Programming jobs are overpaid. You shouldn't be paid any more than a guy who works as a chef

Programming jobs are overpaid. You shouldn't be paid any more than a guy who works as a chef.

99.9% of programmers are just sitting in cubicles 5 days a week and doing the work expected by managers without using any creativity and not exploring outside the box

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Yes that's true, programming is very blue collar.

chefs are well-paid wtf are you on about


gordon ramsay and guy fieri make a shitload of money though

If this is true, then tell this novice how to get a high paid programming job with minimal skill upgrades

mad that the fucking rich straight white males that you hate have a total comp of over $200k/year fresh out of univ?

>99.9% of programmers are just sitting in cubicles 5 days a week and doing the work expected by managers without using any creativity and not exploring outside the box
yes, we call these programmers "junior" and they don't make that much anyway.

programming is the new factory job basically. and it's still being outsourced to Asia

They are not 99.9% of chefs

How can anyone be overpaid? It's not like programmers are CEOs setting their own salaries.

it's sort of like plumbing: it certainly can be useful to know how to fix your pipes, but if you don't want to learn, you can always get someone else to do it.

>wut is job????

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>contact ability: above average
lol any construction worker is more communicative and confident than your average programmer

No such thing as too highly paid. Honestly, the value of labor needs to be increased across the board.

Ok. I am too busy counting my money to care.

Maybe among the younger American kids. Actually I've noticed this first hand with Americans. Very few of them can hold a conversation at all and it's really hard to get them to communicate properly. Even of the ones I managed to get out of their shells several were literally autistic. Indians on the other hand are so rambunctious it's obnoxious. A lot of them get very arrogant very quick..

>How does labor market werks?

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>You shouldn't be paid any more than a guy who works as a chef.
ok, then why don't you help fix the problem by donating some of your income to your local chef or to other "underpaid" workers? You are privileged enough to have a computer and the time to shitpost on Jow Forums, I'm sure you can scrap together something decent. Be the change you want to see.

They wouldn't be overpaid if they weren't producing value worth that pay.
So what you should be saying is that the software industry generates too much money.

good programmers are very rare.

It's a high skill job though and you have freedom in implementation as long as you're not writing spaghetti.

There's a reason why plenty of CS courses at Universities teach design now.

>any more than a guy who works as a chef

So why do I have an actual chef as a client because the stuff bewilders her and pisses her off?

Maybe in LA where you'll end up only actually having about 20k disposable income after the cost of living

All of the "senior" engineers (guys with 15+ years experience) at my work just implement what the higher ups tell them, sure finding the solution is creative but not what they're doing

I make 200k a year in LA and have 120k of disposable income after taxes and living expenses.

This is bullshit, especially the math knowledge. I work in quantitative research and I have clients who are (medical) doctors specializing in research and they can barely tell a t-test from a pregnancy test.

>[X] is overpaid, [naive justification]
throw it on the pile


>Programming jobs are overpaid
This is a good thing.

>Doctor Concentration - Below Average

Are you actually retarded or just a programmer? You're trying to tell me that the ability to concentrate for 12+ hours on a single surgery where the slightest mistake will cause death is a below average skill?

Your living expenses are 10k/year in LA?

>Doctor = surgeon performing extensive life or death operations

Pajeets are overpaid, yes.

You know that the majority of doctors are your average GP, right?

and you know that the majority of programmers are code monkeys that cant keep off reddit for more than 10 minutes in a row?

Nope. You shouldn't conflate yourself with the majority of programmers.

Nice bait thread faggot, programming is insanely hard most of the time when it comes to solving complex problems. Let's see you program banking software that thousands of people use to transfer money Yea, that's what I thought.

def send_money(source, target, amount):
source.amount -= amount
target.amount += amount

Wow so hard.


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I live with an elderly woman in the woods next to a big mountain

>$1m has been deposited into your bank account courtesy of bank of america. Thank you for solving this very difficult problem for us!

>ok, then why don't you help fix the problem by donating some of your income to your local chef or to other "underpaid" workers? You are privileged enough to have a computer and the time to shitpost on Jow Forums, I'm sure you can scrap together something decent. Be the change you want to see.
what did he mean by half of any of this? Truly a silly man.

>Communist doesn't understand basic economics

Hopefully under a communist government which we WILL be getting soon. these overpaid capitalist cats will get a fair wage instead of an over inflated one.

then we will get some decent programmers

I know this is a joke but it just reminded me that there are unironically government cucks on Jow Forums of all places.

the wage gap is causing this

100% agree. People have started to realize that the job of a programmer is quite easy and even women can do it.

I wouldn't be surprised if coders at cheap code mills were paid worse by the hour than cooks at expensive restaurants.

Supply and demand, bitch.

>comparing a 5 star restaurant to revature
there's a lot of people making more than the bottom end of the code monkey market

>get paid $125 per hour in India doing work for murrican clients
>dont pay taxes
>cost of living is very low in India
>live in a 4000 sq feet duplex house with 5 bedrooms, italian marble floors and garden
>buy crypto with disposable income

Why are you all poor?

>dealing with money without locks/concurrency

>posted from my mothers mold infested basement

If your reading comprehension is that poor perhaps you should take a remedial course.

You couldn't even come up with a story that didn't have you living in literal shit.

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