I kissed a girl when i was 7 years old

i kissed a girl when i was 7 years old

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why did you OP here instead of

did you use a condom

i kissed a girl when i was 12

do you like jake paul

why do you lie on the internet

Kys Mr.BlackUser

Same op
We would play truth or dare at daycare and I'd dare girls to kiss me. Well just one girl who I fancied. Another girl tried to kiss me but she had to chase me down first. She ended up being quite the looker when we got to high school and way out of my league but I fapped to the thought of her chasing me to kiss me when we were 7

Get on my level. I fucked a girl when i was 7.

Have you kissed a girl since then...?

i haven't

did you do her in the ear?

Get on my level. I fucked you when I was 6.

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Were they cute?

Ew cooties

Have you kissed one since?

i recall her being cute, but this was in 2002, so my memory might be glorified

I fingered a girl when I was 25. That was the sexiest 8yo I ever met.

Did you like it?

Me too, except one tiny difference: I kissed a girl when SHE was 7 years old

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