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Why is every laptop and desktop x86? Why no Power or other?

Callisto when

Going through database stuff, specifically a question on designing a relational model for a movie database.
Assuming two relations, Movie and Director, a foreign key should exist within Movie for the Director right? Because there should be a 1:M relationship between Director and Movie (a movie can have 1 director, a director can direct many movies).

The solution shows a new relation, "DirectorOfMovie" which seems entirely pointless, as it only has the DirectorID and MovieID. Am I wrong?

If a movie can have many directors and a director can have many movies, the M:M relationship would have a table inbetween to encapsulate the relationship.

Otherwise yeah Movie would have an FK for director.

Is there any reason not to disable ipv6 on windows 10 as an average joe?

Why does changing the DNS in my router's settings allow me to access websites my ISP blocked and does it affect my internet connection in any way outside of that?

Attached: batyushka.png (1150x646, 504K)

Yeah that makes sense.
But why would a movie have many directors? Is that a thing?

Wachowski brothers / siblings / sisters.
The Russo brothers
Snyder and Whedon
Every multi-directed mess ever (see above)

how to install linux in android?

No user, you are the linux!

Oh yeah, shit

Is it possible to get a freelancer job as a software developer if I'm still in college? If so, how would I do so? I don't know the first thing about entering the freelancer market. How do I advertise myself? How do I price my work?

Can you recommend me free software for pdf editing?

Because your isp is blocking domains, the dns server is how this is done. Consider getting an isp that does not censor its customers access

Since some weeks ago the sound of one of my speakers disappeared.

The speakers work fine on another computer, likewise other speakers or headphones I use also only play the sound on one side.

I googled it and some other people had the same problem and they were told to delete their drivers and let windows reinstall them. I deleted all the sound drivers that I know of in my device manager, restarted and I still only have sound on one speaker. I am technically illiterate, what else can I do?

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Are there free online resources for AWS learning? I get that you have to pay for the certificate/test, but there has to be a way to learn the content of the tests. Also, is it worth it?

is there any kind under-the-hood type differences when using Jow Forums X's extension vs the grease/tampermonkey script?

Can I build a new PC and put my old piece of shit GPU for a couple of months, ubtil I have news/have enough for a good new GPU?

Any other phone fags having issues with clover loading pics?

Just go through tutorials and look up the documents, same as you would any other API/platform. Use the free tier to experiment while working your way up.

If you're a developer those kind of certificates aren't worth your time or money. If you're some sort of system admin, then why you using AWS?

I'm unemployed, and the current company that I'm cosnidering working for, offers jobs relatively fast, if you are certified.

best torrent client? and why

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qBittorent because I use it

If you want to be a real Jow Forumsentooman either qbittorrent Deluge or Transmission all of them are opensource and have great features.


Is there torrent client with a chat option? I want to say hi to the people downloading and seeding stuff.

How do I got about binding a key or shortcut to run a python script on windows?

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As long as it's not absurdly old


My mate is staying with me for a while because of "life". He wants to use my pc for facebook and normie shit. I dont have any social media and only use ablock pro and ghostery plugins on chrome, logged in as me as i live alone. I dont want his browsing habits and normie shit affecting my internet experience. How do i block that shit? Do i need that ablock matrix? There's social media filters for that right? Help plz.

Hello NSA

>I dont want his browsing habits and normie shit affecting my internet experience.
As long as its tied to your ip you will have this shit on you profile.

incognito mode

create a separate user account for him
>affecting my internet experience
How? You're blocking ads already

Thanks, Vuze looks interesting.

1. Normal Windows is only on x86.
2. Objectively better performance -- see top500 supercomputer rankings by architecture and consider that these are built with primary consideration to raw performance and performance per watt.

Is there any reason to disable it?

One reason not to is that the shitty cable modem + router devices Crapcast peddles shit themselves now and then on the IPv4 side, making it IPv6 only until you reboot it.

Go on eLance and start making bids on projects that look interesting and like you could do them.

ABP is weak, ghostery is actively-avoid tier. You want ublock origin. If you want to step it up google "medium mode". You can use it with privacy badger. uMatrix is solid, but requires more knowledge and isn't necessary for what you need.


Got an old 1000he laptop/netbook that's like 8 years old. Upgraded to 2gb ram.
Ran pretty snappy with some small Linux distro a few years back, but then the tiny HDD died.
Saw a 512gb ssd for $100 and said fuck it, bought.
But now I'm thinking, this computer likely only supports 32bit. Would 32bit xubuntu be capable of trim and all that? Is that even necessary on new ssds anymore?

Attached: ASUS_EPC1000HE_BLK005X_Eee_PC_1000HE_Netbook_601814.jpg (500x500, 37K)

>Is there any reason to disable it?
Is privacy concerns a valid reason?

