in all its stupidity and dumbshit low IQ, IS society, and then you realize there is no helping society. You inadvertently created the biggest most encompassing and accurate social study in history of Sociology which proved without doubt through sheer numbers that the majority of society (Facebook Users) are dumber than a drugged up Dodo bird with half its brain matter missing from birth, and your hopes for Humanity are therefore shattered because you realized all your users are cattle with equivalent mental capacity of farm animals, only there to be milked, too dumb to read ToS, too dumb to think on how a free service maintains itself if it's free.
Would you then turn into a broken robot after any semblance of hope for Humanity was shattered through seeing the truth through your own design?
Would it make you look as lifeless as Zuck then?
What we are seeing is not a psychopath who was turned by evil, what we are seeing is a man shattered by the stupidity of Humanity (Facebook Users).

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nor did my grand uncle

Attached: nice to meet you.jpg (604x436, 68K)

>allowing his network to be exploited by a 3rd party, no regard for privacy
>nothing wrong

he basically painted a big target on his head when facbook reached two billion accounts

also shitty pasta

go to bed zucc

here are my terms of service. If you come into my basement, then i can rob you. So anyone who is dumb enough to get tricked, i can't go to jail for stealing their stuff. Its muh property so i'll even make meth in said basement.

Legal is not equal to correct

By reading this post, a part of it or by loading this thread, you accept to send the equivalent of 5 $ to the BTC address contained in this post's picture.

You also thereby agree to give me, the owner of that BTC wallet, the right to sue you if you do not send the money you already agreed to send me.

I, the owner of that BTC wallet, can also modify this Agreement and up the amount of money you owe me whenever I want; and you agree to that by reading this sentence.

Attached: Screenshot_20180425-151515_1.png (714x721, 6K)

I haven't agreed to their ToS, yet he tries to stalk me on 3rd party sites and build a shadow profile without my consent.



I really hope he understand that this isn't how you bind people to something and that his post has nothing to do with this thread

>it's okay when a kike who's allied with the Chinese spies on you for profit because it's buried somewhere in their terms of service lol
>it's not okay when the police does it to protect us from terrorists because muh privacy (i.e. I've got some illegal substances and some child pr0n to hide XDDDDD)
Stop trying to defend him.

Dubs of truth.

Dubs of retardation

That's basically what Facebook does with its "user agreement."

There's quite literally no way to not agree with it and it gives Facebook complete power and control over Internet user's data.

What's worse is that Zuckerberg tried to cover his ass by claiming that every website has its own privacy policy and user agreement, but once again all they do is say "by using this you agree to the user agreements and privacy policies of other websites" which is fucking bullshit. If you, like OP, agrees with that; you should pay me 5 $.

The worst bit is that you have to log into facebook too delete the logs ffs, OP shound neck himself.

fuck u i wont do what u tell me

I decline

>quite literally no way to not agree with it
What is "not using Facebook" for $500? It's not like there aren't alternative social networking services for connecting with others, plenty of people get along fine without Facebook.

>telling someone else that you like 15" dildos
totally the same

>Facebook users are dumb and don't read the tos
>the tos is legal
>Facebook users are dumb and don't read the tos

You could have said this with far less text and probably not come off as retarded.

Anyhow the legal situation with data protection acts is complicated and a TOS doesn't absolve your protection usually.
Facebook can't simply state that the general data protection regulation (EU) doesn't apply in their TOS and then not follow it (which his notes imply that they don't).
I don't know about what laws the US have but there's a similar situation there I'm sure.

Now if you think TOS should be supreme to every other law that's another question.

I do think users should be allowed to sign away their data foolishly though.

>Mark Zuckerberg did nothing wrong.
We all agree that he didn't do anything illegal.

>The Terms of Service are clear.
People who are not agreed to their terms of service also have their data harvested unless they take plenty of measures to avoid this invasive company. It is almost impossible to avoid this company because of shadow profiles. It is extra effort to block their domains on my network. Photographs of non-users are also tagged whenever possible.


Facebook is the Africa of the world.
A land of riches and wonders, spoiled by the worst the Human species has to offer.
A diamond, thrown into a pile of dung.
A beautiful woman, thrown into a pool of mud with pigs to fuck her.
If all Facebook users spontaneously combusted, the world would be better off.

Sent ;^)

>facebook: hello put all your information on me for it to be freely accessible to everyone
>normies: oh look it's fun and all my friends are doing it let me put everything about myself on there
>3rd party: I am accessing this information

Outrage over this is just another step towards total abdication of personal responsibility. It's not Facebook's job to take care of you.

>Some customers may get their dick ripped off

Attached: tos.jpg (480x360, 23K)

But at what point do we stop corporations from blatantly taking advantage of stupid people at such a mass scale?

Do we? If we keep swooping in to protect them they'll never learn to stop being stupid

I don't think we can teach stupid people not to be stupid.

If something it the ToS is illegal, they don't become magically authorised just because some people clicked "yes"

TLDR fb niggers should die

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