Best terminal web browser?

Best terminal web browser?

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Lynx LEL

elinks lui


Where did you find that picture of me?

>implying that's you
Cool starry bra.

im ur ex

w3m I think

where did you find pictures of my GF?


There are things that should be done in the terminal and things that definitely shouldn't be.

The web has become way too complex for text only interfaces to handle.

links2 easily

comes in handy occasionally though

w3m for sure
>comes in handy occasionally though

Learn to make a fist faggot

u have itty bitty titties

Where did you find pictures of my daughter?

another plug for w3m.
It can also display images in your terminal (even in tty)


Where did you find pictures of my mom?

Where did you find pictures of me?

This fucking thread again?
They are all shit because all framebuffer and tty developers died of old age and the new bunch all use raspberry PIs with Xorg in Kiosk mode.


Shame no console browsers are actively being updated. I wouldn't think it would be terribly difficult to even make them have some basic DOM support.

I think one browser actually can do js alerts and redirect.

where did you find pictures of my wife's son?

Also, Arachnid.

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>Best shit on a stick?

This is the correct answer. I tried a few out to have as a backup and this was the one I ended up keeping.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-04-25 21-50-43.png (642x433, 65K)

where did you find pictures of my pictures?

>The web has become way too complex
We still have Gopher protocol. Maybe one day there will be a web ring that only has sites that don't ask for cookies, or use java script, or tracking, etc.

elinks 13

W3M is pretty good.


w3m in a tty

Is that a tranny?

eww (Emacs)

what does your dick say?


OP pic: palma cosplay


No you don't. You can't even open Wikipedia or most modern websites in Lynx anymore.

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Hmmmm...what's your motivation for anti-shilling Lynx?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-04-26 10-53-13.png (640x433, 65K)

Nice try. It doesn't work.

Attached: 2018-04-26.png (1200x720, 82K)

>Best terminal web browser?
What is the advantage of using one? Is it just useful for forums?

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ignore the picture, don't know how that got there..

Say an update breaks something or you mess up a configuration and you can only boot to the command line. You still have a functional browser.

I want to grab her tits and let her try punching me as hard as she can



reverse search just leads back to random threads here. one of the few times i'm disappointed i couldn't find more.

oh well, shes cute

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i dont get it

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what are her tits like bros

> install retarded snowflake distro
> too dumb to use
> blame software
Sad! Many such cases.

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I mostly use it with pandoc and discount to view md/docx/... files from a terminal. Very convenient for keeping notes.

thank you

wget a site, mail it to yourself and open it with emacs. that's my routine, at least.

No such thing as terminal web browser anymore. If it's in a terminal it can't display or navigate the modern web.

ITT: Permavirgins

Jow Forums in a nutshell


she's so pretty
tfw no gf

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>He thinks terminals are text only.

its ok bro you can have mine

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There's no stars on her bra, whats so funny?

Use a fucking Smartphone?

I don't have one

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this nigga

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We're cucks