
I finally successfully installed Arch Linux for the first time. I have used Manjaro before. Now what packages shoudl i get?

Also Arch Thread

Attached: neofetch-2018-04-27-10-20-47-30352.png (1600x900, 727K)

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Install Gentoo

maybe on my rpi

Anyway I got git, gcc, atom editor, firefox, I need help installing brave. I also had to manually download Konsole and Dolphin file manager with F3

What is so good about this exactly? I see the icon for it quite a bit these days.

no fucking ads

What about sites that detect adblockers, will it work on them?

That's not quite a peculiarity of brave, my man.

Attached: ublock.png (1200x1200, 60K)

install gparted so fix fucked up usb you will have to deal with. ntfs-3g is also good to have.
the aur is filled with shit, abandon ware, etc, but you may want to have access to it with a helper. i use pacaur
depending your level of autism you can look up packages with pacman -Ss something

That's what I don't get. I can easily enough setup adblocking on Firefox/Chromium, why would I need a different browser for it? Is the adblocking in it better in some way, or is it just some meme?

> 702 packages
How much time is it between your installation and the time you took this screenshot?

Instantly i jumped for joy adter finally building the filesystem correctly


I couldn't even get the bootloader to work properly and gave up.

>rice it all

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-02-05 20-27-19.png (1365x767, 370K)

>git gud

Quitters never win. Winners never quit. Be me. Quit never. Go ahead, read Gentoo's handbook and spend some time installing it yourself, than you'll be officially part of the real Jow Forums man that hang around.

>Quitters never win. Winners never quit
>people who post Paulo Coelho level inspirational quotes

Being happy you installed Arch is like being proud you were able to successfully make a cake.

>trizen of the aur to get started with aur packages
>pandoc/texlive for writing dont be a libreoffice cuck
>mpd/ncmpcpp for music

just to name a few

yeah grub was a pain in the ass for me

check out larbs.xyz

Funny video. The quote is from a nigga from the ghetto. True story.
Stic - Let it burn

I have two disks, sda and sdb.
I wanted to set up root and ESP on sdb, while /home and swap on sda.
I suspect the problem is that there was a previous bootloader on sda that formatting the disk didn't get rid of. This is just my guess, I understand fuck all about this stuff but I've read that formatting doesn't remove the bootloader. The installation would go fine until I got to reboot and end up in the grub rescue with error: unknown filesystem. Nothing worked.
Not arch's fault either, if I try other distros I got to leave sda alone and manually move /home there only after the install. Maybe if I did that earlier arch would have worked.

tcc is better
use vis, faggot.

Also, yay is the best aur wrapper. st and dwm are memes.

>try to install arch
>follow the instructions
>doesn't boot with it, their fstab generator is apparently junk

>fuck this shit
>install gentoo
>werks perfectly

>using a DE
uh, no sweetie, you didn't

I tried installing Arch into my VM.
I got the OS installed, but for the life of me, I couldn't get any desktop environments to install. So I just deleted the whole VM file.
Can someone help me if I reinstall it?

>Now what packages shoudl i get?
the ones you need

>not using what you personally like, instead fall for some meme that "everyone else" follows too

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toji no Miko - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.20_[2018.02.17_01.38.57].jpg (1280x720, 422K)

t. never baked a good cake in her life

so write an fstab?
i use arch and didn't know there was an fstab generator