>95% of all ranjeets literally can'tdu nuffin
95% of all ranjeets literally can'tdu nuffin
the word engineer doesn’t mean what it used to. Like the word “hacker” engineers now include sanitary engineers (janitors), diversity engineer (???), etc.
Fake news. If this was true then why would companies keep hiring people from India? Them working for less money doesn't mean anything if they can't even do the job at all.
Yeah because all them rely on shit like Winforms, don't actually want to actually learn, never do any practice and never try to understand deeper than what high level libraries provide them.
>t. Indian
That whole story is fake news by an Indian recruiting company.
Aspiring Minds is a fraudulent Indian recruiting company. The company literally makes money by making employers think that Indian engineers are shitty and that they can find and filter the best 5% of candidates for them.
Indian programmers suck for other reasons than this story.
It's worse for the kids coming out of American colleges. Can't remember the last time we had a worthwhile American entry or junior-level interviewee who wasn't a literal drooling braindead subhuman. The worst ones are the ones who are arrogant enough to they can BS their way through it.
>destroyingthe controlled media’s
Article credibility destroyed. Next time, don't like your MAGA supporting Russian propaganda boxes.
Also they didn't test "IT engineers". The original story doesn't mention "IT engineers". They tested some b-tech graduates out of technical schools and engineering schools in India even if they were from fields like structural and mechanical engineering.
ok pradeep whatever you say ;D
TL;DR: The whole story is fake news to make companies think they need Aspiring Minds services to find useful engineers.
Link another article but without the maga bullshit.
>Aspiring Minds, Founded in 2008 by Himanshu Aggarwal and Varun Aggarwal is the world leader in hiring test.Taken by 2 million candidates every year and used by 3500+ companies worldwide.
A truly legitimate business model for the 21st century upstart outsourcing business. Don't hire those pajeets, hire our ravchads and nahasapeemapetilons.
Because you can fumble your way towards something that almost works and the few competent people in the job or org take care of the rest.
The problem india has is the huge number of idiots in their country. India has few very intelligent people but they also have several orders of a magnitude more idiots living and breathing in that country. India is rife with corruption and excessive population growth due to the high number of low intelligence people.
Countries that have a high avg number of low IQ people are countries that are failed states. Can't have a functional govt. with morons at the helm or in the general populace since that govt. has to cater to those idiots.
Eat shit lib.
>can't find another source
Kek, article discredited. Maybe next time don't believe everything coming from the Kremlin.
Its probably true. In fact it's probably true for most "programmers". Anyone who's sit in or interviewed new people knows exactly why the interview tests are becoming more extensive or extravagant. Most applicants are not only inept they're fucking lazy as shit and won't even learn on the job. That's why take home tests that take a good day (3 hours my ass lol) are starting to become common with competitive conpanies.
ohhh fuggg :DDDD archive.li
Thank you! Glad there are people who aren't retarded and link actual news, and not putin talk pieces.
>Indian IT expertise
people actually bought into this meme?
Those are not even the same story as in OP. The story in OP is based on fake news from the Indian recruiting company (Aspiring Minds) that have an interest in portraying Indian (and other) engineers as bad as possible so they can sell their recruiting services to employers.
>le all Indian programmers are bad meme
kill yourself Jow Forumstard
>asks for source while being a smug retard
>gets told
>hahaha this isn't even real xDDD
>attempts to save face
>the virgin pajeet
>the ravchad nahaspeemapetilon
Just about all of them are. Professionally, and even in college, every indian I have met has been fucking retarded and had to have their mess cleaned up by someone else. The only two kinds of indians that exist are brain dead fucking dumb and incapable of properly speaking English, and fucking genius who has passable English. The ratio between the two for any given professional seems to be at least 100:1.
But it is not the same story?
Also kill yourself Jow Forumstard. You grandchildren will be brown.
>moving the goalpost
can your thin curry-ridden frame actually handle the weight?