You want to come work with us at

>You want to come work with us at
>Better not be a fucking white male or we'll beat your ass!

what did they mean by this?

Attached: slack.jpg (783x719, 107K)

If you care about representation, it’s because you’re fucking mediocre!

>the only things that jump out in the picture are nigger ready to beat you and dead broke mongrel
that is NOT how you advertise a position!

Post the Coinbase video, lol.

I don't understand how slack's shit chrome app is the most popular thing out right now for remote collab.

>Select all squares with images of things that developers can fit into their arse

It's really simple: The competition is shit.

Slack works so well because it's basically IRC for business. Garbage like Hangouts Chat and Microsoft Teams keeps trying to reinvent the wheel with confusing threaded conversations. Discord is pretty good, but they're too obsessed with the gaming market to compete with Slack. Everything else is either self-hosted or obscure.

Slack lacks the most basic feature that every communication platform should have. Blocking and muting people. Can't block those fucking Slackbots.

>blocking or muting coworkers

Muting is the most important functionality of any communication platform to maintain your sanity. I've been fortunate enough to never work somewhere that uses Slack but from what my friends tell me people set up shitty bots that will say goofy things and you can't block said bots.

It's why I hate the phone system. Anyone can fucking call you without identifying themselves because they can just lie about the callback number, and even if you have your phone set to block non-contacts they can still leave you voicemails. I had to leave my phone on not-silent and answer unknown calls when I was getting a mortgage and it almost drove me mad.

Slack lets you choose which channels you follow. In my company, we have dedicated channels for the kind of bullshit you describe.

Fair enough, apparently my friends work at companies whose main channels are full of that bullshit. I've always worked at places with communicator/lync/whateverthefuck or hangouts (currently hangouts) and I just mute people who message me irrelevant things too much and filter out 95%+ of my email. It's quite relaxing, I don't think I'd be able to deal with a continuous chat channel.

Why does black qt have white arms?

Ton of lighting

>White men upset about not being represented
Fake news

So minorities have been mediocre since they were allowed to speak?


Gee cut me some slack! I just want to slack off at Unlike you slackers I'll be a Slacker working at Slack.


Attached: kek.jpg (378x342, 17K)

This is pretty much true. People who push the diversity nonsense really are just enabling mediocrity.

if it is a web app why don't you just write a userscript to block/mute things