And I mean, I know the speed will be gimped. But still kicks the shit out of 5200rpm.

Having ipv6 on the internal network dosent mean anything.
But i doubt you're getting ipv6 from your isp.
You can disable it but it isnt offering you any security differences.

My mobo is 9 yers old and it supports SATA3 so im assuming your laptop has SATA3, in which case your ssd wont be slowed down.
Trim has nothing to do with what arch your distro is set to.
>is it nessecary
YES, it absolutely is nessecary. Setup fstrim to run once a week and you're good.
Dont go the discard mount option, use fstrim

>32bit xubuntu be capable of trim and all that? Is that even necessary on new ssds anymore?
Yes it would be, and yes it is. 2010 is well into the 64 bit era, although atom was pretty shit back then.

FOSS? Get poppler-utils.
pdftops to convert your pdf into ps
use libreoffice, inkscape or whatever you like to edit the ps file
"print" it to pdf

Free as in beer, for Windows? The free version of PDF X-Change Editor seems to do a fair job of it.

Just whooo is "John Lua"?
His quotes:

First make sure you don't have a stupid situation like pic related. Apart from that, I think it's a hardware issue. You might try a different output jack if you have one. Depending on drivers, it may even be possible to plug the speakers into one of the other colored jacks and tell it that it's normal stereo speakers.

Failing that, get a sound card, either a PCIe device or an external USB one.

Attached: Capture.png (447x535, 24K)

Yeah. It loads thumbs slow as fuck. Full size images and download album seem to work okay for the most part.

rtorrent in screen or tmux if you have Linux. It has an optional web interface available, or you can simply attach to its screen session. I use it on a headless server that doubles as a NAS, and I have it set up so it sees *.torrent files I drop into a directory or in my Dropbox, downloads them, and then sends a push notification to my phone.

qBittorrent of Deluge if you're on Windows. Avoid uTorrent, even the 2.2.1 meme. 2.x were great but have a security hole and some trackers now block them because of it. 3.x and up are shite.

FFS, create a new user account on your PC. When turning it over to him, log out of or fast-user-switch from your account. He'll log in and have his own separate desktop with his own files and browser profile.

>But i doubt you're getting ipv6 from your isp.
Most ISPs where I live are rolling out IPv6 and are starting to discourage IPv4, or tunneling it over IPv6. The v4 address shortage is real.

Thanks. Not sure if it does, I'm leaning towards no. It was pretty cheap, if I remember correctly.
But ssd was a massive huge difference even on sata2 with my old desktop.

Im having issues with clover, its not loading images really. It occasionally loads an op image but everything else is either blank or error. Tried deleting the database.

what commands you guys use for webmcam to record your screen? Im new to the whole webm thing. I just want to make a good quality ~5 mb webms for my friends.

>atom was pretty shit back then.
You ain't kidding. Ran like shit with the bloatware blasted Vista or whatever it was. I was young and dumb when I got it gifted. I'm still pretty dumb.
Linux did the trick, though.

Yeah, if you want a super lean build, go lubuntu. You can even log in with just the openbox WM running.

Yeah. It's busted. Just use a browser until Floens fixes it. I'm using Firefox on Android right now and it works fine.

Anyone else's photos app suddenly go gray?

Attached: screenshot.jpg (1279x680, 120K)

Win10 Photos was never very good. Use a real image viewer like IrfanView.

Photos does include a basic video editor now which makes no sense but can be useful sometimes.

Is lubuntu leaner than xubuntu? I used lubuntu before. I had Bluetooth issues with it, but that might be the laptop despite seeing similar problems with lubuntu online. Sound always seem to be a bitch on computers. HDD died before I could find out.

Also, what's openbox lol. I thought the "l" in lubuntu designated the desktop environment. Again, I'm kinda dumb in some ways.

Yes, XFCE is more of a lower medium. LXDE is the DE, Openbox is the Window Manager it employs, it gives you the option to boot with just that when you feel like it. All DE's have a WM under the surface, managing the GUI. Some people just use a WM and never install a DE at all, if they just want a barebones experience with barely more resources than a headless install.

Well Jow Forumsuys, I need a bootable USB-zip-diskette with GNU/Linux. And by bootable I don't mean crippled Live cd, but real install, so I can boot into in on university's computer and run whatever (Wine to run some chink porn games, when I should do shit in python or js, or run kate instead of shitty sublime) and have riced KDE desktop. They just will not give me root password for obvious reasons, but they've allowed me to boot from USB flash.
What distro you will recommend?
>inb4: don't be poor, buy a 300$ ref. thinkpad

Is there any window builder for wxWidgets for Eclipse?
And could you share good materials/tutorials on wxWidgets?

I just started using firefox and for some reason when I search for something from the start page, it searches through myfirsttab.com which redirects me to yahoo results
why does it do this? I have google set as my default search engine

I'm going to recommend you don't do this. Bring your own computer to school. Or even better, don't play gaymes at school.

>going back to uni for graduate CS degree
>employer is paying, so far so good
>realize I'm going to need a personal laptop
>curriculum is chock full of Microsoft
Quick rundown on windows laptops with decent keyboards and trackpads in the Current Year?

The problem is I have a too good laptop to bring it there, yet I can't buy a craptop, since I don't have extra money.
> Or even better, don't play gaymes at school.
Gnome3 is awful, I'm trying my best not causing shooting (of keyboard, and ThinkCentre AIO in window) because of it. Even worse than Windows updates, really. And I want something usable like KDE or XFCE.

You can use whatever distro you want, it just tends to suck, especially if you don't use a drive that fully utilizes USB 3 spec.

Nothing will suck as hard as fucking foot.

You may have malware. Firefox uses google by default now, last time I installed it.

why didn't avg detect it?

are you searching through the address bar or a firefox widget on the start page?

Alternatives to Notepad++ on Wangblows? I like the feature of non-saved files still being the exact same they were when the program was last closed, dunno if there's a name for this feature, this is pretty much the only thing the alternative must have.

While I'm at it, is there some IDE, or anything to help program XUL Firefox addons other than their own aborted SDK?

Attached: 1b06ac97d5278bba1fcb2b5e8d44ad81c1f321f05be31735de364d1553bdbfe4.jpg (1600x900, 116K)

the search bar on the start page thats there by default

but I just noticed that it does the same thing when I search directly from google.com

Thanks for the explanation. I'll do a bit of reading. Still a total Linux neophyte.
So you're recommending I use lubutu with openbox wm versus xubuntu? Just to clarify.

Go to add-ons and make sure nothing stupid is installed. Then settings to change your default search to Google and remove myfirsttab or whatever.

Have a Pi 3 that's just collecting dust.
Want to turn it into a seedbox.
Preferably Linux OS.
What do?

Lubuntu's the way to go with something that anemic. You can load whatever you feel like at the login screen, plus there's a "netbook mode" that's somewhere in between resource wise.

Just grab a cheap dell with your department reccomended specs and be sure to get the pro warranty for however many years you think you'll be in university. The keyboard is nothing special but nobody makes a good keyboard these days and their pro support is second to none on most campuses.

Get Malwarebytes, my dude. Also, try a browser cleaner. Sounds like a toolbar-esque pesterware.
Only time I ever got one was when I had a rootkit that might have even hit firmware, so don't go easy, either.
Took me a while to clear out.

>install Raspbian
>connect a USB HDD
>install rtorrent and screen
>mess with the .rtorrentrc to change the download location to the HDD and generally make it do what you want
>add a command to /etc/rc.local to start rtorrent inside screen

>browser cleaner
If your browser isn't capable of "cleaning" itself, you really need a better browser.

Cool, glad I probably made the right decision before. I guess I'll run with default for now, aside from getting trim set up.
Should I download desktop or alternate? Don't remember seeing that last time.

>why not tmux?

GPU is fucked. Black screens after boot and right when it should be at login screen. If I switch to the other PCIE slot I actually get about 30 seconds before it dies. Any ideas why this is happening?

Hence the rootkit shit. They were hitting me up in chat acting like my isp company when I opened the browser. It survived a couple reinstalls until I magically did shot right, apparently.

IIRC alternate is for crazy weak shit, like

It was funny seeing them disconnect seemingly instantaneously as soon as you mentioned the words "police report" though.

Or use tmux if you prefer. It doesn't really matter. It's just a container for something you won't be interacting directly with much if you also install the rutorrent web UI.

How do I convert a .gif file into a 4D array in python? I.E., I want a 3D array (x, y, and RGB) for each frame of the gif.

I've tried
from scipy import ndimage

gif_array = ndimage.imread("Test.gif")

But this only returns the 3D array corresponding to the first frame of the gif.

You killed the symptoms. You can never be sure there isn't a keylogger or some shit on there. The capabilities of malware far outstrip that of AVs. Would definitely do a clean install, and seriously improve your pc higene. If anything ever survives a browser profile refresh, it's time to go nuclear.

I've changed every bit if hardware since then and done multiple reinstalls and nothing breached so far.
Same with borthers computer using some of the old parts.

Also, used massive amount of rootkit cleaning and even did firmware flashes on everything I could.
Maybe NSA is watching me or something, but whatever. My primary rig is on Windows 10 anyways.

You live somewhere real humid?
Mobo is almost guaranteed. Maybe GPU.